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MIT Professor & US Experts: Japan “must act now to seal Fukushima reactors, before it’s too late” — Concern US to be affected by “explosions – a chain reaction, engulfing reactors one to four” — “Situation is dynamically degrading and unstable” — Aircraft can likely entomb plant in 6 months
マサチューセッツ工科大学(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)教授と米専門家:日本は「手遅れになる前に、福島の原子炉を密閉するために今行動しなければならない」−「爆発−連鎖反応、1原子炉が4原子炉を巻き込む」ことによる影響を米国は懸念−「状況はダイナミックに下落し、不安定である」−航空機は、おそらく6ヶ月で原子力発電所を埋葬することができます
Published: April 4th, 2014 at 1:40 pm ET By ENENews
公開日:4月4日、2014 13:40 ET ENENewsによる
South China Morning Post (Subscription Required), Apr. 4, 2014:
Ernst G. Frankel is emeritus professor of ocean engineering at MIT — Jerome A. Cohen is co-director of the US-Asia Law Institute at NYU Law School — Julian Gresser is chairman of Alliances for Discovery — Dick Wullaert also contributed to the article
Headline: Abe must act now to seal Fukushima reactors, before it’s too late
Dear Prime Minister Abe, the Fukushima crisis is getting worse.
The key assumption [...] is that you still have a safe window of time, at least two or three more years, and possibly longer, to deal with Fukushima’s four damaged nuclear reactors
What if this assessment is unrealistically optimistic? What if the safe window of time is less than a year? What if the very concept of a safe window is inappropriate for Fukushima? The fact is, we really don’t know what might happen.
According to [Tepco's] published engineering reports, the most severely damaged reactors are only secure to the level of a magnitude 7.9 earthquake.
The crucial question is: how secure is the facility against any number of dark scenarios?
主要な仮定は、 [...]あなた(安倍総理)はまだ福島の4損傷した原子炉に対処するために、少なくとも2、3年以上、おそらくもっと長く、安全な時間がある、ということです
There is a high probability that, if a quake of magnitude 7.9 or above, or some other serious event, strikes Fukushima, a “criticality” will occur.
The least dangerous would be the local release of strontium-90, caesium 134/137, or nano-plutonium.
少なくとも、ストロンチウム90、セシウム134/137 、あるいはナノ−プルトニウムのローカルな放出は危険であろう。
Far more dangerous would be an explosion, or a series of explosions – a chain reaction, engulfing reactors one to four – that would spew this contamination over much broader areas of helpless populations. The next criticality may be far more serious [...]爆発、あるいは一連の爆発はより遥かに危険でだろう−連鎖反応、1原子炉が4原子炉を巻き込む−無力な住民のより広範囲のエリアに及んで、この汚染を吐き出すだろう。次の危機的状況(臨界)はより遥かに深刻である[... ]
The jet stream will transport airborne contamination to the U.S. and other parts of world
Fukushima may be far more dangerous [than Chernobyl] because the risks are continuing, and the situation is dynamically degrading and unstable.
The formidable problems of access to reactors one to three make accurate assessment of the true extent of the damage, hence the level of risk and vulnerability, extremely challenging.
We urge that you commission a 30-day independent assessment by a multidisciplinary international team of experts on the feasibility of entombment of reactors one to four, addressing the following specific scenario among others:
Use helicopters mounted with telescopic nozzles, and, after reinforcing the spent fuel pool in the target reactor, spray it with special lighter-than-water concrete, dissolved in water solution;
let the pool harden, along with the remainder of the facility, which is also sprayed until it becomes impervious to radiation or explosion.
Reactors one to four can probably be entombed within six months. Entomb them.
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