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1. UN-General Assembly A/50/418, 8.9.1995
2. UN Chernobyl Forum (EGE): Environmental Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident and Their Remediation: Twenty Years of Experience, Working Material, August 2005.
3. Edmund Lengfelder, Christine Frenzel: 15 Jahre nach Tschernobyl, Folgen und Lehren der Reaktorkatastrophe [15 years after Chernobyl, effects of and lessons from the reactor catastrophe]. Otto Hug Strahleninstitut – MHM, Information, September 2001. (German).
4. Strahlentelex 138-139/1992, 8, CIS: Bereits 13.000 tote Liquidatoren [13,000 liquidators already dead]. (German).
5. Grosche, B (2007): BfS workshop on Chernobyl Health Consequences, 9 – 10 Nov, 2006,%20Munhen%202006.pdf.
6. V.K. Ivanov et al. (2009): Mortality of the Chernobyl Emergency Workers: Analysis of Dose Response by Cohort Studies Covering Follow-Up Period of 1992-2006; in: Radiation Health Risk Sciences, 2009, Part 4, S. 95 -102.
7. Nucleonics Week, May 2, 2002. Reproduced from Oda Becker, Helmut Hirsch 2004: 18 Jahren nach Tschernobyl, Sanierung des Sarkophags. Wettlauf mit der Zeit, [18 years after Chernobyl, restoration of the sarcophagus, and the race against time]. Published by Greenpeace e. V. Hamburg in April 2004.
8. Sh. A. Babadjanova and A.S. Babadjanov: Health of Liquidators in the Remote Period after the Chernobyl Accident; International Journal of Radiation Medicine 2001, 3(3-4): 71-76.
9. Horishna, O.V. Chernobyl Catastrophe and Public Health. Results of Scientific Investigation, in: Yablokov, AV (2009): Mortality after the Chernobyl Accident, in: Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2009 Nov;1181:192-216.
10. Peter Finn: Chernobyl Report Reignites Debate; Washington Post 24.9.2005.
11. E. Lengfelder et al.: 20 Jahre nach Tschernobyl: Erfahrungen und Lehren aus der Reaktorkatastrophe [20 years after Chernobyl: Experience and lessons from the reactor catastrophe] (German) Information from the Otto Hug Strahleninstitut – MHM, February 2006.
12. Yablokov, AV (2009): Mortality after the Chernobyl Accident, in: Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2009 Nov;1181:192-216.
13. Bebeshko, V., Bazyka, D., Loganovsky, K., Volovik, S., Kovalenko, A. et al.(2006) Does ionizing radiation accelerate the aging phenomena? International Conference. Twenty Years after Chernobyl Accident: Future Outlook. April 24-26, 2006, Kiev, Ukraine. Contributed Papers (HOLTEH, Kiev) 1:pp.13-18 (//
14. Cologne, J.B., Preston D.L. (2000); Longevity of atomic-bomb survivors, Lancet 356 (9226): 303-307.
15. Yablokov, A., Nesterenko, V., Nesterenko, A. (2009): Chernobyl – Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and Environment, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 1181, Boston, Mass.
16. Ivanov, V., Tsyb, A. et al (2005); The radiation risks of cerebrovascular diseases among liquidators, Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk; VOL: 45 (3); p. 261-70 /2005 May-Jun/.
17. Fedirko, P. (2006); Augenerkrankungen bei Aufräumarbeitern, Schädigungen des Augenhintergrunds, der Makula, des Glaskörpers und der Linse, in:
18. Kholodova, N. (2006); Langzeitveränderungen des Nervensystems von Liquidatoren, die 1986/1987 im Einsatz waren, in:, Loganovsky, K., Yuriyev, K. (2001): EEG Patterns in Persons Exposed to Ionizing Radiation as a Result of the Chernobyl Accident, J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 13:441-458, November 2001,
19. Burlakova, E. (2006): Naturwissenschaftliche Prinzipien von Schadwirkungen der Strahlung auf den Gesundheitszustand der Bevölkerung, in:
20. Abram Petkau, Canadian physician and biophysicist. In 1972 he made an important observation regarding the behaviour of membranes exposed to radiation. His original work is difficult to obtain. Credit goes to Ralph Graeub (Switzerland), for drawing attention to Petkau’s work in a number of books, which have now been translated into a number of languages. Ralph Graeub: Der Petkau-Effekt und unsere strahlende Zukunft [The Petkau-Effect and our radiant future], Zytglogge-Verlag 1990.
