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その遷移スピードは 1cm/sec のオーダです。地震の波で大きな震動をもたらすのがS波です。それの伝播スピードが 3km/secですから、地震活動遷移スピードはS波に比べて10の[-5乗]、つまり10万分の1程度ということになります。
所が、こうした通常地震と全く様相を異にする地震があるらしい。一事例しか知られていなかったので、それが本当にありえるのか否かを実験で検証したところ、その可能性が示唆されました。それを2009年10月28日から10回ほどの地震記事で書きました。 この記事で示された事例はいずれも地表の横ズレ地震でした(本ブログの後尾にその記事の一端を再掲しました)。
Supersonic Earthquake Shook Kamchatka
The temblor that shook Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula last year was one of only six supersonic earthquakes ever identified
ロシアのカムチャッカ半島を揺り動かした地震はこれまでに6つしか知られていない誠に珍しい地震であった。 Jul 14, 2014 |By Becky Oskin and LiveScience
A comparison between the 2013 Okhotsk earthquake and the 1994 Northridge earthquake.
Credit: Scripps Institution of Oceanography
One of the world's deepest earthquakes was also a rare supersonic quake, upending ideas about where these unusual earthquakes strike.
Only six supersonic (or supershear) earthquakes have ever been identified, all in the last 15 years. Until now, they all showed similar features, occurring relatively near the Earth's surface and on the same kind of fault. But last year, a remarkably super-fast and super-deep earthquake hit below Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula, breaking the pattern.
"This was very surprising," said Zhongwen Zhan, lead author of the study, published today (July 10) in the journal Science. "It's not only deep, it's supershear, and it's also quite small."
“これは驚きだ”と、雑誌Scienceの7月10日号に論文を投じたZhongwen Zhanは言う。“深いだけでなく、超高速でありながら、その規模は小さい”、と。
The weird earthquake struck May 24, 2013, about 398 miles (642 kilometers) beneath the Sea of Okhotsk offshore of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The magnitude-6.7 quake was an aftershock to the largest deep earthquake on record, a magnitude 8.3 that also hit May 24. [Image Gallery: This Millennium's Destructive Earthquakes]
The shaking provided the first sign that this was a strange quake. Earthquakes of similar size, such as the 1994 Northridge quake in Los Angeles, shimmy for seven to eight seconds. But this magnitude-6.7 temblor lasted for just two seconds.
この異様な地震は2013年5月24日カムチャッカ半島沖オホーツク海下642kmで起きた。M=6.7のこの最大余震も同じ5月24日に起きた。余震の地震動はこの地震の異様さを端的に表すものであった。1994年のNorthridge quake in Los Angelesはこの余震と同じ位の大きさであったが、その震動継続時間は7^8秒であった。しかしこの余震でのそれはわずか2秒ほどであった。
After dredging up all the available seismic recordings, Zhan and his co-authors realized the earthquake was extremely short because it was extremely fast.
An earthquake occurs when two sides of a fault rip apart, opening up like a zipper. Faults can slide side-by-side or up-and-down, or a combination of both directions. The event unleashes waves of seismic energy. Certain types of waves called shear waves usually travel faster than the rupture unzips, but in supershear earthquakes, the rupture catches the shear waves.
解析できる限りの地震記録を掘り起こして、Zhan and his co-authorsはこの地震継続時間が極め短くしかし、きわめて高速であることを知った。地震は断層がちぎれて起きる。それは、ジッパを下げることに似ている。断層は次々とジッパの動きのように横にあるいは上下にすべる。勿論両方の運動が同時に起きることもある。このとき、地震エネルギを波として解き放つ。S波と呼ばれる地震波は通常ジッパの動くスピードより早い。しかし、超高速地震ではジッパのスピードがS波のそれに追いつくのだ。
When the rupturing fault moves faster than the shear waves, the waves of energy pile up like the Mach cone surrounding a jet flying faster than the speed of sound, creating a phenomenon akin to a seismic sonic boom.
The Okhotsk quake's rupture speed clocked in at a zippy 5 miles per second (8 km/s), said Zhan, a seismologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California. Regular earthquakes, at shallower depths, break loose at about 2.2 miles per second (3.5 km/s), he said.
