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Scientific American 電子版2月19日号に面白い記事を見つけましたので紹介しておきます。タイトルは「男はつらいよ」ならぬ「男はよわいよ」です。
Are Men the Weaker Sex? 「男ってか弱いのね!」、Feb 18, 2014
By Alice Shabecoff and Environmental Health News
Contrary to cultural assumptions that boys are stronger and sturdier, basic biological weaknesses are built into the male of our species. These frailties leave them more vulnerable than girls to life’s hazards, including environmental pollutants such as insecticides, lead and plasticizers
Boys, because of their basic biology, have some weaknesses that girls don't have.
We can, thankfully, remove one threat to the future existence of the human male from our worry list: The male Y chromosome, after dwindling from its original robust size over millions of years, apparently has halted its disappearing act.
But don’t start cheering yet. Contrary to cultural assumptions that boys are stronger and sturdier, basic biological weaknesses are built into the male of our species. These frailties leave them more vulnerable than girls to life’s hazards, including environmental pollutants such as insecticides, lead and plasticizers that target their brains or hormones. Several studies suggest that boys are harmed in some ways by these chemical exposures that girls are not. It’s man’s fate, so to speak.
First of all, human males are disappearing. Mother Nature has always acknowledged and compensated for the fragility and loss of boys by arranging for more of them: 106 male births to 100 female newborns over the course of human history. (Humans are not unique in this setup: Male piglets, as an example, are conceived in greater proportion to compensate for being more likely than female piglets to die before birth.) But in recent decades, from the United States to Japan, from Canada to northern Europe, wherever researchers have looked, the rate of male newborns has declined. Examining U. S. records of births for the years between 1970 and 1990, they found 1.7 fewer boys per 1,000 than in decades and centuries past; Japan’s loss in the same decades was 3.7 boys.
Boys are also more than two-thirds more likely than girls to be born prematurely – before the 37th week of pregnancy. And, despite advances in public health, boys in the 1970s faced a 30 percent higher chance of death by their first birthday than girls; in contrast, back in the 1750s, they were 10 per cent more likely than girls to die so early in their lives.
Once they make it to childhood, boys face other challenges. They are more prone to a range of neurological disorders. Autism is notoriously higher among boys than girls: now nearly five times more likely, as tallied by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They are more susceptible than girls to damage from very low-level exposure to lead. Yet another problem: Boys also suffer from asthma at higher rates. There’s also a stronger link between air pollution and autism in boys.
Are Men the Weaker Sex?
What is up here? Why do boys face such a burden of physical challenges?
The answer is that the male’s problems start in the womb: from his more complicated fetal development, to his genetic makeup, to how his hormones work.
The nine-month transformation from a few cells to an infant is a time of great vulnerability. Many chronic illnesses are seeded in the womb. In our species, the female is the default gender, the basic simpler model: Humans start out in the womb with female features (that’s why males have nipples). The complicated transformation in utero from female to male exposes the male to a journey packed with special perils. When the first blast of testosterone from the Y gene comes along at about the eighth week, the unisex brain has to morph into a male brain, killing off some cells in the communication centers and growing more cells in the sex and aggression centers. The simpler female reproductive system has to turn into the more complex male reproductive tract, developing tissues such as the testis and prostate. Further, it takes a greater number of cell divisions to make a male; with each comes the greater risk of an error as well as the greater vulnerability to a hit from pollutants.
On top of that challenge, the human male’s XY chromosome combination is simply more vulnerable. The two XXs in the female version of our species offer some protection: In disorders where one X chromosome has a genetic defect, the female’s healthy backup chromosome can take over. But with his single X chromosome, the male lacks a healthy copy of the gene to fall back on. The X chromosome, which never shrank, is also a larger chromosome “with far more genetic information than the Y chromosome,” finds Irva Hertz-Piciotto, a University of California, Davis autism researcher, “so there may be some inherent loss of key proteins for brain development or repair mechanisms in boys.” This is a clue to the higher autism rate among boys, she asserts.
Females also have a stronger immune system because they are packed with estrogen, a hormone that counteracts the antioxidant process. “Estrogen protects the brain; it’s a no-brainer, pun intended,” explains Theodore Slotkin, professor of neurobiology at Duke University’s School of Medicine. “It repairs and replaces, even after neural injury.” Low estrogen even leaves boys more sensitive to head injuries. The male brain “is simply a more fragile apparatus, more sensitive to almost all brain insults,” lead poisoning expert Herbert Needleman told writer Julia R. Barrett of Environmental Health Perspectives.
