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Nuclear Engineer: “Very huge catastrophe” for melted fuel to burn into ground — Radioactive material “will go all around the world” once in underground water — Chernobyl made cement barrier below reactor, #Fukushima did not (VIDEO)
Published: February 1st, 2014 at 11:46 am ET By ENENews
公開: 2014年2月1日、11:46 ET ENENewsによる
Global Green USA: The Future of Nuclear Energy, Chernobyl and Fukushima:
At 2:00 in
Natalia Manzurova, nuclear engineer called to Chernobyl for 4+ years to study radiation’s effect on the environment and to help cleanup workers:
To cover the burning reactor core, they started dropping bags of sand and cement into the reactor and all this stuff — due to very high temperature — melted, and covered the burning reactor as a lid. And for 24 hours the whole world was on the edge of a very huge catastrophe because from above the reactor was covered, was closed, but it was going to burn down. If the reactor burned through the ground, then all this huge radioactivity will go to underground water, and it will go all around the world.
燃える原子炉の炉心をカバーするために、彼らは原子炉と全てのこれの資材に、砂とセメントの袋を落とす作業を開始した−非常に高温なために−溶融し、燃える原子炉を蓋としてカバーした。 そして24時間のあいだ、全世界は非常に巨大な大災害の淵にあった、何故ならば上方から原子炉はカバーされ閉鎖されていた、しかし溶融燃料は焼け落ちようとしていた。もし原子炉が地面に燃え通じた場合は、その時全てのこの巨大な放射性物質が地下水に行く、そしてそれは世界中あらゆる所に移動します。
In Fukushima, now they are cooling the upper part of the reactor, but the center of the reactor has been melted down, and this melted reactor will discharge huge temperature to the bottom of the reactor. If the tragedy that the melted reactors will go through the bottom to the underground, it’s the question.
Russian miners, in order for this not to happen, they had to drill tunnels. Sacrificing their own lives, they put cement into the tunnels on the bottom of the reactor, so the reactor will be closed from beneath.
Watch the presentation here
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