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昨年末、科学週刊誌natureが"radical reactor"と題する記事を掲載しています。専門家の目から見てこの論文に科学的・技術的説得力があるのや否やを知りたく以下に転載します:
+++++nature 2012.12.5 号記事転載(1)
昨年12月の英国科学週刊誌にNuclear energy: Radical reactors (「核エネルギー:完璧な原子炉」)と題する記事が掲載されていました。安全な原子炉があり得るのだとこの記事は書いています。Radicalという見出しに引かれて読んだのですが、溶融塩原子炉の安全性について素人の私には判別できませんでした。むしろ高速炉、増殖炉が放射性廃棄物を出さないが故にベターな原子炉であると主張しているようにも読めます。長いので、三回に分けて紹介しておきます。読んでくださる方の正確な理解を期すべく、何時ものように英原文を付します。
Nuclear energy: Radical reactors: 核エネルギー:完璧なリアクター
For decades, one design has dominated nuclear reactors while potentially better options were left by the wayside. Now, the alternatives might finally have their day.
数十年間、1つの様式のみが原子炉を支配してきた。その一方で潜在的に、よりよい選択は放置されてきた。M. Mitchell Waldrop、05 December 2012
Back in 2000, when Kirk Sorensen was a NASA engineer looking at nuclear-power options for future colonies on the Moon, he came across a book that described the molten-salt reactor: an energy source in which the nuclear fuel was liquid.
It sounded bizarre, says Sorensen. Every reactor he had ever heard of used some form of solid uranium fuel — starting with the 'light-water' reactors that currently dominate the nuclear-power industry. But the book explained that the molten-salt technology had been demonstrated some three decades earlier at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee — and that the fluid uranium- or thorium-containing fuel offered major advantages. Molten-salt reactors would be impervious to catastrophic meltdown, for example, and instead of producing nuclear waste laced with plutonium and other long-lived radioisotopes, they could destroy those isotopes almost completely.
Kirk SorensenがNASAのエンジニアとして将来の月面上での原子力発電可能性を検討していた2000年の頃、彼は溶融塩炉について記述した本に遭遇した:その炉では核燃料は液体だ。
The list of advantages went on and on, says Sorensen: the molten-salt idea “had the potential to solve almost all the problems of nuclear energy in a far, far more elegant way” than light-water reactors. “So why didn't we do it this way in the first place?”
利点はまだあると、Sorensenは言う: 溶融塩というアイデアには軽水炉よりはるかに巧みな方法で核エネルギーの問題をほとんどすべて解決する可能性がある。「そうすると、なぜ我々はまず第1にこれをしなかったのだろうか?」と、疑念する。
Nature Podcast 自然ポッドキャスト
M. Mitchell Waldrop discusses radical reactor designs. Go to full podcast
A lot of people have been asking that question in the past decade — and not just about the molten-salt reactor. That particular technology was abandoned in 1976 because of warring agendas within the US research programme. But it was just one of several alternative technologies to be sidelined during the first rush to commercialize nuclear power. Others include 'fast' reactors that would also burn up nuclear waste, and high-temperature reactors that could take a huge bite out of greenhouse-gas emissions by generating zero-carbon heat for industry. Taken together, these alternative technologies could eliminate most or all of nuclear energy's drawbacks. But they have received only fitful attention from researchers over the decades, thanks to constantly shifting agendas and funding levels.
