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「福島の放射能汚染水は永久に太平洋に流れ続ける」 ヘレン・コルディコット
2014年03月25日19:5 とある原発の溶融貫通(メルトスルー)
Caldicott: Fukushima to be pouring radioactive water into Pacific “probably for the rest of time… forever more” ― “There’s simply nothing anyone can do about it” ― “Nuclear industry is covering it up because they know if truth comes out it will be end of nuclear power” (AUDIO)
At 43:00 in
Dr. Helen Caldicott: There seems to be no end in sight for this dreadful catastrophe. About 300 to 400 tons of radioactive water per day are pouring into the Pacific, have been for the last 3 years, and will continue probably for the rest of time because no one can find out where the molten cores of a hundred of seethingly hot uranium are. No one can get near them because they’re so radioactive, and the water will continue to flow over them, I guess, forever more. I can’t see any other way out of it. [...] I had the same reaction as you when two days after the tsunami and earthquake occurred [...] I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach [...] there is simply nothing anyone can do about it. And people are asking me all the time what can I take, what nutrients can I take? There’s nothing you can take to remove the radioactive elements from your body once you’ve eaten them.
At 46:15 in
Caldicott: We need to be depressed. People can get through depression. […] People need to be sad, they need to be depressed. They need to get moving and close down all the reactors in America. They need to start getting off their bottoms and moving away from their computers, using their democracy, educating their representatives […] taking over the state house, the congress because you own them. In the vacuum that people leave by not using their democracy in an educated fashion that the corporations step into the vacuum.
At 50:00 in
Caldicott: The nuclear industry is covering it up because they know damn well that if the real truth comes out it will be the end of nuclear power.
At 55:30 in
Caldicott: It’s only America that can save the planet, if you rise to your full moral and spiritual height and decide to do it. Nothing else matters, nothing else matters.
Published: March 24th, 2014 at 2:43 pm ET
By ENENews
以下は,机の上の空 大沼安史の個人新聞さんからの引用です。
〔フクイチ・グローバル・海洋核惨事〕 「フクイチの放射能汚染水はこの先、おそらくは永久に(forever more)太平洋に流れ続ける」 オーストラリアの反核医師、ヘレン・コルディコット女史が警告! 「この真実が明るみに出ると、原発産業は終わるから、彼らは隠蔽を続けている」
★ ヘレンさんはラジオのインタビューで、アメリカ人にこう呼びかけた。
People need to be sad, they need to be depressed. They need to get moving and close down all the reactors in America.
悲しんで、脱原発を実現する! 「笑っていいとも」はそのあとのことだ!
★は大沼 ◎ エネニュース
「フクイチの放射能汚染水はこの先、おそらくは永久に太平洋に流れ続ける」 オーストラリアの反核医師、ヘレン・コルディコット女史が警告! 「この真実が明るみに出ると、原発産業は終わるから、彼らは隠蔽を続けている」 #Fukushima
— Motty《脱原発に1票》 (@novtnerico) 2014, 3月 25
福島原発 「原子炉建屋流入前」地下水の海への放出を容認
▲上へ ★阿修羅♪ > 原発・フッ素37掲示板 次へ 前へ
