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Inside Source: Gov’t officials are withholding Fukushima radiation data — Levels much higher than expected — Releasing numbers would “have a huge impact” — Over 2,000 millisieverts per year where residents are being encouraged to return
内部情報源: 政府当局者は福島の放射能データを保留している(公表を差し控えている)−予想よりもはるかに高いレベル−数字を発表するとことは「大きな衝撃を与える」だろう−住民が帰還するように奨励されている場所は年間2ミリシーベルト(原文の2000ミリシーベルト[=2シーベルト]は誤植と考える)を超えている
Published: March 25th, 2014 at 2:49 pm ET By ENENews
公開:2014年3月25日、午後2:49 ET ENENewsによる
Mainichi, Mar. 25, 2014: A Cabinet Office team has delayed the release of radiation measurements from three Fukushima Prefecture municipalities, and plans to release them later with lower, recalculated results, the Mainichi learned on March 24. [...] According to one source, the original measurements were higher than expected, prompting the Cabinet Office team [...] to hold the results back over worries they would discourage residents from returning. The Mainichi has acquired documents drawn up in November last year detailing the radiation measurements and intended for release.
毎日新聞、2014年3月25日:内閣府チームは福島県3自治体からの放射線測定(結果)の発表を遅延させた、そしてより低めの再計算結果でそれらを後に発表することを計画している、毎日新聞は3月24日に知った。[...] 1つの情報源によると、元の測定値は予想よりも高かった、内閣府チームは[...]住民を落胆させ帰還出来なくなる心配があり、結果の公表を差し控えるように促した。毎日新聞は、放射線測定の詳細について昨年11月に策定された文書を取得し、公表する積もりだった。
The documents, however, were never made public. According to this and other sources, the measurements were taken in September last year in the city of Tamura’s Miyakoji district, the village of Kawauchi and the village of Iitate [...] According to an inside source, the Cabinet Office team had noticed that measurements taken with older dosimeters distributed by Fukushima Prefecture municipalities to residents showed radiation measurements much lower than those recorded by aerial surveys. The Cabinet Office team had planned to release the latest measurements [...] putting special emphasis on how low the figures were. The new results, however, were significantly higher than expected, with the largest gap coming in Kawauchi.
There, the Cabinet Office team had predicted radiation doses of 1-2 millisieverts per day, but the data showed doses at between 2.6 and 6.6 millisieverts. Cabinet Office team members apparently said that the numbers would “have a huge impact” [...] and release of the results was put off. At the request of the Cabinet Office team, the JAEA and NIRS then recalculated the results by ditching the assumption that people would be outside eight hours a day [...] Under these new assumptions, a farmer was now expected to spend around six hours a day outdoors.
Atsuo Tamura, official on the Cabinet Office team: “We did not hold the results back because they were too high. We did so because it was necessary to look into whether the assumptions for residents’ lifestyle patterns matched reality.”
Shinzo Kimura, associate professor of radiation and hygiene at Dokkyo Medical University: “The assumption of eight hours a day outside, 16 hours inside is commonly used, and it is strange to change it. I can’t see it as anything but them fiddling with the numbers to make them come out as they wanted.”
