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Nuclear Scientist: Fukushima an apocalyptic disaster that will haunt future generations; World now an experimental lab with humans as guinea pigs — Japan Gov’t Report: Fukushima is worse than 3/11 quake and tsunami
Published: December 9th, 2014 at 8:53 am ET By ENENews
公開:2014年12月9日、午前8:53 ET ENENewsによる
Excerpts from Op-Ed by Quamrul Haider, Ph.D., Chair of Dept. of Physics at Fordham University, Dec 4, 2014 (emphasis added):
The fraternity of nuclear scientists… create the impression… their extremely risky projects have been carefully thought out in every detail and are inspired by the spirit of greatest responsibility… A large section of the scientific community… believes [their accident simulations are] about as reliable as tomorrow’s weather forecast [and] that by building nuclear power plants in populated areas, the whole world becomes an experimental laboratory with human beings as guinea pigs.
核科学者(同士)の友愛は...印象を作り出す...彼らの非常に危険なプロジェクトは、慎重に細部まで考え抜かれています、そして最大責任の精神によって触発されている...科学界の大部分は...[彼らの事故シミュレーションは] 明日の天気予報と同様に信頼性が高いと信じている、[そして]その人口密集地域に原子力発電所を建設することにより、全世界がモルモットとして人間を扱う実験室になっている。
There is always the possibility of a major disaster. The basic difference between nuclear and other industrial accidents lies in the long-range repercussions… one could forget about the havoc wrought, for example, by the explosion of a gas pipeline or the breaching of a dam… But an accident in a nuclear power plant, such as a reactor getting out of control, is capable of doing more than immediate harm.
Examples of the deadly long-term effects of a reactor accident are Chernobyl and Fukushima [which] will linger on for ages to haunt the future generations. Among the survivors there will be many cases of permanent sterility, increase of genetic mutation in our progenies, and a shortened life span as a result of cancer and other radiogenic diseases.
[It's] irresponsible and misleading to suppress the consequences of radiation… [A]ttempts are made… to blind the people by equating nuclear accidents with more familiar hazards… an unlimited risk is falsely portrayed as a limited one and glossed over in a manner that is not only unconscionable, but also unpardonable. These deceptions are further camouflaged by the way in which they are presented to the public… the far-reaching consequences of lethal radiation are overly simplified. In the post-Chernobyl and post-Fukushima era, these… do not hold water.
放射能の影響を隠し抑えること[は]無責任で人を誤らせる...より身近な危険と原子力事故を同等とみなすことによって人々を盲目にしようとする... [試]みがなされた...無制限のリスクが間違って、制限された(リスク)として描かれている、そして非良心的なだけでなく、許し難い方法で誤魔化されている。これらの詐欺は、公衆に提示される方法によって、より一層カムフラージュされている...致死的放射能の遠大な影響を過度に平易化される。ポストチェルノブイリとポスト福島の時代では、これら(の詐欺)は...(水も漏らさぬほど)完璧ではない。
Wars, plagues, famines and natural disasters were known as the four horsemen of the apocalypse… After Chernobyl and Fukushima, nuclear accidents can be added [as another] horseman of the apocalypse.
Critics describe nuclear reactor as one of the most dangerous technological beasts that mankind has devised and nuclear accident as “A Nuclear War without a War.”
The consequences can assume dimensions that do not take second place to the consequences of earthquake… and in a way actually exceeds them.
R/V Marai — Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC, administered by gov’t of Japan): The great earthquake [and] tsunami with its height of more than 10 m attacked mainly the Pacific coastline of Tohoku district and approximately thirty thousand people were killed, missing or injured. What is worse is that Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant was seriously damaged… a gigantic radiation has been leaking to the atmosphere, land and ocean. After this record crisis, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) requested JAMSTEC… monitor [the] level of radiation.
R/V マライ−海洋研究開発のための独立行政法人(日本政府により運営される海洋研究開発機構):大地震[および]10m以上の高さを有する津波が、東北地方の太平洋の海岸線を中心に襲来し、約30万人が殺されたか、行方不明あるいは負傷をした。さらに悪いことには、福島第一原子力発電所が深刻な被害を受けた...膨大な放射能が大気、陸および海に漏れました。この記録的危機の後に、文部科学省(文部科学省)は、海洋研究開発機構に要請した...放射能の[レベル]を監視することを。
See more about Dr. Haider’s nuclear experience here
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