21. Strahlentelex 454-455/2005, 1ff, Krebs, Leukämie und Geisteskrankheiten finden russische, weißrussische und ukrainische Forscher jetzt vermehrt bei ihren Mitbürgern [Cancer, leukaemia and mental illnesses are being found more frequently by Russian, Belarussian and Ukrainian researchers amongst their fellow citizens]. (German).
22. Does Ionizing Radiation accelerate Aging phenomena? V. Bebeshko1, D. Bazyka1, K. Loganovsky1, S. Volovik2, A. Kovalenko1, O. Korkushko3, K.Manton2
1. Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,Kyiv, Ukraine
2. Center for Demographic Studies, Duke University, Durham, USA
3. Institute of Gerontology, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
23. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA): 3rd International Conference, Health Effects of the Chernobyl Accident, Results of 15-Year-Follow-Up Studies, Kiev, 4 to 8 June 2001, Conclusions.
24. Edmund Lengfelder, Christine Frenzel: 15 Jahre nach Tschernobyl, Folgen und Lehren der Reaktorkatastrophe [15 years after Chernobyl, effects of and lessons from the reactor catastrophe], (German) Otto Hug Strahleninstitut – MHM, Information, September 2001. (German).
25. Julia V. Malova, Russian Scientific Centre of Radiology, Psychological Rehabilitation, Moscow, 18. UICC International Cancer Congress Oslo 2002, Abstract No.O 183: Cancer patients – the participants of the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl explosion: the aims and the recourses of the psychological rehabilitation. Strahlentelex 374-375/2002, 9, Verminderte Hirnfuktionen bei Katastrophenhelfern [Reduced brain function in disaster aid workers]. (German).
26. Professor A.E. Okeanov is now prorector for research at the International Sakharov Environmental University in Minsk. He co-founded the Belarussian cancer registry in 1973 and in the following years had access to the data banks of all twelve oncological clinics in Belarus as well as to the data from 95,000 liquidators.
27. A. E. Okeanov, E. Y. Sosnovskaya, O. P. Priatkina, A national cancer registry to assess trends after Chernobyl accident, Swiss Medical Weekly 2004, 134: 645-649.
28. Valentin Timofeevic Kondrashenko: die Besonderheiten neuro-psychischer Störungen im Grenzbereich zwischen gesund und krank bei Personen, die in den Gebieten mit erhöhter radioaktiver Verseuchung leben – Kinder von Tschernobyl [The characteristics of neuropsychological disorders in the borderland between health and sickness amongst people living in areas with increased radioactive contamination: children from Chernobyl] – Erstes Berliner Koordinierungstreffen, 27.-28.10.1990, Berlin; Enclosure 4, 1-5. (German).
29. Phobia is an excessively inadequate anxiety reaction, prompted by a particular situation und usually associated with an understanding of its unfoundedness. Definition in Pschyrembel: Clinical dictionary, 257th Edition, Berlin, New York, 1994 (German).
30. Sebastian Pflugbeil, Strahlentelex 374-375/2002, 9, Ergänzender Hinweis [Additional comment] (German).
31. Strahlentelex 136-137/1992, 8, Tschernobyl, Nervenschäden nach radioaktiver Strahlung [Chernobyl, nerve damage following nuclear radiation]. Detailed information below.
32. Julia V. Malova, Russian Scientific Centre of Radiology, Psychological Rehabilitation, Moscow, 18. UICC International Cancer Congress Oslo 2002, Abstract No. O 183: Cancer patients – the participants of the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl explosion: the aims and the recourses of the psychological rehabilitation. Strahlentelex 374-375/2002, p. 9, Verminderte Hirnfunktionen bei Katastrophenhelfern. [Reduced brain function in disaster aid workers] Die tageszeitung (taz) of 16 July 2002.
33. A. Arnold, R. Häuser: Vestibular syndromes, +/- associated with Cochlear Damage, in Liquidators; PSR/IPPNW-Switzerland, Congress “Gesundheit der Liquidatoren” [Liquidator Health] in Bern, 12.11.2005.
