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‘Project Einstein’の紹介記事
Root of maths genius sought 「数学の天才のルーツをさぐる」
科学週刊誌natureが数学の天才のルーツを探ると題して、ある研究プロジェクトを紹介しています。「数学が得意」であることは、以って生まれた才であるのか、後天的に付加し得る才であるのか?この設問に、これまでも少なくない研究者が挑んできました。その問いへの解を得るべき、‘Project Einstein’なる企業を立ち上げ天才たちのDNAの解読を始めたというのです。
%%%%%‘Project Einstein’の紹介記事始め
Root of maths genius sought 「数学の天才のルーツをさぐる」
Entrepreneur’s ‘Project Einstein’ taps 400 top academics for their DNA.
Erika Check Hayden 29 October 2013
Jonathan Rothberg is on the hunt for the genes that code for mathematical prowess.
He founded two genetic-sequencing companies and sold them for hundreds of millions of dollars. He helped to sequence the genomes of a Neanderthal man and James Watson, who co-discovered DNA’s double helix. Now, entrepreneur Jonathan Rothberg has set his sights on another milestone: finding the genes that underlie mathematical genius.
Rothberg and physicist Max Tegmark, who is based at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, have enrolled about 400 mathematicians and theoretical physicists from top-ranked US universities in a study dubbed ‘Project Einstein’. They plan to sequence the participants’ genomes using the Ion Torrent machine that Rothberg developed.
The team will be wading into a field fraught with controversy. Critics have assailed similar projects, such as one at the BGI (formerly the Beijing Genomics Institute) in Shenzhen, China, that is sequencing the genomes of 1,600 people identified as mathematically precocious children in the 1970s (see Nature 497, 297–299; 2013). The critics say that the sizes of these studies are too small to yield meaningful results for such complex traits. And some are concerned about ethical issues. If the projects find genetic markers for maths ability, these could be used as a basis for the selective abortion of fetuses or in choosing between embryos created through in vitro fertilization, says Curtis McMullen. A mathematician at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a 1998 winner of the prestigious Fields Medal, McMullen was asked to participate in Project Einstein and declined.
ロスバーグとMax Tegmark, who is based at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridgeは、‘Project Einstein’と呼ばれる研究でトップランクの米国大学の約400人の数学者および理論物理学者を選んだ。彼らは、ロスバーグが開発したthe Ion Torrent machineを使用して、400名数学・物理の学者のゲノム配列決定を計画した。それは議論を呼ぶことだろう。批判者達は、1970年代(ネイチャー497(297−299)を参照; 2013)に数学で早熟児であると確認された1,600人のゲノムを配列決定したシェンチェン(中国)のBGI(以前は北京Genomics研究所)と同様であるとしてこのプロジェクトを攻撃した。研究の対象数が小さすぎ、複雑な遺伝子特性のため、意味ある結果を出すことができないと言う。また、倫理的問題についても指摘している。プロジェクトが数学能力に関連する遺伝学的標識を見つけることができたとすると、これらを胎児の選択的中絶に、あるいは体外受精による胎児といったことに使用することができるかもしれない、とカーティスMcMullenは言う。ケンブリッジ(マサチューセッツ)・ハーバード大学の数学者で有名なフィールズ賞の1998年の受賞者、McMullenは、‘Project Einstein’に参加するように依頼されたが断わった。
Rothberg is pushing ahead. “I’m not at all concerned about the critics,” he says, adding that he does not think such rare genetic traits could be useful in selecting for smarter babies. Influenced by a college class he took from a pioneer in artificial intelligence, and by the diagnosis of his daughter with tuberous sclerosis complex, a disease that can cause mental retardation and autism, Rothberg has long been interested in cognition. He is also in awe of the abilities of famous scientists. “Einstein said ‘the most incomprehensible thing about the Universe is that it is comprehensible’,” he says. “I’d love to find the genes that make the Universe comprehensible.”
There is precedent to the concept of sequencing extreme outliers in a population in the hunt for influential genes. Scientists have used the technique to sift for genes that influence medical conditions such as high blood pressure and bone loss. Some behavioural geneticists, such as, who is involved with the BGI project, say that there is no reason that this same approach won’t work for maths ability. As much as two-thirds of a child’s mathematical aptitude seems to be influenced by genes.
But other geneticists say that intelligence is so complex a trait, influenced by so many genes, that not even a sample of thousands of people would yield sufficient statistical power to get at its genetic basis. They point to studies such as one published in May that examined the genomes of more than 125,000 people and found only three genetic markers with a small effect on how long an individual stays at school. Project Einstein “is unlikely to have any statistical power”, says geneticist Daniel MacArthur at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston who, with colleagues, has amassed a pedigree of 13 million related people to try to tackle the heritability of complex traits (see Nature; 2013).
