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イタリアで2009年に起きた地震について、その予知能力を問われた地震学者が裁判にかけられたことはこれまで、何回か本ブログで書いてきました(2012年11月14日記事他)。昨年、これらの地震学者に刑期六年の判決が下されました。この判決をめぐって、研究者の側は、判決が不当であることを訴えています。以下はscientific american誌9月26日号記事の紹介です:
%%%%%scientific american9月26日号より
Faulty Justice: Italian Earthquake Scientist Speaks Out against His Conviction
Geophysicist Enzo Boschi slams the poor communication that could put him behind bars for six years By Larry Greenemeier
地球物理学者Enzo Boschiは六年間、彼を牢に閉じ込めることになった貧困な情報伝達を酷評する」
SEISMIC TRIAL OF THE CENTURY: Emergency personnel inspect damaged buildings following the April 2009 earthquake in central Italy. Image: Courtesy of enpasedecentrale, via Wikimedia Commons
A year ago an Italian court sentenced six scientists and an ex-government official to six years in prison for manslaughter. More specifically, the judge found them guilty for failing to give adequate advance warning to the population of L’Aquila, a city in the Abruzzo region of Italy, about the risk of the April 2009 earthquake that caused 309 deaths. As they await word of their appeal, the scientists maintain that the true culprit in that disaster was the government’s inability to communicate nuanced scientific information to L’Aquila’s citizens.
Much of the prosecution’s case hinged on a meeting of the National Commission for the Forecast and Prevention of Major Risks in L’Aquila one week prior to the earthquake. That confab, run by the Italian government, featured a committee of scientists who discussed the difficulty of predicting seismic activity but also pointed out that Abruzzo—L’Aquila in particular—sits on one of the worst earthquake zones in the country. Following the meeting, the government downplayed the risk of an earthquake, giving residents a false sense of security that discouraged them from fleeing to safety once the magnitude 6.3 quake had begun, according to prosecutors.
この検察起訴が介入した事件は、地震の一週間前にラクイラでのthe National Commission for the Forecast and Prevention of Major Risksの会合に始まった。イタリアの政府が所掌するその会合は、地震活動予知の難しさを指摘する研究者達の委員会代表も参加していた。研究者達は、議論にとどまらず、国で最悪の地震帯の内の1つにAbruzzoラクイラが位置することを指摘していた。検察官によれば、会合の後、住民に安全であると虚偽の事情を語り、住民がマグニチュード6.3地震が始まったとしても安全であると錯覚するような、危険性を過小視する説明を政府はした。
One of the convicted scientists continues to defend his position that the charges against him and his colleagues were “illogical” and warns that they set “dangerous precedents for the future of the scientific process.” In a letter to be published Friday in Science, Enzo Boschi, former president of Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, also noted that the meeting’s discourse prompted the city’s mayor to close certain schools and recommend a state of emergency be declared—moves that may have saved some lives. He says the court later ignored the mayor’s testimony.
有罪と判決された科学者の内の1人は、彼と彼の同僚に対する容疑が「非論理的だった」と、彼の立場を弁護し続け、そうしたやりかたは、「科学的方法の適用について、将来の危険な先例」を作ると警告した。金曜日にScience誌の中で公表された手紙で、Enzo Boschi(Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanologyの前所長)も、その会合での談話が学校を休校にして、かつ非常事態宣言を発するようにとの市長への助言をしていたことに着目し、sれに従っていれば、犠牲者の数を減らせたかもしれないと指摘した。彼によれば、法廷は市長の証言を無視したと言う。
Perhaps more troubling, the prosecution also misrepresented a 1995 study by Boschi and others in which they noted that a handful of powerful earthquakes recorded in Abruzzo in the 17th and 18th centuries did not prove that the risk of future temblors in that area was high. Boschi argues that the prosecutor “completely distorted” that study’s purpose and conclusions. “The public prosecutor’s superficial interpretation of scientific results to bolster his argument sets a grave precedent for not only seismology but many other disciplines as well.” The 1995 study was not meant to be the final word on Abruzzo’s vulnerability to strong earthquakes but rather a present a point for further scientific discourse.
