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2014-04-04 机の上の空 大沼安史の個人新聞
〔フクイチ核惨事〕 エネニュース : 460キロ離れた「名古屋」で、310ベクレルのフクイチ核燃物質 / キログラム換算では、なんと、40,000,000,000,000,000,000 Bq/kg / / 80%が炉心物資 / 原子炉から直接放出される! / 米国の専門家、マルコ・カルトーフェンさんがサンプル測定 / グンダーセンさん、「最悪の恐れを確証」!
★ 日本政府・東電の「水素爆発」のバケの皮が、どんどんはがれ落ちて行く! それにしても、フクイチ核爆発による放出物質が、はるか名古屋まで飛んでいたとは!
* This material was in the peta-becquerel per kilogram range [...] 4 followed by 19 zeroes ― that many Bq/kg. That’s a very, very high number. [...] It is a tiny particle [...] about 310 becquerels for the particle.
* The particle we examined was a mixture of fission products from a nuclear reactor and nuclear fuels. We looked at materials like tellurium, radium-226, we saw cesium-134, and -137, cobalt-60, and a whole zoo of isotopes that probably you’ll never hear about on CNN […] 80% by weight of this particle was made up of pure reactor core materials. That tells me that something that came directly from the accident, directly from the core can escape containment and travel a very, very significant distance. So it’s a long distance to travel and what happens is the particle is so very small that it will essentially travel with whatever gas it’s entrained in. The winds will blow it long distances.
▲上へ ★阿修羅♪ > 原発・フッ素37掲示板 次へ 前へ