34. S. Pflugbeil, Reisegespräche [Conversations whilst travelling].
35. Strahlentelex 146-147.1993, 4f., Moskau: Nervenkrank durch Tschernobyl. [Moscow: psychological illness due to Chernobyl]. Based on a report in the Frankfurter Rundschau. (German).
36. Julia V. Malova, Russian Scientific Centre of Radiology, Psychological Rehabilitation, Moscow, 18. UICC International Cancer Congress Oslo 2002, Abstract No. O 183: Cancer patients – the participants of the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl explosion: the aims and the recourses of the psychological rehabilitation. Strahlentelex 374-375/2002, 9, Verminderte Hirnfuktionen bei Katastrophenhelfern [Reduced brain function in disaster aid workers] (German). Die tageszeitung (taz) July 16, 2002.
37. ISSN 0362_1197, Human Physiology, 2010, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 388-398. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2010.
Original Russian Text © L.A. Zhavoronkova, A.P. Belostocky, M.A. Koulikov, S.V. Kuptsova, N.B. Kholodova, L.B. Oknina, 2010, published in Fiziologiya Cheloveka, 2010, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 22-33.
38. The Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident, European Commission and Belarus, Russian and Ukrainian Ministries on Chernobyl Affairs, Emergency Situation and Health, Report EUR 16544 EN, 1996.
39. Edmund Lengfelder, Christine Frenzel: 15 Jahre nach Tschernobyl, Folgen und Lehren der Reaktorkatastrophe [15 Years after Chernobyl, effects of and lessons from the reactor catastrophe]. Otto Hug Strahleninstitut – MHM, Information, September 2001. (German).
40. Ivanov.V. K. et al.Radiation-epidemiological analysis of the incidence of non-cancer diseases among Chernobyl liquidators, in: “Radiation & Risk”, 1999, Issue 11.
41. Dimitri Lazyuk: Cardiovascular Diseases among Liquidators and Populations; PSR/IPPNW-Swiss Congress “Health of Liquidators” in Bern, November 12, 2005.
42. The Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident, European Commission and Belarus, Russian and Ukrainian Ministries on Chernobyl Affairs, Emergency Situation and Health, Report EUR 16544 EN, 1996.
43. Edmund Lengfelder, Christine Frenzel: 15 Jahre nach Tschernobyl, Folgen und Lehren der Reaktorkatastrophe [15 Years after Chernobyl, effects of and lessons from the reactor catastrophe]. Otto Hug Strahleninstitut – MHM, Information, September 2001.
44. vel Fedirko: Eye Diseases among Liquidators: Lesions of Fundus and Macula, Vitreous and Lens; PSR/IPPNW-congress “Gesundheit der Liquidatoren” in Bern, 12.11.2005.
45. Elena B. Burlakova, V.I. Naidich (ed.): The Effects of Low Dose Radiation; VSP Utrecht, Boston, 2004.
46. Elena B. Burlakova (ed.): Low Doses of Radiation, Are They Dangerous?; NOVA Sc.Publ. Huntington, N.Y., 2000.
48. Elena Burlakova: Ionizing Radiation and Premature Aging; PSR/IPPNW-congress “Gesundheit der Liquidatoren” in Bern, 12.11.2005.
49. A.A. Yarilin: Immunological Disturbances; in: Chernobyl Catastrophe Consequences: Human Health, Moscow, 1996, 68-96, Russ. In: Burlakova et al.: Peculiarities of Biological Action of Low Irradiation Doses and their Probable Relation to the Health Status of Participants of Chernobyl Accident Liquidation; in: Imanaka (ed.): KURRI-KR-21, 1998, 223-234.
50. A.A. Yarilin: Immunological Disturbances …
51. Weinberg HS, Korol AB, Kirzhner VM, Avivi A, Fahima T, Nevo E et al. Very high mutation rate in offspring of Chernobyl accident liquidators. Proc Biol Sci 2001; 268 (1471):1001-5, Proceedings the Royal Society of London (Bd. 268, 1001).
52. Angelika Claußen: Die Katastrophe von Tschernobyl. Eine Annäherung bei einem Besuch in der verbotenen Zone [The Chernobyl catastrophe. Encounters made during a visit in the forbidden zone], IPPNW-Forum 96/2005, 6f. (German).
