03. 2012年6月25日 16:45:34
: Mnxczxr6Dw
米軍は日本をオスプレイの「訓練場」だと見なしている、とのこと。米国に愛想笑いで追従してきた日本は、いまや完全に足下をみられて 放射能やら不完全な兵器の生体実験場になってしまいました。(苦笑) ↓ ------------------------------------------------------------ http://ryukyushimpo.jp/news/storyid-193002-storytopic-3.html 「人為ミス」改ざん圧力 10年オスプレイ事故調査2012年6月25日 【米ワシントン23日=松堂秀樹本紙特派員】米軍普天間飛行場に8月に配備予定の垂直離着陸輸送機オスプレイをめぐり、現場司令官の更迭や事故調査責任者の除隊が続いている。米雑誌「ワイアード」が21日付で報じた。同誌は2010年にアフガニスタンで発生したオスプレイ墜落事故で「機体に問題があった」とする調査報告を空軍上層部が「人為的ミス」に改ざんするよう圧力をかけていたと指摘。米フロリダ州で6月13日に発生した墜落事故の直後に米空軍が「機体の構造的欠陥を疑うような理由はない」と発表したことを疑問視した。 米国防総省はフロリダの墜落事故の調査が終了していないにもかかわらず「機体に問題はない」と繰り返し強調している。オスプレイ配備に県民が猛反発する中、事態収拾を急ぐ米側の説明に一層の疑義が生じそうだ。 今回のフロリダ州の墜落事故で、訓練を指揮していた第8特殊作戦航空隊のグローバー中佐が更迭された。 米国防専門誌「インサイドディフェンス」(電子版)は、グローバー中佐の解任理由について、事故機が所属していた空軍ハールバート・フィールド航空基地(フロリダ州)のスライフ司令官の見解を掲載。同司令官は「同航空隊に求められる高いレベルの任務を維持するため新たなリーダーシップが必要だった」と述べ、墜落事故を人為的ミスで収拾させたい米空軍の意向をにじませた。 スライフ司令官は、現場の指揮官を更迭する一方、事故の全容が判明していない段階で「構造的欠陥はない」と発表。だが、こうした米軍の公式見解についてワイアード誌は「空軍は戦闘機の不具合の際にも人に責任を押し付けようとした過去がある」と指摘し、対応を疑問視。10年にアフガニスタンで墜落したオスプレイの事故調査責任者、ハーベル空軍准将(当時)がエンジン出力の低下を事故原因の一つに挙げた報告書をまとめた際に、空軍が「操縦士の責任にするよう」圧力をかけたことに言及した。 ハーベル氏は報告書を提出後、除隊。米空軍の週刊誌「エアフォース・タイムス」に11年1月に掲載された記事で、同氏は「報告書の改ざんを求める強い圧力があったが、私の心と頭はパイロットのミスではないと言っていた」と述べ、真実を貫いたことを訴えている。 ワイアード誌によると、00年にはオスプレイの構造的欠陥を隠すために整備記録を改ざんした米海兵隊のリバーマン中佐(当時)も更迭された。 ------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Japan/NF23Dh01.html US Marines eye Japan as a training yard By Kosuke Takahashi TOKYO - With the energies of Japanese politicians consumed by infighting, the United States Marine Corps (USMC) is pushing forward with plans to gain a stronger foothold in the Japanese archipelago.
