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Oxford Professor in Japan: Well so what if Fukushima had triple meltdown? People enjoy effects of radioactive contamination; Sunshine is much more dangerous; Effect of radiation same as oxygen — Former WHO Official: “The man is dangerous… He’s a crank” (VIDEOS)
Published: December 4th, 2014 at 2:39 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2014年12月4日、午後2:39 ET ENENewsによる
Wade Allison, Emeritus Professor of Physics at Oxford University, Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan, Dec 3, 2014 (emphasis added):
7:30 — Nuclear protestors have no good arguments for saying that nuclear is dangerous, this is demonstrated by what happened at Fukushima.
7分30秒 − 原子力への抗議は、核は危険ですと語るための名論ではない、これは福島で何が起こったかによって実証される。
19:30 – The scientific question is, ‘Why is radiation so safe?‘ Because it is very powerful and so that’s very surprising… That’s the job biology does… Any life form that did not look after the effects of radiation and oxygen, which does the same kind of thing, would fail.
27:30 — On holiday… we should take [children] around a nuclear power station.
31:00 — What can we do to explain… to people and shove under their noses?
39:15 – That excellent film Pandora’s Promise, anybody who hasn’t seen that should.
45:00 — [Bury the used nuclear fuel] anywhere, anywhere… Fission products [have a] half-life is 30 years or so… it quickly becomes the same activity as the stuff that you dig out of the ground. You need a mine or a hole in the ground which is going to contain stuff for 500 years — but it doesn’t have to be perfect.
45分−[使用済み核燃料を埋没しなさい]何処でもいい、どこでもいい...核分裂生成物は、半減期が30年程度で[ある]... それは速やかに、あなた方が地面を掘り出したものと同じ活性になります。あなた方は、500年前からの物質を含有しているであろう地面の中に、坑道や穴が必要です−しかし、それは完璧である必要はありません。
Here in Japan, people go to Onsen, and enjoy the effects of radioactive contamination of groundwater… everybody’s very happy to do that. That’s what they do on holiday.
47:30 — Triple meltdown? Where did you get those words from? Hollywood? What do you mean by a triple meltdown? So what? I’m telling you — so nothing, very much… Triple meltdown, well so what?… It wasn’t a tragedy.
52:45 — The sunshine… that’s much more dangerous… than nuclear radiation.
52分45秒−日照...それは核放射能よりも... はるかに危険だ。
1:01:45 — We need people’s confidence. We need to talk to children in school.
1:04:45 — The idea that special precautions have to be taken just doesn’t wash, nuclear is not especially dangerous. It’s not as dangerous as fire.
Allison at the Institute of Physics: New safety levels for human radiation exposure are suggested… 100 mSv in total in any month; 5,000 mSv as a total of whole-of-life exposure.
Keith Baverstock, head of the World Health Organization’s Radiation Protection Program for Europe (1991-2003), Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan, Nov 20, 2014:
20:00 — Question: My name is Hiroyuki Fujita, [inaudible] Shimbun editor/writer… According to [Dr. Wade Allison], so called low dose radiation, 100 mSv or less, not so bad for human health… all the scientific knowledge is rooted on the experience of the fruit fly.
21:00 – Wade Allison, do you know what his scientific expertise is? Physics… not public health, not medicine, not biology… I did a review of [his] book… I said his book is highly entertaining… it is fiction…
21分−ウェイド・アリソン、あなたは彼(アリソン)の科学的専門知識が何であるかを知っていますか? 物理学です...公衆衛生ではなく、医学、生物学ではない...私は[彼]の本のレビューを(読みま)した...私は彼の本は非常に面白いと言います...それはフィクションです...
We don’t have to rely on fruit flies to know what the effects of radiation are.
We know what they are on human health. We have a lot of epidemiological information — which he ignores. I think the man is dangerous, I think you are putting yourself in a dangerous position if you believe him… He’s a crank.
Watch Allison’s FCCJ presentation here | Watch Baverstock’s FCCJ presentation here
ここでアリソンの日本外国特派員クラブFCCJの発表を見る| ここでベイバーストックの日本外国特派員クラブFCCJの発表を見る
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