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Japan Gov’t-funded Report: MOX fuel particles found over 100 km from Fukushima — Plutonium-239 levels ‘significantly enhanced’ after Reactor 3 explosion — Nuclear fuel material transported in atmosphere across long distances (MAP)
Published: December 5th, 2014 at 10:09 am ET By ENENews
公開:2014年12月5日、午前10:09 ET ENENewsによる
American Chemical Society (2014), Excerpts from Airborne Plutonium and Non-Natural Uranium from the Fukushima DNPP Found at 120 km Distance a Few Days after Reactor Hydrogen Explosions (emphasis added):
Plutonium release from the damaged FDNPP was confirmed… the release of Pu [plutonium] and U [uranium] from the FDNPP to the atmosphere is still not well-known. We analyzed the isotopic compositions of Pu and U… 120km south−southwest of the FDNPP.
損傷を受けた福島第一原子力発電所からのプルトニウム放出が確認された...福島第一原発からのPu[プルトニウム]およびU [ウラン]の大気中への放出はまだよく知られていない。我々は、プルトニウム及びウランの同位体組成を分析した...福島第一原発の120キロメートル南南西において。
Uranium in Aerosol Samples… In the weeks immediately after the reactor hydrogen explosion, a higher n(236U)/n(238U) than before was observed… we conclude that the U on the filter with increased n(236U)/n(238U) are affected by the FDNPP.
Plutonium in Aerosol Samples… Five samples show a significantly enhanced count rate of 239Pu of more than 0.07 cps… The content of 239Pu in sample 5… was [8,900,000] atoms… n(240Pu)/n(239Pu) and n(241Pu)/n(239Pu) in five Pu-rich samples… correspond to the ratio observed in the litter sample near the FDNPP.
エアロゾル試料中のプルトニウム...5つのサンプルは、プルトニウム239が0.07(毎秒係数counts per second CPS)を超えて大幅に高まった計数値を示している...サンプル5のプルトニウム239の含有量は ...[890万]原子だった... 5つのプルトニウムが豊富なサンプルにおける、n(プルトニウム240)/n(プルトニウム239)と、n(241プルトニウム)/ n(プルトニウム239)は...福島第一原発近くの塵サンプルで観察された比率に対応していた。
Most probably the Pu and the nonnatural U found in this study were transported… with the plume of the hydrogen explosion in the Unit 3 reactor, which was equipped with a mixed core of uranium fuel, and mixed uranium and plutonium oxides (MOX). Gamma-ray dose rate… began to increase on March 15… This observation together with the wind direction allow us to assume that the unusual Pu and U were transported with this plume from the FDNPP over 120 km distance on March 15… Pu and U detected in this study were presumably small particles from the fuel removed by some process and transported over long distance by wind. To our knowledge, this is the first verification using the analytical data of Pu and non-natural U that the fuel materials from the FDNPP were transported in the atmosphere over a distance of 120 km.
This research was funded by Helmholtz Zentrum München, Universität Wien, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie and Japan Atomic Energy Agency.
Previous report based solely on study’s abstract here: Plutonium found 120 km from plant; Pu and non-natural uranium certainly increased in environment前のレポートは、ここにある研究の要約文(アブストラクト)にのみに基づいている:プルトニウムは原発から120キロメートルで発見された。プルトニウム及び非天然ウランは確実に環境中に増加した
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