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オオカミ 自分の飼い主のおばあさんの墓で泣く(ビデオ在り)=ロシア
投稿者 墨染 日時 2013 年 5 月 02 日 12:25:59: EVQc6rJP..8E.

http://japanese.ruvr.ru/2013_05_02/112280969/ Photo: RIA Novosti


投稿したのは飼い主であるサラ・ウォーリーさんで、2週間のうちに65万人以上が再生した。投稿されたのは4月14日。この日、サラとウィリーは最近亡くなったおばあさんの墓参りをしたという。このおばあさんはウィリーのとてもよい友人だったという。予想だにしなかったことだが、オオカミはおばあさんの死を心から悼んでいるのだ。 Vesti.ru


01. 2013年5月03日 02:51:17 : ynSQvzTlvk

Wiley crying over Grandma

My wolf-dog, Wiley, crying at my grandmother's graveside at the cemetery 04/14/13
To add some clarification: I am not a vet so I can't say if he's reverse sneezing as some of you are stating. I can tell you that he has never done that before and hasn't done it since. I may be anthropomorphosizing his actions but its how I'm choosing to deal with loss, so deal with it.
Wiley is a therapy wolf-dog who is used to help veterans returning from war with PTSD. He provides therapy and care through Lockwood Animal Rescue Center and a program called Warriors and Wolves. They have many other wolves/wolf dogs that they've rescued and they provide a truly unique and valuable service. If you'd like to check out more about Wiley and the work he does please visit www.lockwoodarc.org
Also, for those stating he is dying, I promise he's not. We have a veterinarian on staff at the sanctuary and Wiley is just fine. Peace and love peeps

( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEQ_-yJrL_Y )

02. 2013年5月05日 04:43:47 : AiChp2veWo

03. 2013年5月07日 12:20:29 : 7OpGsifAXA


04. taked4700 2013年5月07日 17:18:10 : 9XFNe/BiX575U : flxF2fd9hk



05. 2013年5月07日 20:43:01 : F91iDfi4DA
狼犬 wolf dog だと思います。

06. 2013年5月08日 19:14:59 : e9xeV93vFQ
Bella (dog) mourns death of Beavis (beaver)
Jack BDead·5 本の動画

296 683,525
2,707 91
グッド! 概要 共有 追加
公開日: 2012/07/31
Bella and Beavis played ball together, shared living quarters, ate together, etc. They lived and loved together for quite a while. Beavis died this morning, and Bella has been in mourning for hours.

May 1 2013- Update:

Bella was doing fine by the next day. She cried for about 6 hours and wouldn't let the other dogs near Beavis until much later. Beavis was buried later in the day.
Bella had puppies about 2 months later. The father is the black German Shepherd in the video.

Bella has been missing for ten days. If anyone in Bloomingdale, Georgia, U.S.A. knows of her whereabouts, please contact me,as Bella is greatly missed by all of her family here.

Beavis came and went as he pleased. He (or she) was not "trained" or "kept" as a pet. It was merely a relationship between Bella and Beavis that no one here interfered with. Many mornings would find Beavis in the yard lounging with Bella curled up next to him sleeping. Bella would grab a tennis ball in her mouth and coax Beavis to give chase- which he surprisingly did often (albeit in short bursts).
We did not feed Beavis on a regular basis because no one ever knew when he/she would show up. If he seemed interested in food, he would waddle up and share Bella's. Bella would not share her food with any other dog- ever. It was a strange but delightful relationship that we were all blessed to be a part of.


Did we make Beavis fat?
No we didn't. He was a solid 200lbs all on his own.

Do we have video of Bella and Beavis playing?
God knows I wish I did. I intended to record them together but procrastinated.
One always believes there will be more time for such things.

How did Beavis die?
No one knows. Possibly by the neighbor's tractor during a field cutting.

Bella has two puppies here. A brindle male by the name of "Tank", and a female named "Blossom". They get into every type of mischief imaginable. Surely I will post a video or two of them in the future.

Thanks to all who viewed/liked/inquired about Bella and Beavis. 

すべてのコメント (1,200)


AarjunaWarrior 2 時間前
If just human learn something from this!
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Alethea McKee 2 時間前
Awwww - I feel so bad for Bella!!
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Emily Fitleberg 3 時間前
This is truly beautiful. Animals are such loving and amazing creatures. Surely Beavis and Bella will be together in another life <3 RIP little buddy
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girl112791 3 時間前
I never knew beavers were even THAT big! I guess I never thought about looking up their actual size, but I always imagined them a lot smaller than this...


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