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KPFA in Japan: I’ve learned over 800 people have disappeared from Fukushima plant — “May have been killed or died during work” — “Gov’t actually in business with the Yakuza” (AUDIO)
Published: March 19th, 2014 at 6:18 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2014 年3月19日、午後6:18 ET ENENewsによる
KPFA Flashpoints, Mar. 10, 2014 (at 3:00 in):
Steve Zeltzer, reporting from Japan: One of the things I learned in Osaka from the president of the day laborers is that many of the day laborers being brought into the plant, they’re not being registered and they’re disappearing. There were over 800 day laborers who have disappeared from contract by the union, which means they may have been killed or died during work.
KPFA Flashpoints, Mar. 11, 2014 (at 4:00 in):
Zeltzer: The government now is in control of Tepco, which runs Fukushima plant, and they’ve allowed the use contract workers, through the Yakuza. So the government is actually in business with the Yakuza, allowing the Yakuza to bring in these workers, and we heard a report that many are not even being registered when they go into the plant so they’re not entitled to health care and also when they get sick and over-doses you can’t tell because they haven’t been registered, these are the contract workers at the plant. […] These workers are basically being used as cannon fodder. Some of them are not only day laborers but also immigrant workers who are being used as well to clean up the plant.
ツェルツァー:政府は現在、福島原子力発電所を稼働する東京電力の制御内にあり(コントロールされており)、彼ら(政府)はヤクザを通じて、契約作業員を許可しました。ですから、政府は実際にヤクザとビジネスを行っており、ヤクザがこれらの作業員を連れてくることを許可している、そして我々は次の報告を聞いた、彼らは原子力発電所に行くとき、多くの人は登録もされていない、だから彼らはヘルスケアを受ける権利がないので、彼らが病気あるいは過剰被曝量になっても、彼らは原子力発電所の契約社員であり、登録されていないため、告げることはできません。 [...]これらの労働者は、基本的には砲弾の消耗品兵士として使われている。彼らのうちの幾人かは日雇い労働者だけでなく、原子力発電所のクリーンアップに慣れた移民労働者もいます。
Full Flashpoints broadcasts available here
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