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Fukushima Student: “It seems like we are about to get killed” — “Anyone, please, please save the lives of Fukushima people and children… Gov’t abandoned us… Japan is clearly going insane… Nothing has gotten better” (VIDEO)
福島生徒:「私たちは殺されようとしているように思える」−「誰か、どうか福島の人々と子どもたちの命を救って下さい... 政府は私たちを見捨てた...日本は明らかに発狂している...何もよくなっていない」(映像)
Published: November 13th, 2014 at 8:36 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2014年11月13日、午後8:36 pm ET ENENewsによる
IMDb – Kakusei: The Fukushima End (2014), Blondion Productions: Today the Japanese government assures its people of Fukushima’s safety and urges residents to move back. However, citizens are not convinced… Through the experiences of five individuals, this documentary reflects upon how culture has influenced the choices citizens make everyday, and how those have changed.
IMDB−「覚醒」:福島の終わり(2014)、 ブロンディオン・プロダクション:今日、日本政府は福島の安全の人々を保証する、そして移動して戻るように住民に促している。しかし、市民は納得していない...5人の個人経験を通じて、このドキュメンタリーは、文化が市民が日常行う選択に如何に影響を与えたか、そして如何にそれらが変わったかを映し出している。
Closing scene from ‘Kakusei’:
Hikaru Abe, student in Soma, Fukushima (40 km north of Fukushima Daiichi) who stayed behind after his mother and younger brother evacuated: “Nothing has gotten better… The government was incapable to deal with issues, covered up information we needed and even put pressure on us. While many human errors were seen, people in Fukushima worked hard to move on with the support from all over the country. Fukushima is in the process of recovery. Our government abandoned us. Anyone, please, please save the lives of Fukushima people and children. Japan is clearly going insane. It seems like we are about to get killed. Please lend your strength to Fukushima.”
母親と弟が避難した後に居残ったアベ・ヒカル(福島第一の40キロメートル北)相馬、福島の学生:「何も良くなっていない...政府は、問題に対処することができなかった、 我々が必要な情報を隠蔽した、そして私たちに圧力さえもかける。多くの人為的ミスが見られた一方で、福島の人々は全国から支援を受けて上に先進するために懸命に働いた。福島は回復の過程にある。私たちの政府は私たちを放棄した。誰か、どうか福島の人々と子どもたちの命を救って下さいませ。日本は明らかに発狂している。私たちは殺されようとしているように思える。福島にあなた方の力を貸して下さい。」
The documentary is extremely well produced. Its thoughtful subject matter, eye-catching cinematography and excellent sound design will hopefully soon be seen by millions. According to the film’s official trailer posted last year, “We are currently in need of funding to complete and distribute the film. Please lend your support and donate:”
ドキュメンタリーは非常によく作られている。 その思いやりの主題、目を引く映画撮影と優れたサウンド•デザインは、希望を抱いて、すぐに数百万人によって見られます。昨年掲示された映画の公式予告編によると、「私たちは現在、映画を完成し配給するために資金調達の必要性がある。ご支援とご寄付をよろしくお願いします:。」
This letter by Tomoko Hatsuzawa, a mother in Fukushima City, expresses sentiments similar to those shared by Hikaru. Hatsuzawa gave the letter to Hiroko Tabuchi of The New York Times, who also translates: “To people in the United States and around the world, I am so sorry for the uranium and plutonium that Japan has released into the environment. The fallout from Fukushima has already circled the world many times, reaching Hawaii, Alaska, and even New York. We live 60 kilometers (37 miles) from the plant and our homes have been contaminated beyond levels seen at Chernobyl…
But the government will not help us. They tell us to stay put… I was eight years old when the Fukushima Daiichi plant opened. If I had understood what they were building, I would have fought against it. I didn’t realize that it contained dangers that would threaten my children, my children’s children and their children. I am grateful for all the aid all the world has sent us. Now, what we ask is for you to speak out against the Japanese government. Pressure them into taking action. Tell them to make protecting children their top priority. Thank you so much.”
Watch the Kakusei pre-screener here
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