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小保方晴子さんにメールしたが---- 丹羽さんから返事あり (ニューロドクター乱夢随想録)
小保方晴子さんにメールしたが、返事がなかったので、共同研究者の丹羽さんに質問のメールをしたが、翌日に簡単な返事が返ってきた。Protocol Exchangeに記載されたtechnical
tipsは実験を再現するための最低限の情報であることであった。すべての詳細な方法が記載されているわけではないので、再現に成功することは難しいであろうと、Knoepfler Lab Stem Cell Blogに次のようなコメントをした。また、丹羽さんからの返事に対して、謝意と希望を述べた。
I received the response today to my inquiry of the trituration procedures from Dr Niwa who is the correspondent of Protocol Exchange. The answer was as follows. As he says the technical tip is just minimum information to support reproduction, it seems to mean that it is still very difficult to reproduce their experiment!
Answer from Dr Niwa:
We will publish the full protocol in near future, which will cover all informations.
The present version of technical tip is just minimum information to support reproduction.
Best regards,
On 2014/03/05, at 20:33,
> Dear Hitoshi Niwa, M.D., Ph.D. (
> <>)
> I appreciate very much if you answer my question below. I sent the
> following e-mail to Dr Obokata. In your published today’s protocol, you
> did not describe the trituration procedures in detail. Is it not important?
(I omit the details of my question, because I posted the question in this blog.)
From Protocol Exchange
Essential technical tips for STAP cell conversion culture from somatic cells
Haruko Obokata, Yoshiki Sasai and Hitoshi Niwa
“To facilitate the broad testing and use of this technique, we are now preparing a full protocol article with step-by-step instructions. However, as the preparation, submission and publication of a full manuscript takes a significant amount of time, we would like to share a number of technical tips for STAP cell conversion culture (and related experiments) in this Protocol Exchange. We hope that these technical tips may answer many questions frequently asked about the experimental details.”
Hitoshi Niwa, M.D. Ph.D.
Laboratory for Pluripotent Stem Cell Studies
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology
Thank you very much for your quick reply.
I expect the full protocol will be published as soon as possible for other investigators to reproduce your outstanding achievements.
Best regards
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