そうした危険の上で、人間の男性のXY染色体の組み合わせはまさに脆弱そのものあるいはそれを超える何がしである。人類にあって、女性の中の2つのXXは保護機能でもある:つまり、1つのX染色体が遺伝的欠陥をしていても、女性の健康なもう一つの染色体がバックアップできる。しかし、単一のX染色体では、回復するための、遺伝子のコピーが作れない。X染色体(それは縮まず生き残りつづけた)は「Y染色体よりはるかに多くの遺伝子情報を備えた」より大きな染色体である。Irva Hertz-Piciotto, a University of California, Davis autism researcher,は指摘し「したがって、男児には脳発達かそれの修理メカニズム用の鍵となるタンパク質のある固有の部分の損失が起きても不思議でない」と、彼女は言う。これは男児に、より高い自閉症発祥の割合を解明する手掛かりでもある、と彼女は主張する。
エストロゲン(酸化防止剤プロセスを打ち消すホルモン)が詰められているので、女性はさらにより強い免疫系を持っている。「エストロゲンは脳を保護する;no-brainer, pun intended(意味不明)。」とTheodore Slotkin, professor of neurobiology at Duke University’s School of Medicine.は説明する。「それはニューロンが傷ついた後ですら、それを修理し交換する。」と。
低いエストロゲンのため、頭部外傷に対して男児は深刻な影響を受けやすい。男性の脳は「まさに脆弱な装置である、ほとんどすべての脳障害にたいしてより敏感だ。」鉛中毒のエキスパートのHerbert Needleman は Julia R. Barrett of Environmental Health Perspectivesは語っている。
It’s the high levels of testosterone in the womb at critical times in gestation, according to British psychopathologist Simon Baron-Cohen, that are responsible for what he calls “the extreme male brain” – the kind exhibited by autistic boys – low in empathy, high in systematizing. And, in fact, recent decades of U.S. research do find unusually low estrogen and high testosterone levels among boys with autism.
If the balance of hormones is out of whack in males, what made that happen? Researchers are coming up with some clues.
In the New York City neighborhoods near Columbia University’s Center for Children’s Environmental Health, families for years routinely sprayed their apartments with a popular insecticide, chlorpyrifos, until it was banned from household use in 2001. The researchers found that prenatal exposure to the chemical seemed to have more of an effect on reducing the IQs of boys than girls. Disruption of their male hormones may be the reason. “One possible explanation for the greater sensitivity of boys to chlorpyrifos is that the insecticide acts as an endocrine disruptor to suppress sex-specific hormones,” said study leader Megan Horton of Columbia.
Similarly, pregnant mothers’ exposure to phthalates – used in making some vinyl products and toys as well as some personal care products – has been linked to bigger changes in the behavior, such as aggression and attention problems, of their sons than their daughters. Phthalates also may feminize male genitalia.
British psychopathologist Simon Baron-Cohenによれば、懐妊中の重大な時期での子宮中の高テストスロンこそが「“the extreme male brain”」とBaron-Cohenが呼ぶものの真因だ。それは一種の自閉的男児、低い感情移入、軽度発達障害などの兆候だ。また、実際、米国の研究の最近の数十年間は、自閉症の男児に異常に低いエストロゲンおよび高いテストステロン・レベルを見いだしている。男児でホルモンのバランスが悪い場合、何がそれを起こしたか。研究者はいくつかの手掛かりを見出している。
Columbia University’s Center for Children’s Environmental Healthの近くのニューヨーク市近隣で、何年もの間、慣例的に一般的な殺虫剤(クロルピリホス)が散布された。アパートに住む家族たちの疫学調査によれば重大な発見が観察されている。その殺虫剤は2001年にやっと家庭の使用から禁止されている。研究者達は、妊婦の化学薬品への被爆が少女より少年のIQの縮小に対する影響をより多く持つように見えることを知った。化学薬品による男性ホルモンの混乱が理由かもしれない。「クロルピリホスによる男児へのより大きな影響についての一つの可能な説明は、性の違いによる。男児特有のホルモンを抑えるための内分泌撹乱物質として殺虫剤が働くということである」とleader Megan Horton of Columbiaは言う。
Boys also seem to be more vulnerable to bisphenol A, an estrogenic substance used to make polycarbonate plastics as well as some thermal receipts and the linings of food and beverage cans. Boys, but not girls, exposed to higher BPA levels in the womb or during childhood had more hyperactivity, aggression and anxiety problems, according to a University of California, Berkeley study. In addition, pregnant women exposed to higher levels of the chemical gave birth to baby boys with lower thyroid hormones. No such effect was detected in the baby girls. No one knows what these lower levels may mean for the boys’ health because they remained within normal boundaries, but it could have important effects because thyroid hormones guide brain development.
Some of these chemicals act like fake estrogens, others like fake testosterone, but both types seem to disrupt normal development. Animal tests show that a dose of these chemicals inflict the most damage when it hits a fetus. And, because of their biological vulnerabilities, it’s boys who may experience the most effects.
While not forgoing the push for fairness and equality, it seems wise to accept the scientific reality of male weaknesses. This likely won’t mean the end of men, but their vulnerability to environmental contaminants and diseases could have serious ramifications for the future of the entire human race unless we find ways to protect them from harm.
Alice Shabecoff is the coauthor with her husband, Philip Shabecoff, of Poisoned for Profit: How Toxins Are Making Our Children Chronically Ill, Random House 2008, Chelsea Green, 2010.
This article originally ran at Environmental Health News, a news source published by Environmental Health Sciences, a nonprofit media company.
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