53. A.F. Tsyb et al.: General characterization of health in first-generation offspring born to liquidators of the Chernobyl NPP accident consequences; Int. J. Rad. Med. 2004, 6(1-4): 116-121.
54. A. Körblein: Strontium fallout from Chernobyl and perinatal mortality in Ukraine and Belarus. Radiats Biol Radioecol. 2003 Mar-Apr;43(2):197-202. Strahlentelex, 398-399/2003, 5.
55. Alfred Körblein 2005: Studies of pregnancy outcome following the Chernobyl accident. Unpublished.
56. V.I. Kulakov, T.N. Sokur, A.I. Volobuev, I.S. Tzibulskaya, V.A. Malisheva, B.I. Zikin, L.C. Ezova, L.A. Belyaeva, P.D. Bonartzev, N.V. Speranskaya, et. al.: Female reproductive function in areas affected by radiation after the Chernobyl power station accident, Environ Health Perspect. 1993 Jul;101 Suppl 2:117-123. reproduced by: Alfred Körblein 2005: Studies of pregnancy outcome following the Chernobyl accident. Unpublished.
57. Alfred Körblein: Säuglingssterblichkeit nach Tschernobyl [Infant mortality since Chernobyl]. Report no. 24/2003 Otto Hug Strahleninstituts, 6-34. (German).
58. Alfred Körblein 2005: Studies of pregnancy outcome following the Chernobyl accident. Unpublished.
59. Strahlentelex 7/1987, 2. Strahlentelex 8/1987, 3.
60. Lüning, J. Scheer, M. Schmidt, H. Ziggel: Early infant mortality in West Germany before and after Chernobyl. Lancet. 1989 Nov 4;2(8671): 1081-1083.
61. Dr. Alfred Körblein (Munich Institute for the Environment) had already drawn the wrath of the establishment upon himself by disrespectfully and carefully reading the renowned studies from the Cancer Registry in Mainz (Director: Prof. Dr. Jörg Michaelis) on cancer incidence in the vicinity of German nuclear power plants and coming to very different results than Michaelis and the Minister for the Environment at the time, Angela Merkel. The resoluteness of Körblein and the coherence of his arguments have played a great part in prompting a new analysis of cancer incidence in the vicinity of German nuclear power plants.
62. A. Körblein, H. Küchenhoff: Perinatal Mortality in Germany following the Chernobyl accident. Radiat Environ Biophys 1997; 36(1): 3-7.
63. Hagen Scherb, Eveline Weigelt: Zunahme der Perinatalsterblichkeit, Totgeburten und Fehlbildungen in Deutschland, Europa und in hoch belasteten Gebieten deutschen und europäischen Regionen nach dem Reaktorunfall von Tschernobyl im April 1986 [Increase in perinatal mortality, stillbirths and malformations in Germany, Europe and in heavily contaminated areas of German and European regions following the reactor accident in Chernobyl in April 1986]. Report no. 24/2003 from the Otto Hug Strahleninstituts, 35-75. (German).
64. Strahlentelex 108-109/1991, p. 4, Die Säuglingssterblichkeit war in Süddeutschland erhöht [Increase in perinatal mortality in southern Germany]. (German).
65. Alfred Körblein: Säuglingssterblichkeit nach Tschernobyl [Perinatal mortality since Chernobyl]. Report no. 24/2003 Otto Hug Strahleninstituts, 6-34. (German).
66. 同上
67. Hagen Scherb, Eveline Weigelt: Zunahme der Perinatalsterblichkeit, Totgeburten und Fehlbildungen in Deutschland, Europa und in hoch belasteten Gebieten deutschen und europäischen Regionen nach dem Reaktorunfall von Tschernobyl im April 1986 [Increase in perinatal mortality, stillbirths and malformations in Germany, Europe and in heavily contaminated areas of German and European regions following the reactor accident in Chernobyl in April 1986]. Report no. 24/2003 from the Otto Hug Strahleninstituts, 35-75. (German).
68. 同上
69. H. Scherb, E. Weigelt, I. Brüske-Hohlfeld: European stillbirth proportions before and after the Chernobyl accident; International Journal of Epidemiology 1999; 28:932-940.
