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Caldicott: All of Japan contaminated by Fukushima — “Realistic estimate is 60,000 km², occupied by 46 million people” — “Things are grim, it gets worse by the day” — Unheard of in history, 100s of tons of melted fuel may be in earth (VIDEO)
Published: April 3rd, 2014 at 7:42 pm ET By ENENews
公開日: 4月3日、 19:42に2014年のET ENENewsによる
Bay FM 99.9 – Byron Bay Australia, Feb. 26, 2014:
ベイFM 99.9 −バイロンベイ、オーストラリア、 2014年2月26日:
Dr. Helen Caldicott: Things are grim — it gets actually worse by the day. […] There have been 3 meltdowns, which is just unheard of in the history of nuclear age, Units 1, 2, and 3, so that means that molten cores of about 100 tons of uranium in 3 reactors have melted their way through 6 inches of steel in the reactor vessel through to the containment floors, possibly through feet of concrete and steel into the earth. >> Full broadcast here
ヘレン・カルディコット博士:物事は厳しいです−実際に一日毎に悪化します。 [...]3機のメルトダウン、核時代の歴史で全く聞いたことがない、 1号機、2号機、および3号機、それは3原子炉内のウラン約100トンの溶融燃料が原子炉容器の6インチの鋼鉄を融解し通り抜けたことを意味しています、おそらくコンクリートや鋼材を通り抜けて大地に至る。 >>ここに全放送
Dr. Helen Caldicott in Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 8, 2014:
Dr. Helen Caldicott: A more realistic estimate of contamination is 60,000 square kilometers, occupied by 46 million people including parts of Tokyo and surroundings. As you can see (map on right), the whole land mass is contaminated to a greater or lesser extent.
Watch Dr. Caldicott’s Kyoto presentation here
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