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興味深い記事を米国科学雑誌(Scientific American 11 February 2014)に見つけましたので、二回にわけて紹介しておきます。2013年10月14日の記事でも書きましたが、七世紀半ばに始まった倭国の闇支配勢力による統治は西暦770年、称徳天皇の死で終わったと考えています。当時の政治の主人公が怪僧「道鏡」です。道鏡が出世の端緒を得たのが東大寺の大仏建立と開眼供養儀式(西暦752年)です。日本の仏教の出発点は、欽明天皇治世・西暦538年と学校の歴史では習います。
Is Buddhism the Most Science-Friendly Religion?By David Barash February 11, 2014
仏教は科学に最もやさしい宗教か。David Baras 2014年2月11日
Here is some sad news, courtesy of the Pew Research Center’s “Religion & Public Life Project.” Not only is there a growing gap between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to acceptance of evolution, with Democrats at a mere 67 percent and Republicans a paltry and horrifyingly low 43 percent. Even more appalling is the finding that only 27 percent of white evangelical Protestants understand that “humans and other living things have evolved over time.”
What in Darwin’s name is going on? The regrettable reality is that the U.S., being among the world’s most religious countries, is also among the most scientifically ignorant, especially when it comes to the most important, unifying and indubitably “true” finding in biology: evolution by natural selection.
the Pew Research Center’s “Religion & Public Life Project(信徒研究センターの「宗教&公人生活プロジェクト」とでも訳すのか)から、いくつかの悲報が届いている。進化論を受け入れるとなると、民主党支持者と共和党支持者との間のギャップが広がりつつあるが、そればかりでない。そのギャップとは民主党支持者では67%が進化論を受け入れるが、共和党支持者では驚くことにわずか43%にすぎない。さらには、「人も他の生物も時間の経過の中で進化した」と理解しているのは白人プロテスタントの27パーセントだけということだ。
As an evolutionary biologist, I have personally encountered this scientific illiteracy, notably when lecturing in the Bible Belt. At the same time, I’ve been struck by how scientifically knowledgeable the audiences are when I lecture in Asian countries, particularly those strongly influenced by Buddhism. Moreover, I’ve become increasingly convinced that this correlation isn’t coincidental. My decades as a biologist, along with comparable decades as a Buddhist sympathizer, have convinced me that of all the world’s religions – and especially by contrast to the Abrahamic Big Three (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), Buddhism is unusually science-friendly.
To some extent, this might be because much of Buddhism – and certainly, the part that attracts me – isn’t a “religion” at all, but rather a way of looking at the world. Indeed, the Buddha himself is described as having emphasized that he isn’t a god and shouldn’t be treated as such. And, in fact, there are no creator deities in Buddhism, nor holy writ, and so forth.
According to Tenzin Gyatso, better known as the fourteenth Dalai Lama, “Suppose that something is definitely proven through scientific investigation, that a certain hypothesis is verified or a certain fact emerges as a result of scientific investigation. And suppose, furthermore, that that fact is incompatible with Buddhist theory. There is no doubt that we must accept the result of the scientific research.”
More than other religions – indeed, I would say, more than any other religion – Buddhism lends itself to a dialogue with science. Why? Because among the key aspects of Buddhism, we find insistence that knowledge must be gained through personal experience rather than reliance on the authority of sacred texts or the teachings of avowed masters; because its orientation is empirical rather then theoretical; and because it rejects any conception of absolutes.
14番目のダライ・ラマとしてよく知られているTenzin Gyatsoによれば、「何かが科学的な調査を通じて確かであるとわかったとする、ある仮説が検証されたとする、あるいは、ある事実が科学的な調査の結果明らかになったとする。そして、更に、それらの事実が仏教の教義と両立しないとしよう。その場合、疑いなく、我々は科学的調査の結果を受け入れる」と。
実際、他の宗教以上に、いかなる他の宗教以上に、あえて言おう、仏教は、科学との対話を重視する。なぜか? 仏教の重要な鍵となる教義の中では、知識と言うものが聖なる書物の権威あるいは公認の専門家の教えからではなく、個々人の経験によって獲得されるに違いないという主張に拘るからだ;というのは、その姿勢は理屈でなく、経験に根差しているからだ;さらには、絶対不変という概念を受け入れないからだ。
The comfortable fit between Buddhism and empirical science has been facilitated by several canonical teachings, of which one of the most important is the “Kalama Sutra.” In it, the Buddha advises his audience on how to deal with the bewildering diversity of conflicting claims on the part of various Brahmins and itinerant monks:
“Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing; nor upon tradition; nor upon rumor; nor upon what is in a scripture; nor upon surmise; nor upon an axiom; nor upon specious reasoning; nor upon a bias towards a notion that has been pondered over; nor upon another’s seeming ability; nor upon the consideration, ‘The monk is our teacher.’ Rather, when you yourselves know that these things are good; these things are not blamable; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness, then and only then enter into and abide in them.”
