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US government electromagnetic wave crime
Weapons harp that had been developed to compete with Russia for a long time
Cerebral infarction If you met this damage, we meet to damage such as brain damage, tinnitus, resulting in the Bo.
Should a politician to damage such as cerebral infarction is a lot in the past.
We're using electromagnetic wave weapons and I moved to the house next door to the politicians.
You should be outlawing the electromagnetic wave weapons bring the US Forces in Japan.
Harp Project [DVD] harp project -DVD- Francois Geshuke / dp / B00RGBF2UY
Politicians, bureaucrats particular attention
CIA pulse, micro-wave, electromagnetic wave attack
From a few tens of meters away unpleasant electromagnetic wave, thereby to flow in to insomnia.
Ringing in the ears, chest discomfort, discomfort, such as get irritated.
The location from the house next door
ELF ··· ultra-low frequency
RF ··· (radio frequency) carrier
UHF ··· (ultra high frequency)
RMCT ··· specialized professional engineer
EM weapons ... electromagnetic weapons
Force ... Psycho active effect of changing the spirit
Force ... bio-active effect of changing the body
When irradiated with electromagnetic waves in cancer cells, up to 24 times it has been found to be malignant to speed up. Malformation occurs to shed a weak electromagnetic waves of 1mm Gauss embryos of chicken.
Abnormal secretion of neurohormones of ... brain (serotonin etc) occurs in the human body. These are thing to support the epidemiological investigation of "depression" and "abnormal behavior" such as are related, "there are many suicides to residents near high-voltage power lines."
Also it occurs chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome.
It derails the biorhythm.
The cause of chronic stress, weakening the immune system.
It reduces the learning ability.
They receive the energy from the electromagnetic wave is charged particles such as calcium ions, a phenomenon that spin out or a turning motion (spiral motion) (cyclotron resonance) is described in such.
Since the 1960s, by the government of the United States and other countries, people without consent, to manipulate the spirit by electromagnetic technology, it complained that they are in the experimental stage of the high-sensitive weapons experimental design have been made.
San Francisco Chronicle, April 10, 1988, "secret agency for officials of the federal government, living while receiving the threat of government" was placed on the article titled.
And complained of a "raid by the microwave and X-ray", you create a document evidence of electromagnetic radiation of high intensity. He, looting of sleep, such as noise campaign, received a "cooked live even to subconscious not only consciousness" a number of persecution.
To her about electromagnetic weapons, "These weapons, temporary or permanent blindness, interference with the psychological process, of reaction behavior and feelings change, seizures, severe pain, dizziness, nausea, the built-in features, such as diarrhea . ... More which is said to cause a variety of confusion, by CCWC (Agreement on some conventional weapons), international discussions to direct the new special protocol to comprehensive electromagnetic weapons that have been made. ... by the rapid rise of the current interest in electromagnetic technology, ratification of the Protocol to the clearly illegal the use of such inhumane weapons is urgent that.
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