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The American government A radio wave Crime. The weapon which was competing with Russia for development from the past Harp If I suffer this damage, as cerebral infarction, a brain disorder, buzzing and the baud, I close, I suffer damage. There should be many politicians who suffered damage of cerebral infarction in the past. I'm moving to a politician next to the house and use a radio wave weapon. Radio wave weapon bringing in of U.S. forces in Japan should be made illegal. Harp project [DVD] harp project-DVD-Francois GESHUKE /dp/B00RGBF2UY A politician and a bureaucrat are warned in particular. CIA Pulse, microwave and radio wave attack. An unpleasant radio wave is let run from tens of meter destination and it's made sleeplessness. Buzzing, unpleasant feeling of a chest and the unpleasant feeling Ira strikes. A place is from the next house. ELF... super-low frequency RF... (high frequency) carrier UHF and* (microwave) RMCT... expertise man VHF..., ultrashort EM weapon... electromagnetic weapon The power... psycho active effect which changes spirit The power... biotechnology active effect which changes a body That a radio wave is applied to a cancer cell, at most 24 times, speedup, I know that it becomes worse. When a feeble radio wave of 1mm gauss was hit against an embryo of a chicken, the deformity occurred. Secretion abnormality of neurohumour of a*.. brain (serotonin etc) happens by a human body. These, in relation to "depressed state" and "behavior abnormality" etc., when, the epidemiology investigation to which I say "A resident around the high-voltage line has a lot of suicides." is lined. Chromosomal aberration of Down's syndrome also happens. A biorhythm is driven mad. A chronic stress is caused, and an immunity system is weakened. I make the learning ability fall. An electric charge particle receives the energy from a radio wave a calcium ion, and these do turning motion, and are explained by spin-off (spiral movement) done phenomenon (cyclo ton sympathy) etc.. Since 1960 's, the appeal which is used as the subject of a high secret weapon experimental design where people operate spirit by electromagnetic technology without agreement has been formed out of a government of the United States and an other country. San Francisco chronicle carried the story to which I say "A secret engine for an officer of a federal government lived while receiving a threat of a government." on April 10, 1988. I complained of "maraud by a microwave and an X ray" and made an evidence document of a high strong electromagnetic radiation. The plunder and the row by which he's sleep A promotion, "Even of subconsciousness as well as consciousness, it's cooked and you can live.", a large number of persecutions were received. When the "these weapons are temporary or cause permanent blindness, intervention to the psychological process, a ch
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