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Scientific American: Fukushima will have to be entombed in sarcophagus if melted fuel in ‘bad enough’ situation — Radiation Expert: I think they’re going to put a fence around reactors and just watch site forever (VIDEO)
Published: January 21st, 2014 at 10:37 am ET By ENENews
公開: 2014年1月21日午前10:37、 ET ENENewsによる
Scientific American, Jan. 2014: If the melted nuclear fuel [at Fukushima Daiichi] proves bad enough […] it will have to be entombed for a number of years rather than removed, because of radiation risk from what is essentially a cooled shell of ceramic armor surrounding a highly radioactive core that remains hot and is still undergoing radioactive decay. Bottom line: until Fukushima has a sarcophagus entombing it or all the nuclear fuel has been carted away expect periodic reports of steam for years to come.
サイエンティフィック•アメリカン、 2014年1月: [福島第一の]溶融核燃料が十分に悪いと判明したならば、[...]それ(溶融核燃料)は取り除かれるよりもむしろ、数年かけて葬られる必要があるだろう、なぜならば、セラミック装甲に囲まれて本質的に冷却された殻からの放射線リスクではなく、高放射性炉心は熱いままで、まだ放射性崩壊を受けているからだ。結論:福島(原子力発電所)がそれを石棺で葬る、あるいは全ての核燃料が運び去られるまで、蒸気の周期的な報道が何年も来ると予想される。
Professor Chris Busby, Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk and member of UK Department of Health Committee Examining Radiation Risk for Internal Emitters, Jan. 6, 2014 (at 19:45 in): “I think they’re going to have to throw a fence around there and watch it forever. I don’t see what else they can do [...] frankly I think there’s nothing much they can do now — the genies out of the bottle.”
Full interview available here
See also: Nuclear Engineer: It’s a little alerting to see this many articles downplaying Fukushima health effects -- You have to think, why is this happening? -- Are they going to walk away from reactors and say sorry, there's nothing we can do? (VIDEO)
参照:原子力エンジニア:それは福島の健康への影響を軽視する、この多くの記事を見た上での警告です -- あなたが考えなければならない、なぜこれが起こっているのか?--彼ら(電力会社)は原子炉から徒歩で離れて、申し訳を言おうとしていますか、私たちにできることは何もありません? (映像)
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