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Japan Professor: Leaders of Fukushima City refused to evacuate population of 400,000 after being asked by gov’t — Media didn’t report this thinking it would cause panic
Published: March 11th, 2013 at 1:57 am ET By ENENews
公開:2013年3月11日、午前1:57 ET ENENewsによる
Title: Truth to Power: Japanese Media, International Media and 3.11 Reportage
Source: JapanFocus
Author: David McNeill
Date: March 11, 2013
[Ito Mamoru, professor of media and cultural studies at Waseda University]: Around March 15th or 16th the central government directly asked Fukushima City if they wanted to evacuate the population of 400,000. The city refused, but the media decided not to report this because they thought it would cause panic. The government once considered extending the evacuation zone as far as Fukushima City.
Then later, when the 20 millisieverts issue rose (the government upped the annual limit of “acceptable” radiation limits in schools from 1 – 20 MSv) they didn’t evacuate young children who should most definitely have been taken out of Fukushima and Koriyama cities.
See also: TV: Officials outside Fukushima told not to accept voluntary evacuees from Fukushima? "Oh, finally, they confessed and gone this far" (VIDEO)
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