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2014年07月06日13:08 とある原発の溶融貫通(メルトスルー)
2014/07/04 に公開
2:00 福島原発を訪問した米NRC高官「日本訪問中に、人々から何度も何度も、米国には解決技術はないか?と聞かれた。
現実は、[メルトダウンした核燃料]問題を、解決できる技術が世界の何処にも存在しないのだ!」「新技術を開発し、リサーチしなければならない。 これには時間がかかるのだ。」
*Top U.S. Official: "The reality is, no technology exists anywhere to solve problem" of Fukushima's melted fuel.
* NHK Nuclear Watch: US View on Fukushima Daiichi, July 2, 2014 (at 2:00 in): NHK: Experts say that one of the most difficult challenges of decommissioning the plant is removing fuel debris... And Magwood says that there is no magic wand to wipeout this problem.
William Magwood, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission: I think people have to be realistic how difficult this is, how long it's going to take. During my visit to Japan this week, people have asked me from time to time, "Are there technologies in the US that can help solve this problem?" The reality is there is no technology that exists anywhere to solve this problem.
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