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フクイチは地震で壊れていた! 北欧研究チームが解明! チェルノブイリ超えのキセノン133 地震直後から放出!
Wednesday10 26
フクイチは地震で壊れていた! 北欧研究チームが解明! チェルノブイリ超えのキセノン133 地震直後から放出! ● セシウム137放出 4号機プールの使用済み核燃料が重要な役割 放出量 日本政府「発表」のほぼ2倍
権威ある科学誌「ネイチャー」(電子版)に、ノルウェー大気研究所のアンドリアス・ストール(Andreas Stohl)氏率いる研究チームによる「フクシマ事故」の解析結果を紹介する記事が掲載された。→
ストール氏やスウェーデン国立防衛研究所のラール・エリク・デ・ギーア氏(Lars-Erik De Geer)らが「大気化学物理学」誌に、ピーアレビューのためオンラインで発表した論文を紹介した。
それによると、「フクイチ」からのセシウム137の放出量は、日本政府の公式発表のほぼ倍にあたる、3.5 × 10・16 (10の16乗)Bqに 達していた。これはチェルノビリのセシウム137放出の半分に相当する。
The new model shows that Fukushima released 3.5 × 10・16 Bq caesium-137, roughly twice the official government figure, and half the release from Chernobyl.
The new analysis also claims that the spent fuel being stored in the unit 4 pool emitted copious quantities of caesium-137. Japanese officials have maintained that virtually no radioactivity leaked from the pool. Yet Stohl's model clearly shows that dousing the pool with water caused the plant's caesium-137 emissions to drop markedly (see 'Radiation crisis'). The finding implies that much of the fallout could have been prevented by flooding the pool earlier.
ストール氏らはまた、希ガスのキセノン133について、フクイチから 、ほぼ1.7 × 10・19 Bqもが放出されたと算出した。 これはチェルノブイリの1.4 × 10・19 Bq を大きく上回る。
The new study challenges those numbers. On the basis of its reconstructions, the team claims that the accident released around 1.7 × 10・19 Bq of xenon-133, greater than the estimated total radioactive release of 1.4 × 10・19 Bq from Chernobyl. The fact that three reactors exploded in the Fukushima accident accounts for the huge xenon tally, says De Geer.
The latest analysis also presents evidence that xenon-133 began to vent from Fukushima Daiichi immediately after the quake, and before the tsunami swamped the area. This implies that even without the devastating flood, the earthquake alone was sufficient to cause damage at the plant.
The model also shows that the accident could easily have had a much more devastating impact on the people of Tokyo. In the first days after the accident the wind was blowing out to sea, but on the afternoon of 14 March it turned back towards shore, bringing clouds of radioactive caesium-137 over a huge swathe of the country . Where precipitation fell, along the country's central mountain ranges and to the northwest of the plant, higher levels of radioactivity were later recorded in the soil; thankfully, the capital and other densely populated areas had dry weather. "There was a period when quite a high concentration went over Tokyo, but it didn't rain," says Stohl. "It could have been much worse."
◎ 「Noriyuki Tamori」氏のツイッター情報(東海アマ管理人氏経由)
Posted by 大沼安史 at 10:40 午前 | Permalink | トラックバック
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