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There is a point 要点はある
Is there a point in all this? これら全てに要点はあるだろう?
Let's find a point 要点を見つけてみよう。
Is this real? これは本物か?
Or just a ride? それともただの一乗りか?
The world is like a ride 世界は一乗りのようで
You think it's real 君が本物と思っているだけで
It's just a ride ただの一乗りだよ
You can change it anytime you want 君はいつでも乗り換えられる
It's only a choice ただの選択だよ
between fear and love 恐れと愛の間の
The world is like a ride
You think it's real
It's just a ride
You can change it anytime you want
It's only a choice
between fear and love
The ride goes up and down その一乗りは上下に行き
around and around グルグル回り
And it has thrills and chills スリルとゾクゾク感はある
And it's very brightly coloured そしてとても色彩豊かだ
Up and down
around and around
And it's very loud. そしてとても賑やかだ
Don't worry 心配するな
don't be afraid, ever 決して恐れるな
because this is just a ride 何故ならこれはただの一乗りだから
You can change it anytime you want 変えたければ君はいつでも変えられる
It's only a choice ただの選択だよ
between fear and love 恐れと愛の間の
Why are we here? 何故、私達は此処にいる?
I think we are a part of 私達は考えうる
A greater wisdom 大いなる英知の
That we will ever understand 一部なのだと思う
A higher order 崇高な秩序
Call it what you want 君が呼びたい様に呼べばいい
You know what I call it? 私が何と呼ぶと思う?
The big electron 大きなエレクトロン
Wow, wow
It doesn't punish それは罰しない
It doesn't reward それは報酬しない
It doesn't judge at all それは全く見下さない
It just is それはただそうある
and so are we そして私達も同様に
for a little while 少しの間だけ
The ride goes up and down,
around and around
And it has thrills and chills
And it's very brightly coloured
Up and down
around and around
And it's very loud
Don't worry
don't be afraid, ever
because this is just a ride
You can change it anytime you want
It's only a choice
between fear and love
The big electron
Wow, wow
It doesn't punish
It doesn't reward
It doesn't judge at all
It just is
and so are we
for a little while