Tweet |’t Report: Plutonium releases from Fukushima a major concern — ‘Uncertainty’ over how far molten fuel has eaten through “what remained of primary containment”
Published: February 16th, 2014 at 11:16 am ET By ENENews
公開: 2014年2月16日、午前11:16 ET ENENewsによる
Excerpts from the European Union Environment Agency’s report ‘Late lessons from Chernobyl, early warnings from Fukushima’, 2013:
欧州連合(EU)環境庁の報告書「チェルノブイリからの最新の教訓、福島からの早期警告」 、 2013年からの抜粋:
Containment Vessels
Within a few hours the reactor cores of the three operating units were subject to varying degrees of meltdown [...] the reactor pressure vessels themselves had failed and, in various degrees, the primary containment of the pressure suppression system had failed
Deteriorating situation – with [...] sharp perturbations in containment pressure and radiation levels, particularly within what remained of the primary containment
There still remained uncertainty about a series of ongoing problems, including the state and level of the nuclear fuel, particularly after confirmation that molten fuel may have eaten through three-quarters of the concrete under unit 1 and damaged the bases of two of the other reactors
状況は悪化 − [...]急激な格納容器圧力と放射線レベルの動揺、特に一次格納容器に残ったものの範囲内で、今だに核燃料の状態やレベルを含む、継続的な問題の一連について不確実性が残っている、特に、1号機の下で溶融燃料がコンクリートの四分の三を侵食し、その他の原子炉の2つの底部を損傷した可能性があることを確認した後である。
Plutonium and Other Actinides
Of primary concern were fission products, readily absorbed by the human body, and the actinides [e.g. plutonium], which act as heavy metal poisons
Significantly, there is confirmed isotopic evidence for the release of plutonium into the atmosphere and deposition on the ground in northwest and south of the Fukushima nuclear site
Health Effects
In order to cope with this level of contamination, and in contradiction to international radiation protection standards, Japanese regulators have raised dose constraints to 20 mSv/year – thereby subjecting schoolchildren to exposures normally only tolerated by adult nuclear workers
It is clear that there will need to be a significant assessment of a wide range of environmental risk factors
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