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米国ニュージャージー州のパリセイズ・パーク市の公共図書館の「慰安婦碑」撤去の署名のお願い  6/9日までです
投稿者 怪傑 日時 2012 年 6 月 08 日 03:13:51: QV2XFHL13RGcs







514 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2012/06/07(木) 18:40:08.65 ID:hsueLDU1

515 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2012/06/07(木) 18:40:28.96 ID:hsueLDU1

516 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2012/06/07(木) 18:40:52.79 ID:hsueLDU1



518 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2012/06/07(木) 18:41:13.36 ID:hsueLDU1

署名の表示は、Hanako Y となります。




01. 2012年6月08日 03:30:55 : 3QRcyV06zY
米ニュージャージー州パラセイズ・パーク市の図書館に従軍慰安婦の碑 建立
ソース:NEWSポストセブン 2012.02.17 07:00




02. 2012年6月08日 03:42:35 : 3QRcyV06zY

03. 2012年6月08日 22:38:18 : Ty9f9Ltusk

04. 2012年6月09日 04:39:57 : gLjrnYAleg


05. 2012年6月09日 11:45:00 : Ty9f9Ltusk


06. 2012年6月09日 14:58:45 : SYYpeFJeWQ




07. 2012年6月09日 22:43:35 : Ty9f9Ltusk

08. 2012年6月09日 22:54:25 : mqyTa6cjiQ

米の慰安婦碑、撤去の請願署名が受理規定数超える ホワイトハウスHP


09. 2012年6月29日 06:47:13 : EWWyGTsTcg
Palisades Park is a borough in Bergen County, New Jersey,
The major population of this city - Korean.

Japanese kids in this city have been insulted and have had burry as " Japanese ".

" Your grandfather was a rapist!!" " Your father was rapist!!"

This kind of burry is going on.

The reason is an Anti- Japan activist built a monument for Comfort women.


The USA news papers are always one way thought put on and very good to get pay attention
" How much Japan was insane to do any neglects."

But I think the stories and numbers were changed by those Anti-Activists.

And we must see news writers in a Big media t some of them are Anti-Activists.

From this monuments, some people tend to think Japanese army detained those Comfort women to have sex with them, but the fact was not that.

Those women were prostitutes , you believe it or not, and you dislike Japan or not,
it was the fact.

They were women could choose their jobs and money but some belonged to Brokers.

And now a woman getting pay attention in USA and Korea , she was sold by her Korean parents

and but not to Japanese army, A Korean broker had her.

And if Activist really want to respect women 's situations, must put Korean Brokers sold ladies

but no mention about that.

This is obvious any inconvenient truth they don't tell us a lot.

Now the lady has been suspected as a possible liar because her stories and contents of books

( Written by her_)_ has been changing the details a lot.

Many women were honest to talk about themselves were prostitutes.

Do you know some of USA state allow to have prostitutes so far?

And do you know which nationality share a big part of the populations now ?

- Korean ladies.

Do you think they are forced by USA sate law or USA authorities ?

Of corse NO.

And how do you feel if they start to mention and ask compensation on the situation

they were prostitutes in USA and USA should apologize and compensates on.

Think about this.

Do you know how many Japanese - and half American blood kids in japan after

GHQ left Japan?

They don't know their American fathers ever, and who asked USA to compensate on the


Do you know even USA or England army and other countries army have prostitutes so far?

And what is the reason only japan to put this way?

Because just like holocaust ?

Anyway , Japanese government making apology again and again and again officially.

Who USA news papers write " Never apology." and don't you recognize something on?

This is mind control and Korean operation .

China started to do this " Anti-Activity " in San Francisco , according to Korean President,

He did not make apology on Bay Area shooting made by a Korean man but
stated in San Francisco " Proud of "Anti-Japan" activity started from San Francisco."

By the way, the prostitutes in WWII had a better earning than solders,

they chose customers and as like the Korean lady wrote in her book " The japanese man was
an upper position in the army and gave me a nice present . I opened the box and I found a fancy goods. I was very happy."