影響力のある遺伝子を求めて、とある人の集団中に極端な例外的存在を調べるというコンセプトには先例がある。科学者達は、高血圧および骨塩量減少(?)のような病状に影響を及ぼす遺伝子を探る技術を使用してきた。Robert Plomin at King’s College Londonのような何人かの行動遺伝学者(彼らはBGIプロジェクトと関連する)は、こうしたアプローチが数学能力の発見に役立たないとは思わないと言う。子どもの数学的な適性の3分の2もが、遺伝子(Y. Kovas et al. Psychol. Sci. 24, 2048–2056; 2013)によって影響を受けるように見える。
しかし、他の遺伝学者は、知能というものは誠に複雑でかつ、非常に多くの遺伝子によって影響を受けているので、何千もの人々のサンプルさえも、その遺伝学的には十分な統計的検出力は持たない。彼らは五月に公表された論文に言及する。その研究では、125,000人以上のゲノムを検査し、一人ひとりがどれくらいの時間学校に(C. A. Rietveld et al. Science 340, 1467–1471; 2013)居るかと言うことが、3つの遺伝学的標識に関連付けられたに過ぎない。Project Einsteinは恐らく「どんな統計的検出力も与えない」、とgeneticist Daniel MacArthur at Massachusetts General Hospital in Bostonは、同僚との研究に基づいて言う。その研究では複雑な特性の遺伝率を見るべくボストンのマサチューセッツ総合病院での1300万人もの関連する人々の系図を調べている。
Some participants in Project Einstein are intrigued by the chance to learn about their own genetic sequences, which will be shared with them. “As a science-fiction fan, I like the idea of having my own genome sequenced,” says “Maybe I’ll print a segment onto a T-shirt.”
Others say they wouldn’t be surprised if the study found that maths aptitude was not born so much as made. “I feel that the notion of ‘talent’ may be overrated,” says Michael Hutchings, a mathematician also at Berkeley. He adds that even if genetic markers are found, they could be used for good — not to pre-select for maths geniuses, but to help parents to understand the particular abilities of their children and give them the support they need.
Project Einsteinの何人かの参加者は、自分の遺伝子配列を学習する機会に好奇心をそそられている。「SFファンとして、私は、私自身のゲノム配列に興味がある」とDavid Aldous, a mathematician at the University of California, Berkeley.が言う。「恐らく、Tシャツの上にセグメントを印刷したい。」とも。
数学適性がゲノムとそれほど関連していないことが研究で分かっても、驚かないと言う。「私は、“才能”が過大評価されるかもしれない」とMichael Hutchings, a mathematician also at Berkeleyが言う。彼は、遺伝学的標識が見つかっても、それらが、子供を生む生まないの選択にではなく、良い遣い方が出来ると思う。例えば、親が子どもたちの夫々の能力を理解し、かれらに適切な援助をするのに使える、と付け加える。
However, McMullen is concerned that the project is appealing to participants’ self-interest without disclosing enough information. “I thought it was strange that it was called ‘Project Einstein’, which seemed designed to appeal to the participants’ egos,” he says. He asked the project’s staff and the New England Institutional Review Board, which approved the study, to explain how results would be used. “The uniform answer to my questions was that ‘we are not responsible for how the information is used after the study is completed’,” he says.
The Rothberg Institute for Childhood Diseases, Rothberg’s private foundation based in Guilford, Connecticut, is the study’s sponsor. But Rothberg won’t say who is funding the project, which other geneticists estimate will cost at least US$1 million. Some speculate that Rothberg is funding it himself. In 2001, Fortune estimated his net worth to be $168 million, and that was before he sold the sequencing companies he founded — 454 Life Sciences and Ion Torrent, both based in Connecticut — for a combined total of $880 million.
Rothberg is adamant that the project is well worth the time and the money, whoever is paying for it. “This study may not work at all,” he says — before adding, quickly, that it “is not a crazy thing to do”. For a multimillionaire with time on his hands, that seems to be justification enough.
ロスバーグ幼年期疾病(ギルフォード(コネチカット)に本拠があるロスバーグの私立財団)研究所は、研究のスポンサーだ。しかし、ロスバーグは、誰がプロジェクト(他の遺伝学者野見積もりでは少なくとも100万USドル)に資金提供しているか言わない。いくらかは、ロスバーグ自身がそれに資金提供していると推測している。2001年には、フォーチュンが、彼の純資産が1億6800万ドルであると推測した。どちらも合計8億8000万ドルで設立した(両方ともコネチカットに本拠がある454Life Sciences and Ion Torrent)。
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