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Mayor: Impossible to stop groundwater entering Fukushima plant — Abandoning melted fuel means contamination will always be flowing out — “I’m truly afraid… a tremendous problem… very, very serious” (VIDEO)
Published: September 6th, 2013 at 9:13 am ET By ENENews
公開: 9時13分に2013年9月6日はET午前 ENENewsによる
Title: 主催 村上達也東海村長 記者会見 (Tatsuya Murakami, Mayor of Tokai-mura in Ibaraki Prefecture)
Source: Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan
Filmed by: IWJ Ch4
Date: Sept. 5, 2013
タイトル:主催 村上達也東海村長 記者会見(村上達也、茨城県東海村村長)
IWJ Ch4によって撮影
日付: 2013年9月5日
Tatsuya Murakami, Mayor of Tokai-mura in Ibaraki Prefecture: What I’m truly afraid of is the groundwater. As you know, Japan is a country with a lot of rain. You could even consider it to be a monsoon country, and when we add that to the fact that we are a very mountainous nation, that means you have a lot of water always running underground to the ocean.
When you look at the Fukushima power plant, you see that nearby is a very big mountain range called the Abukuma mountain range, and mountain ranges are always as I said a source of water. And there’s just a tremendous amount of groundwater always, always flowing very strongly towards the ocean. […]
あなたは福島の発電所を見てみると、その近くの阿武隈山脈と呼ばれる非常に大きな山脈があることが分かります、そして、私が言うように、常に水の流出源です。そして、途方もない量の地下水が、常にいつも海に向かっ非常に強く流れています、それです。 [...]
Given the fact that the special terrain of Fukushima encourages groundwater — I know that at present the people in charge of the Fukushima plant are saying that they will somehow stop the groundwater from getting into the premises of the plant — but I think it’s an extremely difficult task. I frankly think it is an impossible task, and I think anyone who thinks that they can accomplish such things and conquer nature in that way is simply just full of themselves and not really realistic
I am again very concerned about the groundwater, in part because as a result of the meltdown we have this spent fuel that is just being abandoned, just been left there, and as long as it exists it is constantly emitting radiation, it is constantly being in contact with water and you’re always going to get more and more contaminated water produced. So unless that spent fuel is a somehow taken care of, you’re always going to have this danger of more contaminated water getting out. […]
私は再度、地下水について非常に心配します、一つは、我々は、メルトダウンの結果、まさに放棄された例の使用済核燃料があり、ちょうどそこに残されており、それが存在する限りは、持続的に放射性物質を放ちます、それは常に水と接触して、あなたは常時、より多くの生産される汚染水を得る事態となります。その使用済み燃料は、何とか処理しない限り、あなたは常に、漏れ出る汚染水を得る危険性があります。 [...]
I believe that this groundwater is a tremendous problem, and the idea of this contaminated water reaching the ocean I think is very, very serious and frightening thing.