One thing I have to mention about the lady she was sold by her Korean parents

to Korean broker to be a prostitute.

I am not telling lies , it's all from her book.

Some ladies did not have a choice to not be a prostitute , that sorry about that.

I don't know if really women were detained to be sex slaves for Japanese army only,

but japanese government paid money to those ladies already and

I think they want to do much more on this issue.

But we can find Chinese government and Korean government

they are technically neighborhood tend to attack Japan on any issue.

Both government got a lot of money from japan , ODA money already,

and Both got economic boost, and they want to be No1 in the Asia.

I don't mind though.

However creating stories is not good,

And they don't deal with own countries doing a lot of mistakes in 80 years

they always mention about " Japan " on 80 years ago.

Anyway, Japanese better not get in the city Palisades Park, N.J.

it's a mecca of Japan and Japanese to be on any issues in past time.

bay area activists may move into this Palisades Park, N.J., why not?

because California laws technically does not allow them to discriminate a particular origin.

If you are very much on Anti-Japan's side, you might not understand how much you are crucial.

I know some Chinese and Koreans in USA , they don't really show nice smiles to me,

because they neglect me with a reason my origin.

They really hate Japanese without knowing anything about Japan, it's strange.

And they really like to get pay attention on this issue

and they are happy if many people start to dislike Japanese and Japan.

Recently two japanese women students were raped by two Korean men in Philippine

They were asked to go a drink bar and both women lost their consciousness.

The Korean men forced them to getting into a motel and raped both.

Ladies immediately were hospitalized.

Very bad.

Think, Japanese don't tell you too much in your language but

if you have a feeling towards Japanese too much to blame manything on,

then sometime you are going to feel " Was wrong" when all stories coming out

in your language and it's too late to hurt a lot of Japanese who don't relate to any war after WWII.

You guys are agreeing the feeling of " Anti-Japan" and

The city's mayor is agreeing the feeling of " Hating Japan"

and he mentioned " Japanese law makers came to see me and threatened me to take the monument away.,"

Well, he was brainwashed and feel Japanese threatened him.

But he does not care his city's japanese kids are insulted by other kids on the monument.

And those Japanese kids are not totally related to the Comfort women nor WWII,

how could he have this kind of prejudice but the fact Many people tend to

have this type of thoughts easily .

If he can say " Japanese law maker came to threaten him."

We must say " He insult Japanese too much and it is against the USA law."

I am interested in the mayor's origin.

Anyway, people who exaggerate stories and getting pay attention those are not make it .

A lot of people being patience on any nonsense and mostly don't speak up.

Anyway, Palisades Park , N.J., Mayor is not a man who understand human rights a lot,
don't understand the law too and love to abuse particular origin of people Japanese,

The fact is fact, nothing more than that.

10. 2012年6月29日 07:01:03 : EWWyGTsTcg
NY times のコメント欄の反応です。

VanessaLittle DixieNYT Pick
There was recently a small dust-up locally regarding collegiate soccer teams because of a 'rising sun' emblem worn by one of the teams. It seems a young Korean student was offended because the emblem was similar to that of the Japanese Imperial flag.

I don't know whether the animosity being exhibited is something that has been simmering beneath the surface or if it is something new, but it's obvious that there is tension between the peoples of Japan and Korea.

This is the United States, where we have enough issues of our own that protestations that we alter our culture to please one side or the other might make good copy, but it's a really bad idea.



























11. 2012年6月29日 07:37:43 : EWWyGTsTcg

 We are Japanese must say USA news papers are always on one side and write one side story only but been hating us and changing stories about what really had happened in a past time.

BionicTCanadaNYT Pick
As a Canadian male, I don't understand why the Japanese don't own up to this. The Japanese cannot deny or forestall these atrocities forever. It shames an otherwise admirable society.

Man up!

Human beings don't always require monetary reparations. You would be surprised how far an acknowledgement of wrong-doing and an asking of forgiveness will go. Germany has done an admirable job of acknowledging their atrocities to Jews and they and their victims have largely moved on.