70. H. Scherb, E. Weigelt: Spatial-temporal change-point regression models for European perinatal data; European Radiation Research 2000, 30th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Radiation Biology, Warzawa, August 27-31, 2000.
71. H. Scherb, E. Weigelt, I. Brüske-Hohlfeld: Regression Analysis of Time Trends in Perinatal Mortality in Germany 1980-1993; Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 108, No. 2, February 2000.
72. H. Scherb, E. Weigelt: Spatial-temporal logistic regression of the cesium contamination and the time trend in annual stillbirth proportions on a district level in Bavaria, 1980 to 1993; in: Friedl, H. et al. (eds): Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Technical University Graz, 647-650.
73. T. Harjulehto, T. Aro, H. Rita, T. Rytömaa, L. Saxén: The accident at Chernobyl and outcome of pregnancy in Finland. Br Med J. 1989; 298: 995-997. Strahlentelex 178-189/1994, 7, Neugeborenensterblichkeit nach Tschernobyl.
74. Hagen Scherb, Eveline Weigelt: Zunahme der Perinatalsterblichkeit, Totgeburten und Fehlbildungen in Deutschland, Europa und in hoch belasteten Gebieten deutschen und europäischen Regionen nach dem Reaktorunfall von Tschernobyl im April 1986 [Increase in perinatal mortality, stillbirths and malformations in Germany, Europe and in heavily contaminated areas in German and European regions following the reactor accident in Chernobyl in April 1986]. Report no. 24/2003 from the Otto Hug Strahleninstituts, 35-75. (German).
75. Körblein, A.: Säuglingssterblichkeit nach Tschernobyl in skandinavischen Ländern, Strahlentelex 510-511, 2008.
76. J. Gould, Lecture on 18/19.11.1987 in Hamburg.
77. J.M. Gould: Mortality Consequences of Chernobyl Radiation in the US, First Global Radiation Victims Congress, New York, 29.9.1987.
78. D. Tricholoulos: The Victims of Chernobyl in Greece: induced abortions after the accident. Brit. Med. J. 295(1987) 1100.
79. L.E. Ketchum: Lessons of Chernobyl: SNM Members Try to Decontaminate World Threatened by Fallout; The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 28(1987) 6, 933ff.
80. Mole, Brit.J.Radiol. 52(1979)614,84-101.
81. Körblein, Alfred: Erhöhte Sterblichkeit von Neugeborenen nach Tschernobyl, in: Strahlentelex 580-581/03.03.2011.
82. Scherb, H., Verlorene Kinder. Die Geschlechtschance des Menschen bei der Geburt in Europa und in den USA nach den oberirdischen Atomwaffentests und nach Tschernobyl. In: Strahlentelex 558-559, 2010.
83. V.A. Shevchenko: Assessment of Genetic Risk from Exposure of Human Populations to Radiation; in: E.B. Burlakova: Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe: Human Health; Moscow, 1996, 46-61.
84. United Nations: Sources, Effects and Risk of Ionizing Radiation; UNSCEAR, New York, 1988, Report to the General Assembly, United Nations, New York, 1988. No. 1.35-44.
85. These thoughts essentially adhere to data given by V.A. Shevchenko: Assessment of Genetic Risk from Exposure of Human Populations to Radiation; in: E.B. Burlakova: Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe: Human Health; Moscow, 1996, S. 46-61, but elaborate on those for Europe. Figures were very much rounded-down, because at this point in time only a rough estimation is possible.
86. V.A. Shevchenko: Assessment of Genetic Risk from Exposure of Human Populations to Radiation; in: E.B. Burlakova: Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe: Human Health; Moscow, 1996, 46-61.
87. G. Stephan, U. Oestreicher: An increased frequency of structural chromosome aberrations in persons present in the vicinity of Chernobyl during and after the reactor accident. Is this effect caused by radiation exposure? Mutation Research, 223(1989) 7-12.
88. G.I. Lazjuk, I.A. Kirillova, I.u.E. Dubrova, I.V. Novikova: Incidence of developmental defects in human embryos in the territory of Byelarus after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station, Genetika, 1994 Sep; 30(9): 1268-1273 (Russian). Reproduced from: Alfred Körblein 2005: Studies of pregnancy outcome following the Chernobyl accident. Unpublished.
