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%%%%%Scientific American 2011 Dec. 12 号(ほぼ一年前)からの転載開始
Can Animals Sense Earthquakes? By David Bressan December 12, 2011
“Highly unlikely, but not outside the realm of extreme possibilities.”
Mulder, F.W. in the “The Jersey Devil” (1993)(Jersey Devilについてはウィキなどを参照されたし)
The earliest documented case of unusual animal behaviour prior to an earthquake is recorded by the Roman historian Aelian in 373 B.C.; five days before an earthquake destroyed the city of Helike (once located at the coast of the Corinthian Gulf) various animals, like rats, weasels, snakes, centipedes and bugs supposedly emerged from the underground and fled from the city. In the following centuries many other cultures associated earthquakes with animals.
According to Japanese myth the cause of earthquakes is the giant catfish Namazu who lives buried in the underground. By moving his tail he can shake the entire earth and unfortunately he loves to cause trouble and havoc. However in early traditions the catfish also acts as premonition of danger, warning people from an imminent catastrophe or by swallowing dangerous water-dragons prevents further catastrophes.
Before the earthquakes of Edo (modern Tokyo) in 1855 and later in 1923 apparently catfishes acted weird, displaying increased activity and swimming to the surface of ponds and rivers.
Similar to Japan, also in China animals were regarded to possess some insights to the natural elements and disasters. Chinese authorities considered 58 species of animals to be useful for earthquake prediction, especially snakes, rodents and bats, and distributed booklets with depictions and descriptions of unusual animal behaviour worth to be reported.
In February 1975 hibernating snakes abandoned their hideouts in the north-eastern city of Haicheng. The city was evacuated and February 4, the region was hit by a 7.3 magnitude earthquake. More than 1.000 people were killed, but considering the densely populated area the prediction an evacuation was considered a great success.
Fig.1. & 2. Snakes and fishes are common animals in reports dealing with unusual animal behaviour prior to an earthquake. Both organisms possess particular sense organs: snakes can perceive vibrations and infrared radiation, fishes perceive electric fields. Maybe these senses help them to detect environmental changes, like weak foreshocks or variations in the local electromagnetic field, before a strong earthquake.
However just one year later on July 27, 1976 an unforeseen earthquake hit the city of Tangshan, killing 655.000 people. A later inquiry established that there were some reports on unusual animal behaviour; however the reports were ignored due the political tumults during the culture revolution. Before the Wenchuan earthquake (7.8 magnitude, 12.05.2008) apparently a migration of frogs was recorded in the city of Mianyang, located in the later area of devastation.
Also in the western civilizations stories about animals acting weird hours or days before an earthquake are repeatedly retold. One day before an earthquake devastated the Italian province of Friaul (6.5 magnitude, May 6, 1976) mice were seen running in open spaces and farm animals showed signs of restlessness.
After the earthquake and devastating tsunami of Christmas 2004 almost no carcasses of wild animals were found, apparently the animals fled into the interior of the islands before the arrival of the waves.
Also the earthquake in Virginia (5.8 magnitude, 23.08.2011) was sensed by the animals at the Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park in Washington. Most animals reacted to the shakes by a general restlessness, but apparently apes climbed onto trees some minutes to seconds before the shakes were noted by the zoo staff.
The problem with this long (and far from exhaustive) list is that almost all these cases are anecdotes, reported after the earthquake and based on the subjective impression of what was considered at the time an unusual behaviour for an animal. Many anecdotes are also retold in the literature or in the web out of context. The evacuation of Haicheng was based mainly on a sequence of foreshocks that occurred months and days before the earthquake and the authorities had suspected for years that a larger earthquake could occur in a region with past strong earthquakes. The animals didn’t behaviour strange without lacking an apparent reason (and “foresee” an unexpected earthquake), but reacted to the continued and almost daily trembles and foreshocks.
“The plural of anecdote is not data“, however anecdotes can be used to formulate a hypothesis: are there environmental changes caused by tectonic tensions that could be detected by an organism?
さらに、西側文明にあっても、地震の前の数日或いは数時間前に不思議な挙動をする動物の話が、繰り返し語られてきた。イタリヤのFriaul(6.5のマグニチュード、1976年5月6日)地震では、1日前に、ハツカネズミが、空地や農地で走り回っていたという。また、家畜が落ち着きの無い挙動をした(ブログ管理人注:「動物は地震を予知する」、ヘルムート・トリブッチ著、渡辺正訳、朝日選書、1985 に詳細が書かれている)。2004年12月24日クリスマスに発生したスマトラ島沖に発した巨大地震および壊滅的な津波の後、野生動物の死骸は殆ど見つからなかった。動物は波の到着の前に島の内部へ逃げたとおもわれる。
It is almost sure that there exists no specific animal sense to detect an earthquake; Bora Zivkovic discusses the particular, however not paranormal, senses of animals on his “Observations“. It seems however reasonable to assume that animals show reactions to variations of their environment caused by an earthquake or the tectonic processes that can cause an earthquake.
There are two kinds of unusual animal behaviour reported in the literature: Short time reactions, minutes or seconds before the earthquake, and long term reactions, days to weeks before the event.
Various physical phenomena were proposed to explain why animals react to incoming seismic waves some moments before humans do.
