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Official back from Fukushima: Invisible blanket of death covers everything… it’s a nightmare — LA Times: Parents suspect heart defects related to Fukushima — Former WHO expert blasts U.N. Fukushima report, warns of cancer spike (VIDEO)
Published: December 2nd, 2014 at 1:32 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2014年12月2日、午後1時32分ET ENENewsによる
L.A. Times, Nov 19, 2014 (emphasis added): With radiation from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant still a concern, [the Segawa family] decided that keeping their children in Fukushima was too risky… In October, the couple had a fourth child, who was born prematurely [with] heart problems that… will require two surgeries. The couple can’t help but wonder whether being in Fukushima may have some connection. “It doesn’t feel good,” said Segawa… Radiation concerns in Fukushima… There is good reason for mothers to be worried about the local water supply, [Eihito Tsuboi of the nonprofit Fukushima Inochinomizu] said, because it is not screened for such radioactive particles as strontium…
Many experts believe there is… cause for worry. A 2013 World Health Organization report predicted there would be an uptick of thyroid cancer, breast cancer and leukemia… Masamichi Nishio, honorary director of the Hokkaido Cancer Center, agreed, saying the government has not sufficiently warned the public… Toshihide Tsuda, a professor of epidemiology at Okayama University, said… he strongly agrees with Nishio. “I find it problematic the Japanese public hasn’t been properly informed by the government to this date because (low levels of radioactive particles) can trigger cancer,” he said.
Stephane Dion, member of Canada’s Parliament who served as Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of the Environment, Dec 1, 2014: The Fukushima shock — Seeing Fukushima’s evacuated area is quite a shock. It is one thing to imagine it, another to see the consequences of the nuclear disaster with your own eyes… an invisible blanket of death covers everything… it is there and will be for decades, perhaps longer… The specter of cancer haunts… constantly. What does the future hold… Leukemia? Thyroid cancer? A deformed baby?…
[A] nightmare being lived by the [people] of Fukushima Prefecture… Three reactors suffered a catastrophic meltdown and a fourth was damaged… contaminating a 30,000-square-kilometre area… [I visited] Japan from September 30 to October 8, 2014… On a supposedly decontaminated street in the small town of Tomioka, we were told to get back on the bus after 10 minutes because the radiation level was too high…
[1つの]悪夢が福島県の[人々]の近くに住みついている...3つの原子炉は、壊滅的なメルトダウンを被り、4号機は破損していた...3万平方キロメートルの面積を汚染された... 2014年9月30日から10月8日まで、日本を[私は訪問した] ...富岡の小さな町で、おそらく除染路上で、私たちは10分後にバスに戻るように言われた、何故ならば放射能レベルが高すぎたためである...
[P]roven falsifications perpetrated by [TEPCO] have been pointed out… the government kept making reassuring statements… perceived as a form of manipulation, generating a feeling of resentment and bitterness that is still very strong today… Some Japanese will tell you the story of the TEPCO scientist who… went as far as to declare: “Smiling people are not affected by radiation. Only worried people are. That has been proved in animal testing.”… Fukushima is here to testify to the damage an overly reckless humankind can inflict on itself.
[証明]された[東京電力] によって行われた偽造が指摘されている...政府は気強い発言を保っています... 小細工の形式として認識され、今日でもまだ非常に強い憤慨で辛辣な感を生み出す...一部の日本人はあなた方に東京電力の科学者の話を教えてくれます...彼は遠くまで宣言するために行きました:「笑顔の人が放射能の影響を受けません。心配ばかりしている人々がいる。それは動物試験で証明されている。」... あまりにも向こう見ずな人類が人類自体に負わせることができる損害を証明するために、福島はここにあります。
Asahi Shimbun, Dec 1, 2014: British researcher blasts U.N. report on Fukushima cancer risk as unscientific — [A former World Health Organization (UN agency) radiation expert] panned a United Nations report that virtually dismissed the possibility of higher cancer rates… Keith Baverstock, 73, made the comments during a visit to Tokyo… Baverstock said a report released in April by the U.N… was “not qualified to be called ‘scientific’” [and] the committee should be disbanded… [Baverstock] said radiation levels shown in the report were enough to cause a spike in cancer…
He also questioned UNSCEAR’s neutrality… members are nominated by nations that have a vested interest in nuclear power… [which] provide funds to the committee. Baverstock also suggested a conflict of interest, as committee members are not required to disclose their history working in the nuclear industry or sign pledges stating that no conflict of interest exists… Baverstock said that when he was working for the WHO, he felt constant pressure from the [IAEA] a major promoter of nuclear power…
彼はまた、原子放射線の影響に関する国連科学委員会(United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation)UNSCEARの中立性に疑問を持った...メンバーは、原子力発電に強い関心を持っている国によって指名されている...[その国は]委員会に資金を提供する。委員会メンバーは、原子力産業での仕事の履歴を開示する、あるいは利害対立が存在しないことを述べる誓約書にサインする必要ありませんので、ベイバーストックは利益相反を示唆した...ベイバーストックはまた、彼がWHOで働いていた時、原子力発電の主要な推進者である[国際原子力機関IAEA]から絶え間無い圧力を感じた、と語った...
Watch Baverstock’s presentation in Tokyo here
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