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“The data in Table 2 demonstrate practically an absence of the latency period for radiation-induced thyroid cancers among the children of Belarus. The first radiation induced thyroid cancers among them, according to Table 2, manifested already in 1987 or 1 year after the Chernobyl accident. This finding was unexpected for the majority of scientists because the believing in the existence of the latency, at least 5 years long, was the common wisdom of radiation biology.”
(Table 2のデータはBelarusの子供での放射線誘発の甲状腺がんには潜伏期が欠如していることを事実上示している。放射線に誘発された最初の甲状腺癌はTable 2 によれば、1987年に、チェルノブイリ事故後1年ですでに顕在化していた。この知見は大多数の科学者のとっては予期していないことであった。というのは、少なくとも5年の潜伏期の存在を信じていることが、放射線生物学の共通の知識であったからである。)
Chernobyl Radiation-induced Thyroid Cancers in Belarus
Mikhail V. MALKO
Morbidity of thyroid cancers among children of Belarus
Thyroid cancer is a quite rare disease for children. According to the data of the Thyroid Surgery Registry [15] in 1966-1985 (or during 20 years) only 21 cases of thyroid cancers were registered in the children of Belarus. This gives 1 case of thyroid cancer per year as a spontaneous morbidity of thyroid cancer for the Belarusian children. The average number of children (less than 15 years old) in Belarus in the pre-accidental period was about 2.37 million [29-34]. As can be calculated from this figures, the spontaneous morbidity of thyroid cancer for the children of Belarus before the Chernobyl accident was approximately 0.4 cases per million. This value is very close to the spontaneous morbidity of thyroid cancer in the children of England and Wales [10] equal to approximately 0.5 cases per million. Data in Table 1 taken from [17] demonstrate that before the Chernobyl accident only 3 possibilities were registered as the number of thyroid cancer incidence among the children. They were 0, 1 and 2 cases per year. This means that the highest number of spontaneous thyroid cancers among the children of Belarus is equal to 2 cases in a year and the spontaneous incidence rate in thyroid cancers for the children of Belarus is 1 ± 1 cases in a year. The situation changed after the Chernobyl accident. Table 2 contains the numbers of thyroid cancers registered annually in 1986-1997 [16]. Already in 1987, 4 cases of thyroid cancers were registered in the 243 Belarusian children. This number is by a factor of 2 higher than the maximal possible number of spontaneous cases that can realize annually. The data in Table 2 demonstrate practically an absence of the latency period for radiation-induced thyroid cancers among the children of Belarus. The first radiation induced thyroid cancers among them, according to Table 2, manifested already in 1987 or 1 year after the Chernobyl accident. This finding was unexpected for the majority of scientists because the believing in the existence of the latency, at least 5 years long, was the common wisdom of radiation biology.
Fig. 5.2. Number of thyroid cancer cases in children and adolescents in Ukraine (0 to 18 years old at the time of the Chornobyl accident) (data of the Institute for Endocrinology and Metabolism named by Acad. V. P. Komisarenko of the AMS of Ukraine) 71ページ
The latent period of Childhood Thyroid Cancer in Belarus Post Chernobyl
福島県での甲状腺がん検診の結果に関する考察 ver.3.02 岡山大学大学院・津田敏秀
チェルノブイリ原発事故から甲状腺癌の発症を学ぶ―エビデンス探索 20 年の歴史を辿る
医学のあゆみ Vol. 231 No. 4, 310, 2009. 10. 24
▲上へ ★阿修羅♪ > 原発・フッ素36掲示板 次へ 前へ
