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Nuclear Expert: Molten fuel may have flowed through cracks in foundations of Fukushima reactor buildings — No one’s been able to go under there and take samples
原子力専門家:溶融燃料は福島原発原子炉建屋の基礎のひび割れから流れ込んだであろう − 誰も、そこの下に行って、サンプルを取ることができない
Published: September 11th, 2013 at 5:51 pm ET By ENENews
公開:5:51 PM ETで2013年9月11日 ENENewsによって
Arjun Makhijani, an electrical and nuclear engineer and President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research: [...]
The main problem, I think, is that ground water is contacting the molten fuel and becoming extremely contaminated, rain water also. And they don’t have enough treatment capacities which is why all these tanks have highly contaminated water. [...]
主な問題は、私が思うには、地下水は溶融燃料と接触し、非常に汚染されている、雨水もまた接触している。そして彼らは、これら全てのタンクが高度汚染水である原因について、十分な対処能力を持っていません。 [...]
The fuel is molten and the bottom of the reactor building is undoubtedly damaged. So that’s why the ground water flowing past the trenches and pipes and past the basement of the reactor building is getting into the reactor building where the molten fuel is.
It may also be that the molten fuel is in the cracks of the foundation.
We don’t have a very clear picture yet but of course no one has been able to go under the foundation and take samples. [...]
我々はまだ、非常に明解な絵図を持っていないが、もちろん誰も、基底部の下に行って、サンプルを取ることはできない。 [...]
ナルト大橋 訳