Don't you know how many times Japanese government officially making apology to them
and even paid compensation on.
Do you know a lady now in Korea used to be USA to talk about a lot of dirty story of Japanese army but she has a book and showing " Japanese man was in army and an upper class who gave mea small present and it was a very cute goods, I was very happy."

She must be sold by her Korean Parents to Korean broker ( Not Japanese broker) to be a prostitute, and sorry for the situation she could not resist but mostly women chose own way to be prostitutes and they earned money a lot than japanese solders.

You can not believe this , but even Korean man used to be in a Japanese military testifying so.

Anti-Japan activity started by some Chinese people in San Francisco and Korean got together

to do this anti- law activity in California.

You must notice it 's causing school burry against Japanese kids in New Yolk area

that's why Japanese law makers visited the city to take it away.

Anyway , the monument states 200,000 is not true and even those were detained by Japanese army.

Japanese army did not own prostitutes but some of solders visited to meet them.

Or privately some women were prostitutes because good money for them.

Many Japanese understanding some ladies were sold by Korean parents to be prostitutes

to Korean brokers, and not hurting them at all.


tkNew york, nyNYT Pick
Removing a memorial won't change facts. It is a fact that human rights were violated and it is a fact that it was done by the Japenese Imperial army. The purpose of a monument is to remember the victims of such ghastly acts so such things never happen agian in the future.


I agree with you, the fact is fact and the fact is coming up.
You don't read and you don't understand Japanese,
you don't reach to some facts provided by Japanese and Koreans on this prostitutes issue while WWII.

13,000 Japanese women were raped by Russian army while they were going back to Japan from
Korea, Korea used be a part of Japan and 350,000 japanese lived there.

According to a Korean man he talked about a lot the prostitutes were not belong to
japanese army and they were free agents like.

We assume could be some belonging to Brokers but not army.


hiker2kHoustonNYT Pick
I agree that such monuments should not be removed just because a few Japanese officials ask for it. To be fair, it occurs to me to wonder whether these officials are part of a (right-wing crackpot) minority in Japan or actually represent a majority view.

yes I agree with you, and anther fact will come up how USA destroyed Japanese civilians lives and houses , and how many numbers were killed by USA and England,
You must take it all of the fact.
Even if the number m you feel a little exaggerate too much, you must take it.


Don SeekinsWaipahu HINYT Pick
Japanese officials do their own people a great disservice by pushing the line that the only important human rights violations are those in which the victims are Japanese, such as the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the Japanese nationals abducted by North Korea during the 1970s, who have been the subject of a huge,


Sure , because you don't want to see what USA did to japanese civilians .

Why don't you put a monument for Japanese people right next to the prostitutes
seeking money on sex.

MichaelSan Diego 92104NYT Pick
In the real world, there is no court of contrition in front of which to fall on bended knee and claim that you have found the error of your ways,


Are you sure what are you talking about?

Japan even have officially HP for Comfort woman and compensations on the issue,

because they claimed so.

It was made already when Murayama was Prime Minister

and English News papers have never provided any thing on Japanese side,

already apology and the numbers are not really true on the monument, and

not detained by army.

Korean men and Russian men and American men army or not

they also bought prostitutes while WWII and after WWII

japanese official saying ' Why have to have the description only about Japan on prostitution issue,
but must add up about USA army in japan, Russia , Korean army, even Chinese army too.'

Do you understand the point?

You shame on!


Name WithheldNew York CityNYT Pick
Post-WWII protocol was to let by-gones go. Back then, moving on was key for peace.


You are right!

That why most of Japanese are saying so, not ignoring anything.

We know the Korean lady is officially too much getting pay attention by media

she refused to accept japanese official apology and compensation once,

japan is very politely dealing this issue so far.

Anyway, Before putting monument about Japan issue,

see own country 's issue what's going on and what did it really.

Did japanese ask you to compensate on the damages of lives and houses on WWII

and small girl was raped by American solder and killed and abandoned in the bush,

how much story do you know about what really USA did in japan?

and Which japanese asked the compensation on ?


