11. tk 2014年5月05日 22:44:15
: fNs.vR2niMp1.
: iJquhEPYeM
行末に「.」があると、段落をつなげてしまう仕様なのか???再々投稿。http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/04/world/europe/behind-the-masks-in-ukraine-many-faces-of-rebellion.html?ref=world&_r=1 The New York Times Behind the Masks in Ukraine, Many Faces of Rebellion By C. J. CHIVERS and NOAH SNEIDERMAY 3, 2014 >「給与は貰っていないからサービスだという。」 ? Several fighters shook their heads at the idea that they had been paid by Russia, by oligarchs or by anybody else “This is not a job,” said one fighter, Dmitry. “It is a service.” >「シリアと同じ状況で、一般市民が敵になれば外国人が入り込んで暴動を装ってもダメだろうね。」 Throughout the week, as Ukrainian soldiers sometimes pressed closer, he chuckled at the claims by officials in Kiev and the West that his operations had been guided by Russian military intelligence officers There is no Russian master, he said. “We have no Muscovites here,” he said. “I have experience enough.” That experience, he and his fighters say, includes four years as a Soviet small-unit commander in Kandahar, Afghanistan, in the 1980s >「ウクライナ正規軍」は武器を渡しただけ? Moreover, if Russia’s intelligence services had been helping them, they said, they would have new weapons, not the dated arms visible at their checkpoints and stored in the base where they sleep. During the fighting on Friday, two of the fighters carried hunting shotguns, and the heaviest visible weapon was a sole rocket-propelled grenade Much of their stock was identical to the weapons seen in the hands of Ukrainian soldiers and Interior Ministry special forces troops at government positions outside the city. These included 9-millimeter Makarov pistols, Kalashnikov assault rifles and a few Dragunov sniper rifles, RPK light machine guns and portable antitank rockets, including some with production stamps from the 1980s and early 1990s Many of the weapons show signs of long service. One, an RPG-7 launcher, looked clean and fresh. The fighters said it had been purchased from Ukrainian soldiers for $2,000, along with 12 high-explosive projectiles Militia members said their weapons had either been taken from seized police buildings and a column of captured Ukrainian armored vehicles, or bought from corrupt Ukrainian soldiers >ウクライナ正規軍は、なぜ、親ロシア過激派と一緒になってウクライナ暫定政権と闘わないのか ? これは、ナンセンスな質問。自国民に銃を向ける命令で戦意を喪失することと、反乱軍に加わることとでは全く異なる。