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2011/3/16 福島原発から275キロ離れた茅ヶ崎に”テルル132 78000MBq/m3”到達。
2014-06-04 15:01:55 原発問題
彼らの報告によると、2011年3月22日(雨)に、ヨウ素131の9500 Bq/m2が降下した。
また、テルル132の重要な降下は、2011年3月16日から。 最高測定値は同様に2011年3月22日に4000Bq/m2。
さらに、浮遊粉塵のホット粒子は、2011年3月16日にスケールを超えていた。 (私はこの日家に滞在していた。)
2011年3月16日は、晴れた日だったが、非常に風が強かった。 より
Tellurium132 reached Chigasaki in March 2011-[OVER SCALE]
Posted by Mochizuki on June 6th, 2012
Related to this article..Settlement report 6/1 ~ 6/3/2012
Kanagawa prefectural institute of public health published the data of radiation contained in air, tap water, fall out in 2011.
The monitoring post is located in Chigasaki, 275 km away from Fukushima.(Further than Tokyo)
According to their report, on 3/22/2011 (Rain), 9500 Bq/m2 of Iodine 131 fell off only within a day.
Also, significant sum of Tellurium 132 fell off from 3/16/2011. (I personally tool a day off this day.) The highest reading was 4000Bq/m2 on 3/22/2011 as well.
Tellurium 132 is produced when fuel clad is damaged by meltdown etc. Half life time is 3.3 days, turns to be Iodine 132.
Additionally, the hot particles in airborne dust were over scale on 3/16/2011. (I was staying at home this day.)
The data indicates 78,000 mBq/m3 of Te-132 but because the radiation concentration was too high, this is only the provisional value.
3/16/2011 was a sunny day but it was very windy.
Source 1 2
Iori Mochizuki
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