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(回答先: radical reactor(2)[ nature 2012.12.5] 投稿者 脳天気な 日時 2013 年 1 月 13 日 19:27:10)

+++++完璧な原子炉(3、nature 12.21.2012号)
%%%%% nature 2012.12.5 号記事転載(2)
Molten-salt reactors (溶融塩炉)
The great virtue of solid reactor fuel is its predictable geometry. The great drawback is its complexity. The intensity of neutron bombardment, the distribution of fission products, the radiation damage to the fuel's crystalline structure: everything varies from point to point. This is a constant headache for designers trying to ensure that the reactor operation is stable — and trying to convince regulators that even the worst meltdown won't allow any part of the fuel to collapse into a critical mass.
But all these concerns go away when the fuel is already a liquid — one major reason why Oak Ridge wanted to develop the molten-salt reactor back in the 1960s. 'Molten-salt' refers to the fuel, usually uranium tetrafluoride, which is liquid at operating temperatures when blended with 'FLiBe': a mixture of lithium fluoride and beryllium fluoride that serves as a coolant. “It's a pot — a big, dumb, pot,” says Forsberg. “You throw fuel in, it's mixed, and the overall composition changes not at all.”
Liquid fuel has another big advantage, says Sorensen: “You don't have to remove it from the reactor until it's completely consumed.” Instead, the fuel is circulated through an external recycling unit that extracts the fission products continuously, keeping the fuel from being poisoned. The design also allows for an elegant approach to safety, says Sorensen: at the bottom of the reactor is a hole, plugged with a chunk of fuel that is kept solid by a refrigeration unit. If the reactor loses power in an emergency, the refrigeration will cease, the plug will melt and the fuel will safely drain into underground holding tanks. Finally, the molten-salt design can accommodate a variety of fuels, ranging from conventional uranium to raw nuclear waste or thorium — an element that is roughly three times more abundant than uranium.
For all of that, reviving the molten-salt reactor after a four-decade hiatus is a daunting task. “We have to rebuild a knowledge base that has largely gone away,” says Sorensen. He founded Flibe Energy to try, though. The company is developing a 40-megawatt reactor that might be used on military bases so that they can operate independently of the grid.
40年間もの中断の後での溶融塩炉の復活はやる気をなくさせる。「大部分失われた知識ベースを再建しなければならない」とSorensenは言う。しかしながら、彼は、試みるべきFlibe Energyを設立した。その会社は、それらがグリッドと無関係に作動することができるように、軍事利用40メガワットの原子炉を開発している。
Solid chance (具体的機会)
In September 2011, Forsberg, Peterson, MIT's Lin-wen Hu and Todd Allen, a nuclear engineer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, became principal investigators on a 3-year, DOE-funded project that could be a step on the way to the molten-salt reactor: a FLiBe-cooled high-temperature reactor. “No one has ever built a salt-cooled solid-fuel reactor,” says Peterson. But if the project works, the reactor core could be four to five times smaller than those in other designs and, because of the stability of the FLiBe salt, it would “always be hundreds of degrees below the failure limits”, he says.
Peterson says that the company could have a test reactor within a decade, although “that assumes abundant resources”. That is a big assumption: the global economic crisis has made financing for all advanced reactors much harder to come by. Furthermore, notes Corradini, pointing to the sudden abundance of shale gas in the United States, “cheap fossil fuels have postponed many of the clean-energy projects in the United States, not just nuclear”.
2011年9月に、Forsberg, Peterson, MIT's Lin-wen Hu and Todd Allen, a nuclear engineer at the University of Wisconsin-Madisonは、DOE資金による溶融塩炉指向プロジェクトの3年間上の主任調査官になった:FLiBe冷却高温原子炉である。「誰も塩化物冷却固体燃料原子炉を構築したことはない」と、ピーターソンは言う。プロジェクトが旨く稼動すると、炉芯は他の仕様に比べて四-五倍小さくなる。そして、およびFLiBe塩の安定性のために「常に破損限度の数百度以下となる」と、彼は言う。ピーターソンは、「それは豊富な資源を仮定する」が、会社は10年間の内に試験炉を持つことができるだろう」と言う。それは大きな仮定だ:
Paul Genoa, director of policy development for the Nuclear Energy Institute trade group in Washington DC, takes the long view. “We did the light-water reactors first, to get going,” he says. Next, in the 2020s, will come advanced light-water reactors for increased safety, followed closely by high-temperature reactors that expand the attack on carbon emissions. “And then we build fast reactors to consume the waste.”
Molten-salt reactors are something of a wild card, says Genoa, but are worth developing. Some even wilder cards are under investigation: one notable example is the accelerator-driven reactor, which would drive fission reactions using neutrons from a high-energy particle accelerator. It could be fuelled with thorium, and shut down instantly by switching off the accelerator.
But will nuclear energy really evolve? Those in the field see reason for optimism, particularly if the increasingly tangible consequences of climate change force governments to put a price on carbon. Even the Fukushima disaster could ultimately spur new nuclear technologies, says Genoa. “It scared people and made them concerned about nuclear energy,” he says. But as people looked more closely, “they said, 'Hey, those were 30-year-old plants'”. In time, he says, smart, new reactors will look a whole lot more appealing.
Paul Genoa( director of policy development for the Nuclear Energy Institute trade group in Washington DC)は、長期的展望している。「我々は一歩すすむべく軽水炉を最初に行った」と彼は言う。まずは、炭素放射を抑制する高温原子炉、そしてすぐ後の、2020年代に、安全性を高めたハイテク軽水炉になるだろう。「そして、その後、私たちは、使用済み燃料を燃やす高速炉を構築する。」
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