Boschi's letter is a powerful defense against the unjustified conviction of scientists in the L'Aquila case, says Thomas Jordan, director of the Southern California Earthquake Center and professor of earth sciences at the University of Southern California, where the center is headquartered. The problems in communicating seismic risks prior to the L'Aquila earthquake resulted from a poorly constructed and badly misused risk-advisory system run by the government, not the fault of actions or statements by the scientists themselves, he adds.
Boschiの手紙はラクイラ事件についての科学者への理不尽な有罪宣告に対する強力な弁護である、とThomas Jordan, director of the Southern California Earthquake Center and professor of earth sciences at the University of Southern California,は言う。ラクイラ地震に先立って地震危険度を住民に周知する問題は、科学者自身によるアクションかステートメントの欠点ではなく政府によって実行されるべき、貧弱な構造物、機能しない危険助言システムに起因した、と彼は付け加える。
Instead, the scientists found their views and actions lumped in with those of Bernardo De Bernardinis, then vice director of the government’s Department of Civil Protection, who at a prequake press conference to discuss the commission's meeting reportedly downplayed the danger of an imminent earthquake. When a reporter asked whether residents should then relax with a glass of wine, he is quoted as saying, "Absolutely, absolutely a Montepulciano," referring to a type of red wine. De Bernardinis's lawyers claim he was making a joke, but prosecutors seized on this statement nonetheless.
代わりに、科学者達は以下を指摘する:Bernardo De Bernardinis, then vice director(当時の副部長) of the government’s Department of Civil Protectionが、委員会の会合を説明するための記者会見で、報道されるところでは、切迫する地震についての危険性を軽視していた。
住民がワインを空けるほどに安心できるかどうかをリポーターが尋ねた際、彼は有名なブランド物ワインの名をあげて、「そのとおり」と言った。De Bernardinisの弁護士は、彼が冗談を言っていたと主張した。しかし、検察官はこのステートメントをそれにもかかわらず採用した。
“This comment was irresponsible and, as far as I know, it did not represent the views of the rest of the committee, including Dr. Boschi, or of our ability to forecast earthquakes,” says Robert Yeats, professor emeritus of geology at Oregon State University in Corvallis. “The earthquakes at L'Aquila were part of an earthquake swarm, and science does not permit us to predict whether the swarm will include a large damaging earthquake mid-swarm or will simply taper off without damage.”
「私が知っている限り、このコメントは無責任だ。Boschi博士を含む他の委員会メンバが指摘する地震予知能力についての見解を代弁していない」とRobert Yeats, professor emeritus of geology at Oregon State University in Corvallisは言う。「ラクイラでの地震は群発地震の一部であった。科学は、群発地震が大きな被害地震を引き起こすのか、単に損害なしで先細になるのかについて、その知見が無い。」と言う。
The L’Aquila prosecution has been the “trial of the century from a seismological point of view or more generally from the perspective of the scientists involved in public policy and, in particular, risk-communication issues,” says Jordan, who chaired the International Commission on Earthquake Forecasting for Civil Protection formed by the Italian government in the aftermath of the L'Aquila event to assess the scientific knowledge of earthquake predictability and provide guidelines for effectively gathering, updating and disseminating information to the public.
ラクイラ地震に関する検察による起訴は「地震学の視点、あるいはより一般に科学、とりわけリスク伝達という公益の視点からすると世紀の裁判であった」と、Jordan, who chaired the International Commission on Earthquake Forecasting for Civil Protectionは言う。このコミッションは地震予知の科学的評価、有効な公への情報収集と更新、流布するためのガイドラインを作成するべく、ラクイラ地震後にイタリアの政府が設立した。
Scientists should be asked to provide the appropriate advice on the scientific issues, but communicating a course of action based on that advice must be done by people who can take into account political, economic and other factors that weigh on those actions, Jordan says. “It comes back to what is the appropriate role for scientists—and the appropriate role is not making risk-management decisions but rather giving advice,” he adds. “If that is done properly I don’t see liability associated with that.”
