130. 2012年5月29日 03:02:41
: Mnxczxr6Dw
「英語を読めること」だけを自慢していたバカが、自称ケーザイ学者で本職は「煽りチンドン屋」の 池沼信夫がどっかから引っぱってきたアメリカのチンドン屋の記事を自慢げに さらしていたけど、そういうバカをつぶす「毒消し」を貼っておきますよ〜。(笑) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The Institute of Science in Society Science Society Sustainability http://www.i-sis.org.uk
This article can be found on the I-SIS website at http://www.i-sis.org.uk/Bystander_Effects_Multiply_Dose.php ======================================================== ISIS Report 28/05/12 Bystander Effects Multiply Dose & Harm from Ionizing Radiation ############################################################## Effects of radiation felt by non-radiated neighbouring cells prompt a rethink of radiation risk, radiotherapy and radioprotection. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho Low dose big effects Linear dose response relationships are routinely used in risk assessments of exposure to environmental hazards, and ionizing radiation is no exception. Typically, effects at high doses that kill cells, cause gene mutations and cancers, are back extrapolated to obtain an exposure limit at which the harm caused is considered miniscule or acceptable in view of the benefits gained. Ionizing radiation was widely believed to cause mutations by directly breaking the bonds of DNA molecules in the nucleus. In the early 1990s, Hatsumi Nagasawa and John Little at Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, discovered, to their surprise, that while a linear relationship applies to high doses of a-radiation (from 5cGy to 1.2 Gy, where cGy = 10-2Gy) (see Box), a much enhanced effect was obtained at very low doses of 0.03 cGy to 0. 25 cGy, when 30 to 45 % of the cells in a population of Chinese hamster cells exhibited sister chromatid exchange (SCE involving double- stranded DNA breaks). At that low dose of radiation, only 0.07 to 0.6 % of the nuclei should have been directly hit by an alpha-particle. Yet the frequency of SCE rose rapidly at very low doses reaching a plateau below 1 cGy, after which no further increase occurred with increasing dose, though a decline occurred at higher doses. That was the first indication that damaging signals may be transmitted from irradiated to neighbouring non-irradiated cells in a population, and they called it “the bystander effect” [1]. In another experiment they looked at mutation frequency of a specific enzyme, and found the same enhanced effect at very low dose. At the lowest dose of 0.83 cGy, the efficiency with which the alpha-particle can induce a mutation increases nearly five-fold; the mutation frequency was the same as that due a dose 100 times as great (0.83 Gy). Using the then newly developed microbeam of very low dose alpha particles to target individual cells, researchers at Columbia University, New York, showed that hitting the cytoplasm was sufficient to induce mutation in the nucleus [3]. They commented that low dose radiation is all the more dangerous because it does not kill the targeted cell, but allows its influence to spread widely to adjacent cells, thus multiplying the radiation effect (about 100 fold). Absorbed dose, equivalent dose and effect dose Radioactivity is measured physically as Curies (1 Ci = 3.7 x1010 disintegrations per second). But that does not take account of the energy of different kinds of radiation and their interaction with biological tissues. The absorbed dose, Gray (Gy) is equal to and energy of 1 Joule/ kg absorbed. The equivalent dose Sievert (Si), is weighted by biological potency of different kinds of radiation (1 for g-rays, b-particles, and X-rays, 20 for a-particles and 10 for neutrons). The effective dose also in Sievert takes into account the sensitivities of different tissues, applying weighting factors derived from previous epidemiological studies of radio-induced cancers. Thus, lots of judgements are used in arriving at the effective dose, based on a model of linear energy transfer (and linear dose response relationship) that has proven inapplicable for cells and organisms. Bystander effects now abundantly confirmed Since then, a wide range of bystander effects in cells not directly exposed to ionizing radiation have been found, which are the same as or similar to those in the cells that were exposed [4], including cell death and chromosomal instability. Actually, radiation induced bystander effects have been described as far back as 1954, when factors that cause damage to chromosomes could be detected in the blood of irradiated patients. Carmel Mothersill and Colin Seymour at McMaster University published a key paper in 1997 showing that filtered medium from irradiated human epithelial cells can reduce the survival of unirradiated cells, suggesting that soluble factors produced by the irradiated cells were involved in the bystander effects [5]. Indeed, serum from cancer patients treated with radiotherapy also causes cell death and chromosomal instability in unexposed cells in culture, and this has been shown as far back as 1968 [6]. In 2001, researchers at Columbia University, New York used microbeams to target single cells with exactly defined numbers of a-particles. They found that hitting 10 % of the cells induced the same frequency of cancerous transformation as when every cell in the dish was targeted [7]. More recently, bystander DNA double-strand breaks were induced in a three- dimensional human tissue culture that is closer to in vivo conditions. The results obtained by the team led by Olga Sedelnikova at the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, were much more dramatic. In marked contrast to cultured cells in two-dimensions where maximal DSB occurred 30 minutes after irradiation, the incidence of DSBs in bystander cells reached a maximum between 12 to 48 hours after irradiation, gradually decreasing only over 7 days. At the maximum, 40 to 60 % of cells were affected [8]. These increases in bystander DSBs were followed by increased apoptosis and micronucleus formation, loss of nuclear DNA methylation and increased fractions of senescent cells. The authors commented that treatment of primary tumours with radiation therapy frequently results in the growth of a secondary malignancy of the same or different origin. They raised the question on whether bystander effects could introduce negative complications in radiation therapy, such as genomic instability in normal tissues. They concluded that induced senescence might be a protective mechanism. On the other hand, failure of these protective pathways can lead to the appearance of proliferating, damaged cells and to an increased probability of oncogenic transformation. New research from the University of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania throws further light on the implications of bystander effects for radiotherapy. It is customary for patients receiving bone-marrow transplant to undergo whole body irradiation to kill the bone marrow cells of the host so as to encourage repopulation by transplanted cells. The researcher found that irradiated mouse recipients significantly impaired the long-term repopulating ability of transplanted mouse haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) 17 hours after exposure to irradiated hosts, and before the cells began to divide. There was an increase in acute cell death associated with accelerated proliferation of the bystander HSCs. The effect was marked by a dramatic down-regulation of c-Kit (a proto-oncogene), apparently because of elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS). Administration of an antioxidant chemical or ectopically over-expression of a ROS scavenging enzyme catalase improved the function of transplanted HSCs in the irradiated hosts [9]. This obviously has implications for protecting patients during radiotherapy as well as those receiving bone-marrow transplant. Read the rest of this report on the ISIS website http://www.i-sis.org.uk/Bystander_Effects_Multiply_Dose.php Or read other ISIS reports on science and energy http://www.i-sis.org.uk/scienergy.php ======================================================== This article can be found on the I-SIS website at http://www.i-sis.org.uk/Bystander_Effects_Multiply_Dose.php ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━