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Record Radiation at Fukushima after Vongfong: First tests since Tuesday’s typhoon show radioactive material continues rising near ocean — Officials: We can’t do anything more to stop this, ‘depth and scope’ of contamination flowing out are unknown
Published: October 16th, 2014 at 10:18 am ET By ENENews
公開: 2014年10月16日、午前10:18 ET ENENewsによる
Japan Times, Oct 15, 2014: Radioactivity spikes in No. 1 reactor well water — [Tepco] said there has been a sharp spike in the radioactivity of water samples taken from an observation well built by the sea… located to the east of the damaged No. 2 reactor… The well is positioned close to an underground trench by the sea that is connected to the No. 2 reactor building. Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, Tepco official Isao Shirai told reporters that the increased radioactivity in the water could be due to higher levels of groundwater caused by recent typhoons mixing with radioactive elements…
ジャパンタイムズ、2014年10月15日:1号原子炉(観測用)井戸水に放射能のスパイク状上昇 [東京電力は]の東側に位置するだけでなく、海の近くに建てられた観測用井戸から採取した水試料に、放射能の急激なスパイク状上昇があったと述べた...損傷した2号機の東側に位置している...井戸は2号原子炉建屋に接続している海の近くの地下トレンチに接近して位置している。火曜日(10/14)の記者会見で、東京電力の関係者白井功は、水の放射能増加は、最近の台風によって放射性物質と混合したことに起因する、地下水の高レベル(放射性物質)が原因である可能性があると記者団に語った...
NHK WORLD, Oct. 15, 2014: Cesium in groundwater rises at plant after storm — [Tepco] says it has detected high levels of radioactive cesium in groundwater after last week’s heavy rainfall from a typhoon. Highly contaminated water… seeped into soil [and] likely caused radioactive substances in the soil to flow into the groundwater… The officials plan to increase the frequency of water sample tests… to every day to monitor the effects of the heavy rainfall. But they say it will be difficult to take drastic steps because they do not know how far the contaminated water seeped into the ground after the accident.
Yahoo News, Oct. 15, 2014: Radiation increases in Fukushima aquifers after typhoon — The level of radioactive contamination detected in the underground water of the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has increased after torrential rain [TEPCO] said Wednesday… Rainwater seeped into the sub-soil and mixed with the contaminated fluid coming from the damaged reactors… Plant managers are expected to take samples of groundwater in the area more often to analyse the evolution of the radiation, according to TEPCO. For the moment, additional measures have been ruled out since the depth and scope of the contaminated water leaks are unknown… Large amounts of contaminated water, much of which flows into the Pacific Ocean, are one of the major challenges that are still unresolved in the nuclear power plant…
ヤフーニュース、2014年10月15日:台風後の福島の帯水層における放射能が増加−損傷した福島原子力発電所の地下水で検出された放射能汚染のレベルは上昇した、と[東京電力は] 水曜日(10/15)に言った... 雨水が下層土壌(sub-soil:表土と基岩との間の層)に染み込んだ、そして破損した原子炉から来る汚染水と混合した...原発の管理者は、東京電力によれば、放射能の進展を分析するために、より頻回ににエリア内の地下水のサンプルを採取する予定である。現時点では、汚染水漏れの深さと範囲以来が未知であるので追加的措置は除外されている... 大量の汚染水、その多くは太平洋に流れ込むが、それは原子力発電所でまだ解決されていない大きな課題の一つである...
New test results are available for samples taken Wednesday, one day after Typhoon Vongfong passed over the plant (pdf). Record-high levels of radioactive cesium continue to increase.
See Monday’s results here: Agency: Fukushima workers urgently trying "to prevent groundwater from leaking into ocean" -- Levels of nuclear waste surge next to sea -- Strontium-90 shatters previous record by over 5 Billion Bq/m3 -- Now 25 million times EPA limit
ここで月曜日(10/13)の結果を参照してください。政府機関:福島作業員は緊急に「海に地下水が漏れるのを防ごう」と試みている−核廃棄物レベルは海の隣で急上昇−ストロンチウム90は50億ベクレル/ m3以上で、前記録を打ち破る−現在アメリカ環境保護局(United States Environmental Protection Agency:EPA)限界値の2500万倍
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