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Green, contaminated water fills bottom of Unit 4 – Removed: Report, photos of destroyed containment vessel interior deleted from website — Reporters: We strongly feel that effort from whole nation is needed to face future at Fukushima (PHOTO)
Published: February 13th, 2014 at 5:19 pm ET By ENENews
公開: 2月13日、 2014 17:19 ET ENENewsによる
Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 14, 2014: Water contaminated with radioactive substances continues to flow into the basement level [...] due chiefly to the absence of any decisive countermeasures, when we visited on Wednesday. [...] the contaminated water still continues flowing into the No. 4 reactor from the adjacent No. 3 reactor via pipes and other routes. [...] As we walked around above the doughnut-shaped suppression chamber, we shone our flashlights underfoot, to find green, turbid water about 2 to 3 meters below. [...] As the decommissioning of damaged reactors is said to take as long as 40 years to complete, there is still a long way to go. We strongly feel that effort, to be made by the whole nation, is needed.
読売新聞、 2014年2月14日、:放射性物質で汚染された水は、地下に流入し続けています。[...]主に何らかの決定的な対策がないことが原因です。我々は水曜日に訪問しました [...]汚染された水は、まだパイプやその他の経路を経由して隣接する3号機から4号原子炉内に流入し続ける。[...]我々がドーナツ状の圧力抑制室(サプレッション・チャンバー)の上の周囲を歩いていると、2〜3メートル程度下に緑色の、濁った水を見つけたので、足元に我々の懐中電灯を照らしました。[...]損傷した原子炉の廃止措置が完了するのに40年かかると言われているように、長い道のりがまだある。国全体でなされる努力が必要であることを、私たちは強く感じる。
From Tuesday: Gov’t says radiation levels too high in Unit 4 — Workers forced to cover floor with lead — Experts: ‘Significant loss of leaktightness’ possible in Fukushima fuel pools
Yesterday’s report and photos published by Yomiuri about the ruined interior of Unit 4′s containment vessel can no longer be accessed. The reporters briefly mentioned the subject today: “We also entered a reactor containment vessel for the first time. Pipes and walls there were heavily damaged. Debris scattered after the hydrogen explosions three years ago was also left untouched on most floors of the building. Bare pipes and reinforcing bars hung down from the walls, showing the extent of the devastation inside the building.”
記者が簡潔に本日の主題について述べた: 「我々も、初めて(4号機の)原子炉格納容器(近傍)に入った。パイプや壁は激しく損傷していた。 3年前の水素爆発の後に飛散した破片も殆ど、建物のフロアにそのまま残っていた。壁から吊り下がり、むき出しになったパイプや鉄筋は、建物内部の荒廃の度合いを示している。 "
No explanation is given for why these are ‘no longer available’.
See yesterday’s deleted report here
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