This teaching is widely (and appropriately) seen as supporting free inquiry and an absence of rigid dogma, an attitude entirely open to empirical verification and thus, consistent with science. Moreover, the Kalama Sutra fits quite comfortably into the Western scientific tradition: The Royal Society of London, whose full name was the Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge, and which was the world’s first and for a long time the foremost scientific society, has as its credo, Nullius in verba: “On the words of no one.”
Returning once again to Buddhism’s emphasis on validation-by-experience rather than via hierarchical or scriptural authority, consider this statement from the Pali Canon, which could as well have been uttered by a senior Nobel-winning scientist, advising junior researchers in his laboratory: “Just as one would examine gold through burning, cutting, and rubbing so should monks and scholars examine my words. Only thus should they be accepted, but not merely out of respect for me.”
この教えは、自由な質問が許され厳格な教義に縛られない時には広く(かつ適切に)受け入れられる。経験から得た正しさに素直であるとの姿勢は科学的でもある。さらに、Kalama経典は、西側世界の科学的な思考とも整合する:ロンドン王立協会(正式名称はthe Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge)、それは世界で最初の、そして長い間世界の先端的科学のための協会でありつづけたのであるが、その信条は Nullius in verba、「言葉によらず」(「聖書などの経典でなく、実際の経験が重要』との意味)である。
聖職者、聖書の権威によるではなく経験によって事実を確認することの重要性を強調する仏教の教義に戻り、Pali Canonの言を考えてみよう。それは優れたノーベル科学賞を受賞した研究者が自らの研究室で若手研究者に語る助言である:「人が金を燃やし、切断し、また、こすってみたりして金を検査するように、僧も学者も私の言葉を検証すべきだ。つまりそれが受け入れられとしても、それは私に対する尊敬からに過ぎ無いかもしれないのだ。」
On balance, it seems reasonable and appropriate that Buddhism be viewed in the West as comparatively free of irrationality, superstitious belief, and stultifying tradition – but this generalization must nonetheless be taken with a grain of salt, noting that in much of the world, Buddhism involves daily ritual devotions, belief in amulets and other special charms, and even the presupposition that the man, Siddhartha Gautama, was a divine being. There are, I regret to note, Buddhist traditions that insist on retaining an array of nonsensical hocus-pocus and abracadabra altogether at odds with any scientific tradition worthy of the name. Among these, the notion of “rebirth” is especially ridiculous, insofar as it implies that after their death, people will eventually reappear in some other form, with their personalities or at least certain “karmic attributes” intact.
全体としては、仏教は西側世界では非理性的要素、迷信への固執、そしてばかげた風習などが無いと見られている。しかし、こうした評価は割り引いて聞くべきだろう。それは下記に着目するからだ:つまり、世界の多くでは、仏教が日々の勤行儀式、数珠への依拠、それ以外の仏教小道具そして、Siddhartha Gautamaと言う人間が聖なる存在であるとの前提などを含んでいるからだ。私が注目するのは、仏教徒の風習である。それは名前にふさわしい科学的な伝統にそぐわない無意味と思える呪文、アブラカダブラ(呪文、この違いは不明:訳者)に固執していることだ。これらの中で、「輪廻」は特に馬鹿げている。死後、人は何がしかの形で「因果を持って生まれ変わることを暗意している。
I have no difficulty, however, describing Mr. Tenzin Gyatso (born Lhamo Dondrub), as the fourteenth Dalai Lama, so long as this means that he is the fourteenth person to hold that position, in the same sense that Barack Obama is the forty-fourth president of the United States, with no implication that he is in any way the reincarnation of George Washington!
On the other hand, if rebirth is taken to mean the literal recycling of atoms and molecules, as revealed in biogeochemical cycling, and if karma is interpreted (as I believe it warrants) as reflecting the reality of cause-and-effect, not to mention that other fundamental reality, natural selection, whereby the “actions” of our ancestors indeed give rise to ourselves and our “actions” influence our descendants – then Buddhism and biology are close allies indeed. Moreover, the fundamental Buddhist teaching of interconnectedness could as well have come from a “master” of physiological ecology.
In short, rather than NOMA (“Non-Overlapping Magesteria”), as the late Stephen Gould proposed for religion and science, I am impressed that Buddhism offers the bracing prospect of POMA (“Productively Overlapping Magesteria”) – albeit only after removing Buddhism’s religious mumbo-jumbo … that is, when not treating it as a religion. But even then, I won’t hold my breath until Bible Belt America agrees with me.
しかしながら、14世ダライラマであるTenzin Gyatso氏(Lhamo Dondrubとして生誕)を語ることに困難は無い、彼は14番目にその地位に就いた。バラク・オバマがジョージ・ワシントンの生まれ変わりなどとは無関係に米国第44代大統領であることと同じ意味だ。
要するに、NOMA(科学と宗教との領域は重なり合っていない」)というよりは、故Stephen Gouldが宗教と科学の議論で提起したように、私は仏教がPOMA(「生産的に二つがかさなりあっている」)という考えに展望を与えているとの印象を持っている。仏教にあり無意味な儀式を削除した後には、宗教として仏教を見ないことになる。しかし、その時でさえ、米国の聖書帯の人たちが私と意見が一致するようになるだろうとは期待しない。
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