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TV: “Barrier is not holding” at Fukushima plant — All efforts have failed to stop very high levels of radioactive materials flowing into ocean — Officials: More water’s coming in than we were pumping out — Workers now trying to prevent overflow (VIDEO)
Published: November 19th, 2014 at 12:15 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2014年 11月19日、午後12:15 ET ENENewsによる
Mainichi, Nov 18, 2014 (emphasis added): Attempt to stop water flowing into trench at Fukushima plant fails… TEPCO determined that the leak must be continuing… critics have pointed out the possibility of it escaping into the ocean… TEPCO planned to freeze the water… However, the water was insufficiently frozen to stop the flow, and while an effort continued until Nov. 6 to fill in the gaps in the ice with special cement, this effort also failed… While the water remains in the trench, TEPCO cannot create a planned underground wall of frozen soil around the No. 1 through 4 reactor buildings…
NHK, Nov 18, 2014: Officials… say a barrier designed to prevent radioactive water from entering underground tunnels is likely not doing its job… highly-radioactive water from tunnels under the facility… leaks to surrounding soil… Monday, workers removed 200,000 liters of water, estimating that water levels in the tunnels would drop by 80 cm. However, the levels went down by only 20.
NHK、2014年11月18日:当局(関係者) が言うには...地下トンネルに入る放射性(汚染)水を防ぐように設計されたバリアは、おそらくその役目をしていません...施設下のトンネルから高放射性水...土壌周囲に漏れる...月曜日、作業員は水20万リットルを取り除いた、トンネル内の水位が80 cm低下するだろうと推定した。しかし、レベルはわずか20cmしか低下しなかった。
NHK World (original): Officials [at] the Fukushima plant have another problem… Officials concluded more water was likely entering the tunnels from the reactor building than was being pumped out… Officials say workers [plan to fill tunnels with cement] carefully to prevent contaminated water from overflowing.
NHKワールド(オリジナル):福島原発[の]関係者(当局)は別の問題を持っている... 関係者(当局)は、汲み出されたよりも、より多くの水が原子炉建屋からトンネルに入ったと結論付けた...当局は、作業員がオーバーフローからの汚染水を防ぐために、慎重に[セメントでトンネルを埋める計画を立てている]、と言います。
NHK World (updated): The aim is to prevent the water from leaking into the surrounding soil but the barrier is not holding back the water… Officials concluded more water was likely entering the tunnels from the reactor building than was being pumped out.
Japan Times, Nov. 19, 2014: Tepco unable to halt tainted water flowing… from the No. 2 reactor building to underground tunnels at [Fukushima Daiichi,] officials said. Tepco has injected cement… but water levels suggest the effort has remained unsuccessful… The company began the cement injections after failing to create an “ice wall”… Tepco pumped 200 tons of tainted water out of the tunnels Monday… [If] completely sealed, water levels would have fallen roughly 80 cm [yet levels only dropped 20 cm], the officials said, indicating the possibility that contaminated water is still flowing into the tunnels. The officials also noted the possibility that groundwater may be flowing into the tunnels. However… the amount of radioactive materials in the tunnel water is very high, an official in the Nuclear Regulation Authority said. “Concentrations should have been lower if large amounts of groundwater are really flowing in”
ジャパンタイムズ、2014年11月19日:東京電力は... [福島第一] 2号原子炉建屋から地下トンネルへの汚染水の流れを停止できない、と当局者は語った。東京電力はセメントを注入している...しかし水位は、努力が失敗したままであることを示唆している...同社は「凍土壁」の造設に失敗した後、セメントの注入を開始した...東京電力は月曜日にトンネルの外に汚染水200トンをポンプで汲み出した... [もし]完全に密封されているならば、水位は約80cmに低下しただろう[しかしまだレベルはわずか20cmしか低下していない]と当局者は言った、当局者はまた、地下水がトンネルに流入している可能性を指摘している。しかしながら...トンネルの水中にある放射性物質の量は非常に高い、と原子力規制委員会で関係者は語った。「もし大量の地下水が本当に流入しているならば、濃度は低くならなければならない。」(訳者より:呆れた大嘘!)
Jiji Press, Nov. 19, 2014:The tunnels are believed to contain some 5,000 tons of tainted water. Some observers believe the water may be leaking into the ground and reaching the Pacific.
Watch NHK’s broadcast here
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