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「しんぶん赤旗」 2013年2月26日(火)
ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の英文記事はこちら ⇒
The Nuclear Agenda
Published: February 23, 2013
President Obama set an ambitious goal in his first term when he endorsed the vision of an eventual world without nuclear weapons. After some early achievements, namely the New Start treaty mandating cuts in deployed strategic weapons, the effort stalled for two years until he picked up the theme again in the State of the Union address this month. Now he needs to follow through with a more sustained commitment.
To reduce reliance on nuclear weapons and halt the spread of nuclear technology, Mr. Obama has said he would engage Russia on further reductions in both countries’ arsenals. He has also vowed to take “firm action” in response to North Korean nuclear threats and do what is necessary to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.
Long after the cold war, the United States and Russia still have thousands of weapons they cannot afford and do not need, especially when the threats are militant groups and states like Iran and North Korea. For months, Mr. Obama has dragged his feet on a recommendation from his advisers to cut the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads by at least a third, from 1,550 allowed under the 2010 New Start treaty to about 1,000.
Gen. James Cartwright, the retired vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a former nuclear forces commander, has argued that deterrence could be guaranteed with 900 warheads, with half deployed at any time. Still, moving to 1,000 deployed warheads would be significant. The usual course would be to negotiate a new treaty on reductions, and President Obama plans to send his national security adviser, Tom Donilon, to Moscow soon for talks. But the Russians are demanding that any treaty include restrictions on NATO and American missile defense systems in Europe. Meanwhile, Senate Republicans, who still nurture cold war obsessions, have already begun to react hysterically to talk of new weapons reductions.
Given these complications, Mr. Obama is wise to be considering an informal agreement with Russia that would provide a framework for deeper mutual cuts in the nuclear stockpiles without needing Senate ratification. Republicans no doubt will accuse him of overstepping his power, but previous presidents, including both Presidents Bush, have taken action on the nuclear issue on their own, and Mr. Obama should not rule out that possibility.
At a minimum, he could accelerate the New Start cuts to bring the number of American warheads, now about 1,700, down to 1,550 ahead of the 2018 deadline. Any further reductions beyond that must include, for the first time, warheads held in reserve and short-range nuclear weapons, as well as the deployed strategic warheads.
Mr. Obama should also try again to win Senate ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, which has been ratified by 159 nations but was rejected by the United States Senate in 1999, and to persuade Pakistan to stop blocking international action in the Geneva-based Conference on Disarmament on a treaty banning the production of fissile material. To lessen the chances of miscalculation or accident, he should at least remove from alert status some of the hundreds of nuclear weapons that are poised to launch within minutes.
Weapons cuts will make the world safer and strengthen America’s hand as it exhorts Iran and North Korea to halt their programs. More than that, if the administration and Congress are serious about the fiscal crisis, they cannot continue to throw money at a bloated nuclear arsenal. Washington is set to spend more than $600 billion on nuclear weapons over the next decade and will soon make decisions on modernizing the arsenal that could waste billions more. As Mr. Obama said in a 2009 arms control speech in Prague, “We must ignore the voices who tell us that the world cannot change.” He has limited time to lead the way.
