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<Importance of stem cells
Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. In addition, in many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is stiH alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain ceU.>(赤字の部分はPDFをテキストに変換する際に、当方で生じた文字化け。それぞれstill、cellが正しい。)
ざっと読むと、この文章は平易で学術専門用が、まったく使われていないこと。例えばerythrocyte と言わずにred blood cell(赤血球)と書いている。
ところが、「第3章 小細胞の分化能力」(ここは小保方の執筆のようだ)を見ると、全15頁のうち、文章5、図・写真6、文献5頁となっていて、実験を記述する文章が極端に少ない。
<3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Differentiation potential of stem cells
One of definitions of stem cells is multidifferentiation potential. Also the degree of their stemness is determined by their differentiation potential. According to results of section 2, sphere forming cells expressed pluripotent cell markers. Therefore in this section, we aimed to confirm their differentiation potential in \dvo and in vitro.
3.2 Experimental
3.2.1 / 77 Differentiation Assays.
In \itro differentiation assays were examined following the published differentiation culture conditions for murin ES cells.
Mesoderm lineage differentiation assay. Dissociated muscle cells were stained with anti-asmooth muscle actin antibody, anti-Myosin antibody and anti-Desmin antibody. Chondrocj^es were stained with Safranin-0 and Fast Green. Osteocytes were stained with ALIZARIN RED S, After 21 days, adipocytes were stained with Oil Red 0.
Ectoderm lineage (Neural lineage) differentiation assay. Cells were plated on ortinin-coated chamber slides and incubated with anti-pIII Tubuin mouse monoclonal, anti-04 mouse monoclonal antibody and anti-GFAP mouse monoclonal antibody.
Endoderm lineage (Hepatic) differentiation assay. Differentiated cells were detected by immunohistochemistory using anti-a-fetoprotein mouse monoclonal antibody, anti*Albumin goat polyclonal antibody and anti-Cytokeratin 18 mouse monoclonal antibody. Results from immunohistochemistry were confirmed by R T -P C R .>
¥dvo=vivo、/77=In vitro、¥itro=vitro、asmooth=αsmooth、Chondrocj^es=Chondrocyte、
ARIZARIN RED S,=ARIZARIN RED S. 、Oil Red 0=Oil Re O、pIII=βIII、anti-04=anti-O4、a-fetoprotein=αfetoprotein、anti*=anti-、が正しい。)
<3.4 Summary of section 3
♦ Spheres differentiated into cells derived from all three
germ layers in vivo and in vitro
3.5 Discussion
Spheres differentiated into cells derived from three germ layers in vitro. It is yet answered that it was either differentiation or trans-differentiation. Also it is hard to refer the difference from in vitro differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells.
However, at least sphere forming cells enabled to generate various mature cells. In addition, in vivo differentiation assay proved that sphere forming cells were indeed stem cells, but distinct from ES cells in proriferative potential. The relationship between proliferative potential and differentiation potential has yet been understood. Spheres in this study showed differentiation potential which fulfill the critereia for both mesenchymal stem cells and neural stem cells. We believe that the spheres studied contain precursor cells to both mesenchymal and neural stem cells Uneages.
fat cell→Adipocyte, cartilage cell→Chondrocyte, bone cell→Osteocyte,
東大のゲラー教授はネイチャー第1論文に、2箇所出てくる「パスツール・ピペット」がpasture pipette(p.8)になっていると指摘している。正しくはPasteur pipetteだ。
近代化学の父であるフランスのルイ・パスツール(Louis Pasteur: 1822-95)を、応用化学科卒の学生が知らないというのも変な話だ。パスツール変じて、「草を食う=pasture・ピペット」となってしまった。どうして共著者の誰も気づかなかったのか?
3.2.1:=murin ES cells:マウスの単数がmouse、複数がmiceというのは中学生の英語。マウスもラットもひっくるめていうときは、ネズミを意味するラテン語musに由来する「murine」を用いる。要するに「齧歯類の」という意味だ。
Sphere=上記の3.1.1に<According to results of section 2, sphere forming cells expressed pluripotent cell markers. Therefore in this section, we aimed to confirm their differentiation potential in vivo and in vitro.> とある。(OCR変換ミスは修正した。)
論文では、<3.3.1. When representative bone marrow derived spheres were dissociated into single cells and exposed to three different differentiation media, the cells differentiated to express specific genes of the three lineages, Map2 (ectoderm), MyoD (mesoderm) and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP, endoderm) (Fig. 10).
The addition of a neural differentiation medium to the in vitro environment of cells from bone marrow spheres, resulted in expression of pIII tubulin (a marker for neuron) (Fig. 11).
Alternatively, the addition of 20% fetal calf serum to the media resulted in the expression of markers representative of mesoderm; that is, α-smooth muscle actin (Fig. 11) as well as the mesenchymal cells, chondrocytes, osteocytes and adipocytes (Fig. 12).
Thus, cells from spheres differentiated into all cell types of neural (neurons, oligodendrocytes and glias) and mesenchymal stem cell lineage (chondrocytes, osteocytes and adipocytes). When exposed to a hepatocyte differentiation media the expression of a-fetoprotein (Fig. 11), was seen, suggestive of differentiation into endodermal tissue.> とある。
この小塊(複数)を外胚葉用、中胚葉用、内胚葉用の3種の分化誘導培地に入れて培養したら、それぞれ外胚葉由来の神経細胞(pIII-テュブリン)、中胚葉由来の平滑筋(α平滑筋アクチン)などと、内胚葉由来の肝細胞(α-フェトプロテイン)が、免疫細胞学の方法で確認され、体細胞が三胚葉への分化能力を持つことを、in vitro実験で確認した、というものだ。
(ここのFig.11 α平滑筋アクチンの写真が、ネイチャー第1論文のFig. 2dの下欄中央に、「マウス脾臓のCD45+リンパ球由来の細胞がSTAP細胞に初期化後、中胚葉に再分化した証拠」として使用されている。全く違う実験なので、写真の誤用はありえない。)
<neural (neurons, oligodendrocytes and glias)>と最後のパラグラフに並列してあるが、神経組織は神経細胞(Neuron)と膠細胞(Glia cell)に分かれ、後者に稀突起膠細胞(Oligodendrocyte)、星状膠細胞(Astrocyte)が含まれる。従ってastrocyteとglia細胞を同列に置くのは間違いだ。
<Spheres differentiated into cells derived from three germ layers in vitro. It is yet answered that it was either differentiation or trans-differentiation. Also it is hard to refer the difference from in vitro differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells.
However, at least sphere forming cells enabled to generate various mature cells.>
文脈上は「spherule(sphere)のthree germ-layersへの分化(differentiation)」だと思われる。
It is yet to be answered whether this phenomenon, i.e. the differentiation of spherule-forming cells, was due to the differentiation of the stem cell or to the trans-differentiation of the mesenchymal stem cells.
次の、Also it is hard to refer the difference from in vitro differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells. However, at least sphere forming cells enabled to generate various mature cells.
Referは「refer to」で「言及する」、「帰する」という意味になるが、rifer the differenceでは意味がわからない。全文の「分化なのかトランス・分化なのか、決めるのが困難だ」という表現を踏まえれば、「この実験では、間葉系幹細胞の分化能との違いを見きわめることはできなかった」と言っていると思われる。
However, at least sphere forming cells enabled to generate various mature cells.
もしCells were able to generate various mature cellsと同義だとすると、冒頭の
Spheres differentiated into cells derived from three germ layers in vitro.と同じであり、同義反復になる。
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