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〔ENEニュース〕◇ フクイチ 溶融燃料取り出し「直接適用できるテクノロジー、存在せず」 世界的な廃炉ビジネス・リーダーのES社の社長が明言
2012-05-03 机の上の空 大沼安史の個人新聞
World Leader in Decommissioning Reactors: “There is no technology which may be directly applied” at Fukushima
→ (◇は大沼)
◇ 原発廃炉ビジネスの世界的なリーダー、エナージソリューション(ES社=本社・米国ソルトレイクシティー)のマーク・モラン社長はこのほど電気新聞のインタビューに応じ、最も困難なフクイチの「メルトスルー核燃料」の取り出しについて、「直接、適用できるテクノロジーは、ない」と言明した。
Concerning the extraction of fuel debris, which is considered the most challenging process, “There is no technology which may be directly applied,” said Morant. He added, however, that knowledge concerning the extraction of damaged fuel, which was obtained through the use of research reactors, and remote underwater cutting technology, as used for the Zion nuclear power station in the United States, may be applied to some extent.
◎ ソース The Denki Shimbun (電気新聞・英語版)→
◇ EnergySolutions ホームページ 報道発表 →
Salt Lake City, Utah, – March 14, 2012 – EnergySolutions (NYSE:ES) has been selected by Toshiba Corporation (Toshiba) as the technology provider for the clean-up of the large volume of radioactively contaminated water at the damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant. Toshiba has previously been selected as a preferred bidder for the work by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the owner of the plant, and EnergySolutions will now support Toshiba in designing and installing the system to decontaminate the water down to levels satisfying the strict safety limits announced by the Japanese Government, which represent a world-leading standard of clean-up.
Posted by 大沼安史 at 02:50 午後
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