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CBS: Now 2 US sailors dead after Fukushima radiation exposure — Doctor: Officials have to re-look at this entire situation — Reporter who served on USS Reagan: “We were done so wrong… Critical health risk to all of us onboard… People are not realizing how serious the issue is” (VIDEO)
Published: November 25th, 2014 at 12:11 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2014年11月25日、午後12:11 ET ENENewsによる
California State University, Northridge, Nov 12, 2014: Little did [U.S. Navy veteran Kelli Serio, 25] know her service would change the way she viewed the system she vowed her loyalty to… Serio may have been affected by radiation during what she calls her “final and most personally sacrificing deployment” in Japan… at 18, she enlisted in the U.S. Navy [and] was deployed off Japan’s coast… to assist with the cleanup of the Fukushima nuclear plant.
While there, her carrier acted as a floating fuel station… Serio said she’ll never forget the day her captain said their water filtration system had been compromised… “I feel like we were done so wrong,” Serio said. “We were drinking the water.” Serio said she and the other 70,000 first responders have been dismissed by the government as if nothing happened out there. She wants justice…
Serio’s team-like mentality has also led to her modeling with organizations like Pin-Ups for Vets… to help bring up the morale of veterans and current soldiers [and] bring awareness to the men and women who’ve served their country through speaking engagements and visiting patients at veteran hospitals… [E]arlier this year… she met her friend and mentor, Fox News reporter Hollie McKay [who recommended] Serio for a reporter position at []… Her first piece for the website was a first-hand account of and a look back at Operation Tomodachi.
セリオのチームのような物の考え方はまた、復員軍人雇用訓練局(=Veterans' Employment and Training Service)用のピンアップのように、組織によって彼女をモデルに導いている...退役軍人や現在の兵士の士気を高めるのに役立っている[そして]退役軍人病院で約束を話し、患者を訪問することを通じて、自分たちの国の役に立ってきた男性と女性に認識をもたらすのに役立っている...[今]年早々に...彼女は自分の友人や良き指導者に会った、[ブライトバート・コム]でレポーターの立場としてセリオを(推奨)するフォックスニュース記者のホリー・マッケイ...ウェブサイトにとって彼女の最初の作品は、トモダチ作戦の直接的評価と見直しであった。
Tahlequah Daily Press, Aug 7, 2014: USS Ronald Reagan… passed through radiation plumes and clouds… the ship and most of those onboard, tested positive for radiation exposure… Serio, now a broadcast journalism major at [CSUN], has recently written a column… on “I feel as if people are not realizing how serious the issue is, and I would like to shed as much light on it as possible,” said Serio.
タレクゥア・デイリー・プレス、2014年8月7日:アメリカ海軍ロナルド・レーガンは...放射能プルームと雲を通過した...船と殆どの乗船員は、放射能被ばくのための検査で陽性であった...[ カリフォルニア大学ノースリッジ校CSUN]で今放送ジャーナリズムの主要な(立場である)セリオは、最近ブライトバート・コムで...コラムに書いています。「人々はその問題がどの位深刻であるかを悟っていないかのように、私は感じる、そして私はそれに可能な限り多くの光を当てたいと思います、」とセリオは語った
Breitbart, by Kelli Serio, Jul 23, 2014: I was onboard the USS Ronald Reagan [and went] directly through a radiation cloud. The commanding officer warned us that our water and ventilation systems had been contaminated, posing a critical health risk to all of us onboard. We were advised to refrain from showering or drinking water… Sailors worked tirelessly… while being left vulnerable to dangerous levels of radiation… most of us onboard the ship were tested for radiation exposure and many came back positive, resulting in full-body scrubdowns…
[W]e were issued gas masks… myself and other junior sailors were asked to don protective garments in an effort to decontaminate the ship… Proper medical care for the victims of radiation exposure [is needed, it's a] dire situation for many… Many of us are enduring the unfortunate consequences [and] hoping for care from the VA that appears to never arrive… we are reassured of our good health, despite the presence of mysterious and unexplained symptoms… A lack of coverage by the mainstream media has left victims without a voice… We do not want to be forgotten.
[私]たちは、ガスマスクを支給された...自分や他の下級船員は、船を除染する労作(骨折り)のため防護服を着用するように求められた...放射能被曝の犠牲者のための適切な医療が[必要とされた、それは]多くの人にとって悲惨な状況だ...私たちの多くは不幸な結果に耐えている[そして] アメリカ合衆国退役軍人省(United States Department of Veterans Affairs)からのケアを期待しているが、それが届いていないように見えます...私たちは、不可解で説明の付かない症状が存在するにもかかわらず、自分たちの健康を安心させられている...主流メディアによる報道の欠如は、声無き犠牲者をそのままにしている...私たちは忘れてはしたくない。
CBS San Francisco, Nov 21, 2014: Rare cancers, blindness, birth defects and now, two deaths. Hundreds of U.S. sailors… say they were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation… [Steve] Simmons… began feeling weak and sick with uncontrolled fevers… Soon he was in a wheelchair, unable to walk. He says military doctors would never tell him what was wrong. “Every one of them wanted to discredit radiation as a possible cause,” Simmons said… “[There's] evidence that the doses that were assumed to be on board the USS Reagan may have been under-reported,” said Dr. Robert Gould, a former Kaiser pathologist… “Given that there is more information that has come out, I think you would have to re-look at the entire situation,” said Dr. Gould. >> Watch the CBS broadcast here
CBSサンフランシスコ、2014年11月21日:希な癌、失明、先天性欠損、今2人が死亡。何百もの米国船員が...自分たちは危険なレベルの放射能に暴露された、と言う... [スティーブ]・シモンズは...制御されない発熱を伴う弱体と病気を感じ始めた...すぐに彼は車椅子(の生活)になった、歩くことができません。彼は、軍の医師が何が間違っていたかを自分に決して言わない、と語る。「彼ら乗組員の誰もが、考えられる原因として、放射能を疑いたかった、」とシモンズは語った...「アメリカ海軍レーガンに乗船していた場合に推定された(放射)線量は、過小に報告されている証拠が[あります]、」とロバート・グールド、かつてのカイザー病理学者は言った...「出てきた、より多くの情報を得て、あなた方は全体の状況を見直す必要があるでしょう、と私は考える、」とグールド博士は述べた。>>ここでCBS放送を視聴する
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