Until now, seismologists had never documented a super-fast earthquake at such extreme depths. Nor have they seen supershear earthquakes on this kind of fault.
Previously, the super-fast quakes were on strike-slip faults, where two slabs of the Earth slide past each other with no up-and-down motion. But the Okhotsk earthquake was in a subduction zone, where a fault thrusts one of Earth's tectonic plates down below another plate.
Zhan said he thinks the new earthquake will upset models of supershear earthquakes and their potential for dangerous shaking. The seismic sonic boom effect can increase the effects of surface shaking by two to three times over regular earthquakes, researchers think. But until now, no one thought that thrust-type faults could go supersonic.
"If a shallow earthquake such as Northridge goes supershear, it could cause even more shaking and possibly more damage," said Zhan. "The shear Mach cone carries very strong shaking," he told Live Science.
この新しい地震は超S地震についてのこれまでの考え方をひっくり返した。地震のより危険な可能性についても見方を激変させるとZhanは言う。この地震波凝集(衝撃波的現象)は地上の揺れを増幅しそれは通常の地震の2倍にも3倍にもなりえる。と、研究者達は考えている。もしNorthridgeのような浅い地震が超音速地震であれば、それはずっと大きな地震動を地表にもたらし多分もっと大きな被害をもたらしただろうと、Zhanは言う。そのS波マッハ現象は非常に強い震動をもたらすと、かれはLive Science.誌に語った。
Zhan said the earthquake would also help researchers better understand super-deep earthquakes. There are still huge unknowns about why these earthquakes take place, he said.
"We still don't know why earthquakes can do supershear," Zhan said. "And we still don't know why deep earthquakes occur. But this surprising observation tells us something about deep earthquakes."
The study throws a wrinkle into the debate over whether deep earthquakes are fundamentally different from earthquakes closer to Earth's surface, said Thorne Lay, a seismologist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who was not involved in the research.
この地震の研究は深発地震が基本的に浅発地震とどこがどう異なっているのかについての議論に何がしかの手がかりを与えている、とThorne Lay, a seismologist at the University of California, Santa Cruzは言う。彼はこの研究には関わっていないが。
Lay isn't convinced the Okhotsk earthquake was a supershear quake. "It's a reasonable interpretation, but there's a lot of complexity in the [seismic] signals," he said. Other kinds of shaking seen in deep earthquake zones could produce a similar effect.
Deep quakes hit where the behavior of rocks fundamentally changes: They transition from breaking apart like bricks, to slowly flowing like warm plastic (called ductile deformation). Researchers actively debate how rocks can fracture apart in earthquakes at these depths.
"This is one of the cleanest, sharpest ruptures we've ever seen," Lay said. "If it is a supershear earthquake, it would be extremely cool."
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The Sea of Okhotsk earthquake may have involved re-rupture of a fault in the plate produced when the oceanic plate bent down into the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone as it began to sink. But the precise mechanism for initiating shear fracture under huge confining pressure remains unclear. The presence of fluid can lubricate the fault, but all of the fluids should have been squeezed out of the slab before it reached that depth.
With Rosakis on the verge of losing the bet, they put the slabs under slightly higher pressure by squeezing the fault tighter. Then, when they triggered a rupture, something odd happened: a fresh "daughter" crack suddenly appeared ahead of the main "mother" rupture, travelling much faster. The daughter crack then expanded rapidly, and joined up with the mother rupture, causing the entire rupture to immediately start travelling faster than its shear waves, leapfrogging the "forbidden" speeds. Not only that, it continued to produce new shear waves, which added to the first batch to produce a new, more powerful shock wave called a "Mach front", which trailed behind the rupture in the shape of a boat's wake (see diagram) (Science, vol 303, p 1859). This is similar to what happens when jet fighters break the sound barrier and travel at Mach speeds; they create pressure waves as they speed through the air, but travel fast enough to catch up with them. The waves constructively interfere with each other to become one explosive sonic boom, extending in an expanding cone behind the aircraft.