89. Hoffmann, W.: Fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and congenital malformations in Europe. Archives of Environmental Health 56 (2001) 478-484. Strahlentelex, 374-375/2002, 9 f. Inge Schmitz-Feuerhake, Malformations in Europe and Turkey. (German).
90. A. Petrova, T. Gnedko, I. Maistrova, M. Zafranskaya, N. Dainiak: Morbidity in a large cohort study of children born to mothers exposed to radiation from Chernobyl, Stem Cells, 1997; 15 Supp 2:141-150. Reproduced by: Alfred Körblein 2005: Studies of pregnancy outcome following the Chernobyl accident. Unpublished.
91. Zatsepin et. al., Cluster of Down’s syndrome cases registered in January 1987 in the Republic of Belarus as a possible effect of the Chernobyl accident.
92. GID 112/113, June 1996. Deutschland-Radio Newsletter, 27.04.1996. Strahlentelex, 228-229/1996, 9, Erbgutveränderungen bei Kindern verdoppelt [Changes in genetic material amongst children doubles]. (German).
93. Ivan Godlevsky, O. Nasvit: Dynamics of Health Status of Residents in the Lugyny District after the Accident at the ChNPP; In T. Imanaka: KURRI-KR-21, Kyoto, 1998, 149-156.
94. Wertelecki, Wladimir: Malformations in a Chornobyl-Impacted Region. Pediatrics 2010;125; e836-e843,, in Strahlentelex 564-565, 2010.
95. People with Down’s syndrome have a chromosome set, in which chromosome 21 occurs three times instead of twice. They therefore have a total of 47 instead of 46 chromosomes, the carriers of genetic information. These genetic changes occur as a result of a disruption in the meiosis of the sexual cell, usually of the mother, prior to fertilization. The results are a typical physical appearance of the children, low intelligence quota, reduced defence against infection and malformations of internal organs for example, cardiac defects.
96. Strahlentelex, 3/1987, Feb. 19,1987, 1f, Mongolismus nach Tschernobyl zwei – bis dreimal häufiger [Down’s syndrome since Chernobyl two to three times more frequent] (German).
97. Strahlentelex, 5/1987, March 19, 1987, 1f. , “Mongolismus” 9 Monate nach Tschernobyl [Down’s syndrome nine months after Chernobyl]
98. 同上
99. Strahlentelex, 166-167/1993, 4, Chernobyl effects also measurable in Germany. (German).
100. Karl Sperling, Jörg Pelz, Rolf-Dieter Wegner, Andrea Dörries, Annette Grüters, Margareta Mikkelsen, Significant increase in trisomy 21 in Berlin nine months after the Chernobyl reactor accident, temporal correlation or causal relation? British Medical Journal 1994, 309: 158-62, 16 July 1994. Karl Sperling, Jörg Pelz, Rolf-Dieter Wegner, I. Schulzke, E. Struck, Frequency of trisomy 21 in Germany before and after the Chernobyl accident, Biomed & Pharmacother, 1991, 45, 255-262.
101. 同上
102. Pierre Verger, Down Syndrom und Ionizing Radiation, Health Physics, December 1997, Vol 73:6, 882-893. Strahlentelex, 268-269/1998, 1-4. In a re-analysis, the Trisomie-21 study of the Berlin human geneticist Sperling was confirmed.
103. Strahlentelex, 47/1988, S. 6, Hamburg, Im Tschernobyl-Jahr 1986 vermehrt untergewichtige Säuglinge geboren [More underweight babies born in 1986, the year of Chernobyl]. (German).
104. Lotz, B. et al.: Veränderungen im fetalen und kindlichen Sektionsgut im Raum Jena nach dem Reaktorunfall von Tschernobyl [Changes in fetal and child dissection material in the area of Jena following the Chernobyl reactor accident], Bonn, Lecture: Society for Medical Documentation, Statistics and Epidemiology, 1996. In Hoffmann, W.: Fallout … (German).
105. Zieglowski, V., A. Hemprich: Facial cleft birth rate in former East Germany before and after the reactor accident in Chernobyl. Mund Kiefer Gesichtschirurgie 1999; 3:195-199; In Hoffmann, W.: Fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and congenital malformations in Europe. Archives of Environmental Health 56 (2001). 478-484.
