32. 2012年11月10日 00:46:13
: YHo53uAQTg
これは清和会だけの問題に矮小化すべきではないね。 日本国民には「自主独立」を目指すフリをしておきながら 影では米国に媚を売っている政治家も多くいるだろうしね。 小沢代理人(山岡)→米(ズムワルト) 「沖縄の人の意思を尊重していては何も起こらないだろう。 沖縄県知事選前に政府が 決定すれば、沖縄の政治問題は大したことはない。」
「沖縄県の仲井真弘多知事は普天間移設は現行計画をやり通さなければならず、 それが政治的に生き残るための唯一の道だと分かっている。」 ※ソース http://tourkaba3.wordpress.com/2011/05/13/09tokyo2815/ E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/09/2019 TAGS: PREL MARR PGOV JA SUBJECT: FRF: SENIOR DPJ LEADER SAYS “”NO DEAL”" THIS YEAR Classified By: DCM James P. Zumwalt per 1.4 (b/d) 1. When asked about Okinawa politics, Yamaoka said that Governor Nakaima would go ahead and sign the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), but that he could not win the governor’s race next year. In summer 2010, the Japanese Government would move forward with the FRF plan, and the new Okinawa governor would have to accept the “”done deal”" of the realignment package. End Summary. 6. On Okinawa politics, Yamaoka said that Okinawa would oppose base issues whenever they are discussed. “”It’s all about opposing for its own sake,”" Yamaoka stated. The Okinawa gubernatorial election will be held next fall and incumbent governor Nakaima will lose for sure. Once the new governor is elected, the FRF issue could hit a real wall, so the GOJ needed to resolve it before then. If the base decision were a fait accompli, then the new governor would be forced to accept that decision. Nakaima knows that he has to stick the current plan and that’s the only way for him to have a chance to survive politically. As for the Nago mayoral election, regardless of the outcome, the government must stick to its plan to implement the realignment agreement. If Okinawa’s will is respected, “”nothing will ever happen.”" The issue of Okinawa politics, therefore, is not a big deal as long as the government’s decision is made before the gubernatorial race. |