- Many animals can perceive infrasound that propagates much faster in the air (330m/s) than a Tsunami (200m/s). This could explain why animals apparently fled from the approaching Tsunami in 2004. Low-frequency sound waves and vibrations from weak foreshocks can be felt by animals like elephants or birds, fracturing rocks generate high frequency sounds that could be heard by rodents
- 多くの動物は、津波(200m/s)より早く大気(330m/s)を伝わる超低周波不可聴音(音波)を知覚することができる。これは明らかに、なぜ動物が2004年の巨大地震の際、接近する津波から逃れることができたかを説明している。小さな前震から生ずる低周波音波および振動は象または鳥のような動物によって感じられ、岩盤破壊で生ずる高周波音波は、げっ歯動物によって感知されるのだろう。
- An earthquake is composed of various types of seismic waves. P(rimary)-waves travel 1,7x faster than the more destructive S(econdary)-waves. Similar to infrasound waves and tsunami waves, this relative difference in velocity could explain the apparent reactions of animals some moments before the stronger S-waves arrive.
Explaining long term reactions is much more difficult.
-Fishes, birds and other animals can detect changes in the electric or magnetic field and accumulating tensions building up in the crust could also affect the local fields, however in case of magnetic variations this effect is very weak.
- Snakes and some insects can detect thermal variations based on their infrared vision. The physicist Friedemann Freund demonstrated in 1993 that rocks under tension emit infrared radiation and infrared anomalies were also recorded by the NASA Terra satellite before the magnitude 7.9 Bhuj earthquake (India) January 21, 2001. Maybe snakes can “see” the accumulating stress applied to rocks by telluric movements.
- 地震は様々なタイプの地震波からなっている。P(rimary) 波 はより破壊的なS(econdary)より1.7倍速い速度で伝わる。超低周波不可聴音波および津波と同様、二つの波の速度の違いで、より強いS波の到達前に動物たちは弱いP波 を感知できる。
- 魚、鳥および他の動物は、電磁場の変化を検知するのではないか、そして、地殻内に蓄積する応力が局地的に電磁場の変化をもたらすと考えられる。しかしこの場合の変化は非常に小さい。
- ヘビおよび昆虫は赤外線領域での熱の変化を検知することができる。
- Based on these observations in the last years also an “Electrical Field Hypothesis” was proposed. In a first version of this idea the accumulating tectonic tensions cause a current of electric charges in the rocks due the piezoelectric effects of minerals like Quartz. However as noted by Andrew Alden on a discussion on “Earthquake Lights“ (caused supposedly by such electric fields) the generated voltage is negligible.
The “p-Hole Theory“, also formulate by Freund, assumes that negative charged oxygen ions are removed from the respective position in the structure of a mineral, a positive charged “hole” remains in the crystal. These holes migrate to the surface of the mineral grain and can ionize other atoms, which are released into the atmosphere or the groundwater. GRANT et al. 2011 use this mechanism to explain the supposed disappearance of mating toads some days before the earthquake in L’Aquila on April 6, 2009 (the news based on GRANT et al 2010 about “earthquake predicting frogs” became very popular in the media). The paper proposes that charged ions modified the water chemistry of the aquifer and springs of the area and that the toads reacted to these variations in their usual environment. After the earthquake and release of the tectonic tensions also the ionization effect of the rocks disappeared, bringing the water chemistry back to normal levels.
- 上記の観察に基づき「電界仮説」が提案された。
Fig.3. The observations of GRANT et al. in spring 2009 (click on figure to enlarge) at the reservoir of San Ruffino (some km distant from the later epicentre of the earthquake of L’Aquila April 6, 2009). The research focused on the mating behaviour of toads (Bufo bufo). Some days before and after the earthquake the number of observed male toads decreased apparently without a specific reason.
The upper line shows disturbances in radio signals, caused by interferences in the ionosphere. According to the proposed scenario the accumulation of positive charges on the ground due tectonic tensions influenced the ionosphere and therefore can be used as a proxy of the release of ions into the environment of the toads. In the end the toads reacted to chemical changes caused by these ions.
Fig.3。GRANTらについての観察、サンRuffino貯水池(2009年4月6日のラクイラ地震震央から数kmはなれた場所) 。研究はヒキガエル(Bufo bufo)カップルの振る舞いに注目していた。ラクイラ地震の前後数日に、オス・ヒキガエルの数が特定の理由なしで減少したことが観察された(下段の黒の折れ線、赤棒は地震)。上の線(オレンジ色の折れ線)は電離層の干渉によるラディオ波信号中の擾乱をしめす(地震前に大きな擾乱が繰り返されている)。研究者の説明するところによれば、テクトニック応力によって蓄積された地中の正電荷が電離層に影響を与える。それが、ヒキガエルの周囲環境へのイオンの放出になった。かくして、ヒキガエルはこれらのイオンによって引き起こされた化学変化に反応した。と、いうわけである。
It is important to note that these are all plausible, but hypothetical mechanisms. It is almost impossible to test the behaviour of an organism for a not foreseeable event like an earthquake. Animals in the wild or the zoo could react to other environmental factors, when coincidentally an earthquake occurs. The rare observations of animals in a laboratory during an earthquake show contradictory results, sometimes behaviour interpreted as unusual was observed, in other cases nothing happened or the supposed reactions were exact the opposite than recorded by other researchers.
We can assume that some animals are influenced by environmental changes that can occur before an earthquake; however our understanding of such possible precursor effects and how organisms react to them is still limited. As long as this gap exists the unusual behavior of animals alone can not be used to evaluate an increased earthquake risk.