M. Mitchell Waldropは完璧な原子炉様式を検討している。多くの人々が過去十年間に溶融塩炉に関してだけでなく完璧な原子炉様式を模索してきた。この特殊な技術の模索は米国研究計画内での戦争に関わる課題群のなかで1976年に放棄された。しかし、それは、原子力産業を目指す最初のブーム時に、出番を失ったいくつかの代替技術のまさに一つであった。他の候補には、核廃棄物を焼き尽くす「高速」原子炉、産業用ゼロカーボン熱生成によって温室効果ガス放出を伴わない高温原子炉などであった。これらの代替技術は、核エネルギーの欠点のうちのほとんどあるいは全てを除去することが出来たはずであった。しかし、これらは、数十年間、研究者からは見向きもされなかった。それはコロコロ変る、研究対象と資金助成故であった。
Now, change may be coming. Over the past decade, the need for safe, carbon-free energy — especially in fast-developing nations such as China — has sparked government interest in alternative nuclear technologies, along with commercial efforts to revive and market some designs. Optimists think that even the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan last year will ultimately boost the market for safer alternative reactors. From start-ups such as Flibe Energy, which Sorensen founded last year in Huntsville, Alabama, to commercialize the molten-salt reactor, to industry giants such as General Electric-Hitachi Nuclear Energy, which is developing a commercial fast reactor, companies hope to be ready.
Reviving the technologies will not be quick or easy. Although the basic designs were worked out decades ago, engineers hoping to put them into practice must develop things such as radiation-resistant materials, more-efficient heat exchangers and improved safety systems — and must then prove to regulators that all these systems will work. “Nuclear is hard,” says Edwin Lyman, senior global-security analyst for the Union of Concerned Scientists in Cambridge, Massachusetts. “It's expensive. It's slow. And the stakes are very high, because safety has to be a factor.”
But those involved share a conviction that the best hope for the nuclear industry's future is to reclaim its past. As Sorensen points out about the cancellation of the molten-salt programme: “Nobody ever said, 'Maybe we made a mistake. Maybe we should go back and revisit that decision'.”
技術を復活させることは、すぐには出来ないし簡単でもない。基本仕様は数十年前にわかっているが、それらを現実の原子炉仕様にと考える技術者達は耐放射線素材、より効率的な熱交換器および改善された安全装置を開発しなければならない。其の上で、そうした素材、機器からなるシステムがうまく働くよう調整せねばならない。「核はきつい。」Edwin Lyman (senior global-security analyst for the Union of Concerned Scientists in Cambridge, Massachusetts) は言う。「それは高価だ。時間がかかる。また、安全性が一つの要因でなければならないので、賭けは非常に大きい。」と。
First, not best 最初、それが最良というわけではない
Light-water reactors achieved their dominance not because they were best, but because they were first. Originally developed in the late 1940s as a compact power source for nuclear ships and submarines, the light-water design was adapted and scaled up during the 1950s, when the United States sought to put a peaceful face on atomic energy by creating a commercial nuclear-power industry. 'Light water' is ordinary H2O, which flows through the reactor core, absorbs its heat and circulates it to a conventional steam turbine that turns the heat into electricity (see 'The nuts and bolts of nuclear').
Eventually, such reactors were meant to be part of a larger system that would make up for a basic inefficiency: left alone, any nuclear reactor will quickly poison itself. As the chain reaction proceeds, the fuel accumulates more and more of the fragments left over after the uranium atoms split, which in turn absorb more and more of the neutrons required to keep the reaction going. After perhaps 18 months, the fuel is 'spent' and has to be removed — even though it still contains much of its original energy.
“So there was always this vision that there would be a recycled-spent-fuel infrastructure that would allow you to recover more of the fuel's energy,” says William Magwood, a former director of the Office of Nuclear Energy at the US Department of Energy (DOE) and now a member of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. A worldwide network of reprocessing plants would take the spent fuel, chemically extract the still-usable components — mostly uranium-235, plus the fissionable plutonium-239 formed when neutrons are captured by non-fissile uranium-238 — and then turn them into fresh reactor fuel. Ultimately, the plan was to transition to a new generation of 'breeder' reactors designed to maximize plutonium production. The only waste would be a comparatively small residue of intensely radioactive fission products that would decay within a few centuries, and could be disposed of in, say, a well-designed concrete bunker.
This vision became the dominant US strategy in the 1960s and early 1970s, says Magwood, to the point at which authorities terminated much of the research funding for non-breeder reactor designs — including the molten-salt reactor. And the scheme took off: of the 437 nuclear-power reactors currently operating around the world, 356 are light-water reactors.