Ok, you may understand this way,

Just like British invasion, some Chinese and Indians became riches and they were happy

to be British nationality , they did not have any problems while the invasions.

Japanese invasions, some Chinese and Koreans were OK with japanese.

Economically OK and their human rights were also OK.

Because japanese thoughts officially they were part of Japan .

However some people had bad experience , abused or lost money etc.

Or killed by them.

And those people got together and made a small society " Anti- Japan" activity.

The lady mentioned Kids abusing a boy with a sun rise that was a Japanese boy was
insulted by other kids because of the monument.

And that's why Japanese government visited the city to not have a monument

because japanese kids have been discriminated on the issue.

But look, we can see a lot of USA people's insane comments on the monuments,

they don't care if Japanese kids are abused in USA or not.

This is we have seeing in USA about Japanese people.

they don't care if Japanese are abused or not.

And they provably think they can do this way.



Anyway, Japan officially apologized to War time people

officially , and so how about USA and How about Korea and China?

THose activity is not respect Japanese at all,

and it is very strange why only seeing Japanese fault but totally ignoring

your country's fault never put any monuments for us officially.

Also In China and Korea

some Japanese friendly Chinese and Koreans exist.

I mentioned the reason why, because they did made their economy and lives

with Japanese government while the Japanese invasion.

HongKong recently finally brought back to China but it had been England.

I visited HongKong and people totally fine under England.

And many people in HongKong, don't like England even once been invaded.

Because they got a life and money.

Nothing badly affected them.

Why some people try to see in spite of your from England ,

Japan made abuse only while the invasion .

Japan brought money and economy too,

so some people said " Once Japan was defeated by USA and Japanese government

' money bond turned to be a paper."

But is that Japanese fault?

I know Anti- Japan activists are always looking for only bad side stories about Japan

and they put numbers like 300,000 , 200,000

their aim is , political issue, attacking Japan and destroy Japan.

I will tell you, after japan, it would be your country next.


I have never earned money from sex relation ship.

I am proud of me as a Japanese .

And the fact, I don't care if I am a Japanese or not.

But you guyes love to write Japan is wrong too much that 's why writing so.


Many prostitutes in Atlanta USA

A big population is Korean.

They are going to say " USA forced us to do, we could not escape from USA

compensate us."

12. 2012年6月29日 07:54:59 : EWWyGTsTcg

You must recognize what " Comfort woman"s real issue is.

this is political invasion but it is not human right issue.

Only seeing one side human rights ( totally ignoring Japanese human rights) to

attack japanese that is Comfort woman's issue and this is the " Anti-Japan" Activity started in San Francisco by Chinese and later Korean jointed to that.

I understand some people really had a bad time from some of Japanese ,

and so did I, I had a bad human right neglect by here, USA later I got an apology

and I don't attack again and again and again like those Anti-Japan Activist in USA.

They are really manipulating the Comfort women issue like 200,000 women to be abused by

But the fact some Americans and any other countries' men had prostitutes.

Not so different from japanese individual solders.

JAPANESE ARMY did not have prostitutes but individually had.

And what human rights you are talking about ?

And why do you feel japan try to hide out?

And if we put all kind of facts while War time,

sorry to say, Japanese issue is not so much about any more.

You totally not understand China and Korea are not really open to talk and say anything.

IF say something " Japanese friendly " the Government catch up them.

Do you know how many Japan friendly Koreans were taken money away by Korean government?

You don't know Korean reality and now using Comfort woman as Politics.

But they don't make apology a lot on own issue.

Korean men's rampages are often happening in USA, Korean President is not officially

apology like Japanese PMs do so often, almost every PM.

I know you guys are feeling " Anti-Japan".

And I don't think it is not let you make it anything,

because you believe the fact is not the fact.

And we know mostly those people got influence from Koreans are not really

finding out the fact in japanese.

But this is the fact of the world and this is the most crucial fact ever had on the earth,

the fact is not a fact, always.

13. 2012年6月30日 05:51:38 : EWWyGTsTcg







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