Taking advantage of the scheduled deployment of MV-22 Osprey transport aircraft to Okinawa, the USMC plans to conduct training flights over almost all of mainland Japan. With US Marines being forced to reduce their military footprint on Okinawa due to local opposition, America seems intent on making the rest of Japan its training yard. Starting later this year, the US government plans to deploy a total of 24 Ospreys to the controversial USMC air station at Futenma in Okinawa, to replace aging 24 CH-46 transport helicopters. According to a recent USMC report titled "Final Environmental Review for Basing MV-22 at MCAS Futenma and Operating in Japan (April 2012)" the US will use this situation to moves the Ospreys around the Japanese mainland freely. This report, published on Japan's Ministry of Defense website, shows detailed plans for low-altitude flight training in Japan via six different flight routes above the Japanese archipelago highlighted by different colors below. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Japan/images/jmap220512.gif Specifically, those six routes are: the Tohoku route across Akita prefecture(pink); the Tohoku route across Miyagi prefecture(green); the Hokushinetsu route across Nigata prefecture(blue); the Shikoku- the Kii peninsula route(orange); the Kyushu route (yellow); the Amami Islands route (purple). Those routes apparently avoid flying directly over Japan's four largest metropolitan areas of Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka, but still cover a large part of eastern Japan. The USMC plans have come to light amid a rapidly widening internal rift within the ruling Democratic Party of Japan over Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's plans to double the nation's sales tax. The MV-22 "combines the vertical capability of a helicopter with the speed and range of a fixed-wing aircraft", the environmental review stresses about the significance of the planned deployment of the aircraft. "Its capabilities would significantly strengthen Marine Expeditionary Force's (III MEF's) ability to assist in the defense of Japan, perform humanitarian assistance and disaster response, and fulfill other Alliance roles." "The US has been always very good at making use of trigger incidents in the past," Ukeru Magosaki, the former chief of the Japanese Foreign Ministry's international intelligence bureau, told Asia Times Online. "It turns situations to its advantage nicely." Under the proposed action, the USMC would make the fullest possible use of Camp Fuji in Shizuoka prefecture and Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Iwakuni in Yamaguchi prefecture on mainland Japan and those six routes extending along Japanese islands. Currently, the CH-46E squadrons do not use Camp Fuji and MCAS Iwakuni and those routes. "Due to the distance, the CH-46E aircrews do not regularly conduct operations on mainland Japan," the environmental review said. "However, given the MV-22s ability to fly in airplane mode, these aircraft would be able to cover greater distances in less time than the CH-46s." The MV-22 can fly roughly twice as fast, four times as far, and carry three times the combat or humanitarian mission load of the CH-46E, it said. Ospreys can fly continuously for up to 3,900 kilometers, while the CH-46E has a maximum flight distance of about 700 kilometers. Although the aircraft would be based at MCAS Futenma, the USMC plans to send a detachment of two to six MV-22s to Camp Fuji and MCAS Iwakuni each month for two to three days. At Camp Fuji, the deployed MV-22 detachments are expected to fly about 500 annual operations making for a 10% increase in overall activity at that location. For MCAS Iwakuni, a similar number of annual MV-22 operations are also expected, on average, which would account for a 0.8% increase in total airfield operations. The USMC expects that the squadrons would likely fly on one or more of these six routes during each day of these brief deployments, conducting a total of 330 operations annually on each route, the report said. These added operations would result in increases in use averaging 21% for all routes, with the other primary users consisting of AV-8B Harriers and FA-18 Hornets. The MV-22 squadrons are expected to conduct 28% and 4% of these six route operations between evening and night, respectively, or about one-third of them during late afternoon and night. In addition, the US plans to conduct low-level flight training down to 500 feet, or 152 meters, above ground level in those six courses, at airspeeds of 120 to 250 knots, depending upon the flight mode. The existing US facilities on Okinawa will be a major component of the planned training flights. The USMC plans to operate about 6,700 flights out of Futenma annually, which would result in a net decrease of around 2,600 airfield operations per year. However, it has proposed 69 landing zones for use by the MV-22 on Okinawa. Fifty of these located on mainland Okinawa and the island of Iejima will be tactical landing zones used solely for training missions consisting of landings, take-offs, and approaches that simulate combat situations. The review for the first time also mentioned USMC plans to use Ospreys in six landing zones scheduled for construction in the Okinawa's Northern Training Area. It aims to conduct 420 operations in each of those six zones for Ospreys annually for a total of 2,520. This is a 95% increase compared with the current CH-46E's 1,288 operations. For Okinawans, the plans to deploy the Osprey at Futenma strengthen perceptions that the air base will become a permanent fixture, although local governments, supported by the majority of Okinawans, have demanded the immediate closure and transfer of Futenma outside of the prefecture. The MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) transport aircraft was once called the "widow-maker" due to a series of accidents during its development; 36 people have died in V-22s since the plane began flying so far. Most recently two marines died in an MV-22 crash in April in Morocco. It is this safety record that concerns Okinawa prefectural government and local residents, leading them to fiercely oppose this planned deployment. The US has capitalized on change of US military bases on Okinawa. In the late 1990s, there were plans to just close the Futenma airbase, not to relocate it to Henoko, Nago, in northern Okinawa, after three marines raped a 12-year-old schoolgirl; but after that, the US administration managed to make the closing of Futenma a package deal linked to the building of a new sea-based heliport off Camp Schwab. This planned heliport will have two 1,800-meter V-shaped runways. However, helicopters have no need for such long runways and this is especially true for Ospreys, which can take off and land in small spaces. Military experts believe the US intends to create a second Kaneda Air Base off Camp Schwab just in case the original Kadena Air Base is attacked. This is said to be one of the major reasons why the Pentagon has opposed the integration of USMC Futenma air station with the Kaneda Air base. ---- Kosuke Takahashi is a Tokyo-based Japanese journalist. Besides Asia Times Online, he also writes for Jane's Defence Weekly as Tokyo correspondent. His twitter is @TakahashiKosuke (Copyright 2012 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication and republishing.) ------------------------------------------------------------