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Title: Radiation Scans
Uploaded by: lil3breezy
Date Uploaded: on Jan 28, 2012
h/t Fairewinds Energy Education
Description: During our 2011 deployment on the USS Ronald Reagan, we went through a radiation plume after heading to help out Japan after the earthquake/tsunami. This is what we had to go through every time we came back off the flight deck. This was the only entry point from the flight deck.
*Not Safe For Work*
At :05 in
“This is what happens when you’re exposed to massive amounts of radiation.”
At 2:10 in
(Radiation detectors beeping loudly) “This is crazy… Oh shit can you hear it?”
At 2:45 in
“This is kind of crazy. When in your life will you ever get to do this shit again besides a nuclear holocaust?”
“We’re dying and we’re taking videos of it.”
At 4:45 in
“Hey put that camera away.” (Video Ends)
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