106. Hoffmann, W.: Fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and congenital malformations in Europe. Archives of Environmental Health 56 (2001) 478-484.
107. Alfred Körblein: Folgen von Tschernobyl: Fehlbildungen bei Neugeborenen in Bayern. [Effects of Chernobyl: Malformations of newborns in Bavaria]. Umweltnachrichten 94/2001, Umweltinstitut München e.V. December 2001, 11-16. H. Scherb, E. Weigelt, Spaltgeburtenrate in Bayern vor und nach dem Reaktorunfall in Tschernobyl [Cleft lip and cleft palate birth rate in Bavaria before and after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident], Mund Kiefer Gesichtschirurgie 2004 Mar;8(2):106-10. (German).
108. H. Scherb, E. Weigelt, Spaltgeburtenrate in Bayern vor und nach dem Reaktorunfall in Tschernobyl [Cleft lip and cleft palate birth rate in Bavaria before and after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident], Mund Kiefer Gesichtschirurgie 2004 Mar;8(2):106-10. (German). Strahlentelex, 416-417/2004, 4f., Fehlbildungen in Bayern nach Tschernobyl [Malformations of newborns in Bavaria]. (German).
109. Otto-Hug-report no. 24. Strahlentelex, 388-389/2003, 6f., Auch in Deutschland und anderen Ländern Europas starben nach Tschernobyl deutlich mehr Säuglinge, gab es mehr Fehlbildungen und Totgeburten [In Germany and other European countries, decidedly more infants also died since Chernobyl, and there were more malformations and stillbirths]. (German).
110. BEIR V: Health effects of exposures to low levels of ionising radiation. National Research Council, Committee on the biological effects of ionising radiation, Nat. Academy Press, Washington, 1990.
111. A.M. Kellerer: Reaktorkatastrophe und Säuglingssterblichkeit? [Reactor catastrophe and infant mortality?] GSF-Report 19/98. Neuherberg. (German).
112. Strahlenschutzkommission [Radiation Protection Commission]:Wirkungen nach pränataler Bestrahlung [Effects following prenatal radiation]; BMU ed., 1989.
113. K.S. Heiervang, S. Mednick, K. Sundet, B.R. Rund: Effect of low dose ionizing radiation exposure in utero on cognitive function in adolescence, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2010, Blackwell Publishing Oxford, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9450.2010.00814.In: Strahlentelex:556 -557,2010.
114. Irene Noll, Strahlentelex, 9/1987, 1f. (German).
115. Strahlentelex, 31/1988, 5, Vermehrt Zwitter, Totgeburten und Missbildungen in süddeutschen Ziegenherden [More hermaphrodites, stillbirths and malformations in S. German goatherds]. (German).
116. C. Hesse-Honegger: Heteroptera, Das Schöne und das Andere oder Bilder einer mutierenden Welt [Beauty and the other, or pictures of a mutating world]; Steidl-Verlag, Göttingen, 2003.
117. Response of the European Commission to a question by the EP member Rebecca Harms, P-1234/05DE on 21.4.2005.
118. Th.D.: 19 Jahre nach Tschernobyl, britische Schafe sind immer noch radioaktiv verseucht [19 years after Chernobyl, British sheep are still radioactively contaminated]; Strahlentelex Nr.440-441/2005, 6f. (German).
119. A. McSmith: Chernobyl: A poisonous legacy; Independent, 14.3.2006.
120. Güvenc, H., Uslu, M.A., Güvenc, M., Ozkici, U., Kocabay, K., Bektas, S.: Changing trend of neural tube defects in Eastern Turkey; J. Epidemiol. Community Health, 1993, 47:40-41.
121. Caglayan, S., Kayhan, B., Mentesoglu, S., Aksit, S.: Changing incidence of neural tube defects in Aegean Turkey; Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 1990, 4:264-268.
122. N. Akar, Cavadaò, A.O., Arcasoy, A.: High incidence of Neural Tube defects in Bursa, Turkey; Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 1988, 2:89-92.
123. Strahlentelex, 3/1987, 1f. Mongolismus nach Tschernobyl zwei- bis dreimal häufiger [Down’s syndrome since Chernobyl two to three times more frequent]. (German).
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