But then, in May 1974, India tested a nuclear bomb made with plutonium extracted from reactor fuel. Governments around the world suddenly had to face the geopolitical realities: large-scale commercial reprocessing would invite rampant nuclear-weapons proliferation. Because each reprocessing plant would be working with bomb-grade plutonium by the tonne, how could inspectors ever be sure that no one had diverted the 4–6 kilograms required for a weapon?
「だから、使用済み燃料の再利用可能な仕掛け構築こそが、エネルギを使い尽くす道との視点がこれまでもずっとあった」とWilliam Magwood(a former director of the Office of Nuclear Energy at the US Department of Energy (DOE) and now a member of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.)は言う。再処理工場の世界的なネットワークは使用済み燃料から化学的手法で使用可能な成分(ほとんどU235と核分裂性Pu-239、これは中性子がU238に捕獲されてできる)を抽出し、次に、それらを新鮮な原子炉燃料に変えている。結局、その計画はプルトニウム生産を最大限にすることを目指した「増殖炉」への新しい世代に移行することであった。唯一の核廃棄物は小さな核分裂物質の残余で、数世紀内に崩壊するので、適切に設計されたコンクリート燃料庫に閉じ込めて地中に埋め放置できるとされてきた。
So in April 1977, US President Jimmy Carter banned commercial reprocessing. President Ronald Reagan lifted that ban a few years later, but the costs of the facilities were so high that only two commercial reprocessing plants have been opened for reactor fuel since then, both in France. Research on breeder reactors largely ceased, because they seemed to make little sense without reprocessing. And engineers found themselves left with a complicated disposal problem: they would now have to isolate tens of thousands of tonnes of spent fuel for hundreds of centuries, thanks to the 24,100-year half-life of plutonium-239. No one has yet worked out how to guarantee isolation on that timescale (see Nature 473, 266–267; 2011).
そんなわけで、1977年4月に、US President Jimmy Carterは商業用再処理を禁止した。ロナルド・レーガン大統領は数年後にその禁止を解除した。しかし、設備費用が非常に高かったので、2つの商用再処理工場だけがその時以来原子炉燃料のために再開した(どちらもフランス)。再処理無くしては無意味であるので、大部分の増殖炉研究は止まった。また、技術者達には、複雑な廃棄物処分問題を託されることとなった:Pu239の二万年余の半減期のせいで、今後何百世紀もの間、何万トンもの使用済み燃料を隔離せねばならない。誰も、その時間スケールで確実に隔離できる方法を知らない(ネイチャー473(266?267)を参照; 2011)。
Meanwhile, the 1970s also brought an increasing outcry over safety. If the flow of water through a light-water reactor is interrupted for any reason, then heat becomes trapped in the core. Even if the reactor is technically shut down, the fission products can still produce enough heat from radioactive decay to melt the fuel and escape into the environment. All light-water reactors have emergency back-up cooling systems — but what if those systems fail? That fear was realized in March 1979, when an accidental loss of coolant triggered a partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania — and dramatically confirmed at Fukushima Daiichi, which saw a complete meltdown in March 2011 (see Nature 483, 138–140; 2012).
その間に、1970年代は、さらに安全性をめぐって悲鳴に近い声が高まった。軽水炉の中の水のフローがなにかの理由で中断される場合、熱は炉の中心に閉じ込められる。原子炉が技術的にシャット・ダウンされても、分裂生成物が依然として放射壊変による熱を発生し、燃料を溶かし、かつ環境へ逃がす。軽水炉にはすべて緊急バックアップ冷却装置がある。しかし、万が一それらのシステムが故障したら、どうするか?其の危惧が1979年3月に現実になった。其のとき、冷却液の偶発損失がHarrisburg (ペンシルバニア)近くのスリーマイル島原子力発電所で部分的な炉心溶解を引き起こした。そして、同様が惨劇的に、福島第一で起きた。2011年3月の事故では完全な炉心溶解が起きた。
- Re: radical reactor(1) [nature2012.12.5] 脳天気な 2013/1/13 19:22:31
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