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シリア各地で少なくとも32人死亡、人権団体  AFP
投稿者 ダイナモ 日時 2012 年 3 月 10 日 12:15:00: mY9T/8MdR98ug

【3月10日 AFP】人権団体「シリア人権監視団(Syrian Observatory for Human Rights)」によると、シリア各地で9日、政府軍の攻撃を受け少なくとも市民32人が殺害された。シリア各地では金曜礼拝の後、数万人規模の市民がデモに参加していた。

 このうち13人は北西部イドリブ(Idlib)の村で殺害された。イドリブには今週に入り、部隊や戦車が攻め入っている。シリア人権監視団のラミ・アブドル・ラーマン(Rami Abdel Rahman)代表は、拘束された市民もおり、中には女性も含まれていると説明した。


 政府軍はイドリブで軍隊を増強しており、イドリブが、1か月間の激しい砲撃の後、3月1日に制圧されたホムスのババアムル(Baba Amr)地区と同じ運命をたどるのでは、との懸念が高まっている。(c)AFP





01. 2012年3月10日 22:01:50 : aQq0UGoaxY
Wikileaks document reveals: US-led NATO troops operate inside Syria

A document released by the WikiLeaks website has revealed that undercover US-led NATO forces are operating inside Syria against the Syrian government.

WikiLeaks released a confidential email from an analyst working for the US-based intelligence firm Stratfor, in which he claims to have attended a meeting in the Pentagon with several NATO officials from France and Britain in December last year. ......







02. 2012年3月10日 22:09:56 : d07iybJkXA


<< 作成日時 : 2012/03/10 10:46






(注:シリア発の最近の記事は、作戦全体に米国およびNATOが関与しており、対シリア作戦本部がカタールのドーハにあると何度も指摘している。シリア紙は、2 Hamadsという表現を多用するので、武装集団と会話したカタールの指導者とは、ハマド首長とハマド首相兼外相を指していると思われる。)












The Syrian Army has won against its western and Arab enemies in terms of military and intelligence
Wednesday, 07 March, 2012
(http://www.athabat.net/) http://goo.gl/gwlev

News, which talks about the arrest of dozens of foreigners of different nationalities: French, British, and the Gulf in Homs, particularly in the Baba Amru, many, in addition to the confiscation of weapons is very high quality, one of the U.S. industries and Israeli and Western ..

In the proceedings of the developments, the course of aggressive wide on Syria, entered the dilemmas large and began to reflect confusion and undermine the alliance U.S. - West, and accessories of Turkey and the Gulf, which is reflected in the Western press, which forced the facts to the field and run them from information about the success of Syria in the overall approach in the face of terrorist groups, including armed or media, whether through continued reform and the escalation of operations, or through qualitative military resolution to talk about many details.

In this regard, an expert on Syrian military explains the phase of military and security experienced by Syria, which constitute the Baba Amru and discount them, one of the stages, he said according to The Persistence: "War does not scare Syria in any way, but frighten cowards only, and they do not exist in Syria, as Syria was able to absorb the shock phase through solid resistance, is able to move to stage the attack, and constipation lead to war at the moment as it deems appropriate to serve the national interest. "

The reports received so far reveal the facts about intelligence to address global war on Syria amazing strength and ability and skill extremely, especially in Baba Amru, where there are many questions posed by the Syrian street about whether this battle the beginning or end of the global war .. On the delayed military resolution and a slowdown in the implementation of offensive operations for terrorists and mercenaries, some felt that the size of the gunmen are not worth the delay, and that the case just a rebellion can be eliminated within hours, while strategists saw the calm Syrian Arab Army, and dealing with the subject as a major real war, hides a lot of subtleties that prove that the Syrian military forces on the treasures of the information, confirm the involvement of great powers directly in the preparation for military action model of the global war.

The paper says the competent Syrian agency obtained data about the presence of operation center in the region of Homs, supervised directly by the leaders of Western military of the United States and France, directly linked to one of the U.S. military satellites, which monitors the movement in the area since 2008, and continues directly to all moves of the Syrian army, as well as they relate to the French MX3 satellite, which was launched in 2009, and put its path in the orbit can track every movement in the central region in Syria and Lebanon.

Hostilities of mercenaries, and a lot of coordination between the very terrorist groups, revealed the plans of murder and destruction, sabotage, assassinations, and that means being subject to central management shall make decisions alone.

Operations of the security control of the border confirmed a very sophisticated smuggled weapons can be used only by specialists, certainly do not belong to Istanbul mercenaries or al Qaeda terrorists, because they do not have scientific training and experience necessary to do so.

The paper adds: In the past few months have seized large numbers of western infiltraters, ranking various military, holding high specialized degrees, and saw the Homs event a significant security by more than ten days, brought us back in memory to the last days of the fall of the Shah of Iran, where U.S. forces, and after it is confirmed from the fall of the Shah, to destroy all spy agencies erected toward the Soviet Union, and what happened in Homs almost corresponds with that process, but the CIA did not gain access to the region, and to deal freely with the wiretapping and electronic control equipment that had been sent to Baba Amru, sent electronic reconnaissance planes in high altitudes, and implemented a process through which a large infusion of viruses in the form of information to the information centers of electronic equipment, in order to destroy or encrypt.

Syrian challenge

Syria's military leadership did not omit such a possibility, so developed the electromagnetic barrier above the centers of equipment in the Baba Amru, prevents the exchange of information between them and the outside, and thus prevented the electronic reconnaissance plane from carrying out its mission, but was able to connect by telephone with the leaders of foreign operations, the Syrian leadership did not object to these contacts, but has recorded, for the detection of identity and legibility, with connection settings between the Qatari official and a senior operational command in Baba Amr, this connection was confirmed by failure of the aggressive project against Syria, and found that the focus was on the following:

- Prevention of the fall of the control center at the hand of the Syrian forces at all costs.

- The destruction of all existing weapons depots under the control center in the region.

After the spy electronic plane failed to destruct data, the Syrian forces infiltrated into them only to discover that it contains a huge amount of information that describes the size of the external interventions, as has been the discovery of a broad range of secrets that pose a threat to the U.S. administration and its military command and intelligence, as well as a danger for the NATO forces.

After the flag of the Zionist entity to the discovery of the Syrian leadership's armories that were sent from abroad, for the detailed components, allowing for "Maariv" newspaper to publish information about them, and throw the ball on the pitch of Qatar, noting that Qatar imported from "Israel" 750 tons of weapons, and that Qatar gave these weapons to the Syrian opposition, and "Maariv" denounced by using the tongue of a number of Israelis, because it means that, for them, that Syria is fighting, having seized control of it.

What happened confirms two things cannot be overlooked from them:

First, the scandal in the U.S. region has become almost certain, pulling all the agents and lackeys, through documents that are available to the Syrian leadership

Second, that all the forces of terrorism, including mercenaries and armed Syrians and "Blackwater", came under the crossfire in the Syrian Arab Army, which can destroy them at any time, and this means that there is no bet on the floor or on the inside anymore.

In general, if NATO is unable to pay the bills of the war, the process of Baba Amru is the end of world war.

In the information, an immigrant of Hungarian Jewish origin; Nicolas Sarkozy, who occupies the seat of head of state of France, in a very awkward position, in front of what is revealed about the involvement of French in the war directly to Syria, especially information that confirmed the arrest of two French officers, whether of intelligence or expert field, one hand, it cannot be made public, but under the table trying to find a way out of this issue, it also cannot ignore it as if it was not.

In this regard, learned that the messages and Syria reached Sarkozy, invites him to admit it publicly, and then the Syrian authorities can considers prisoners of war, and apply them the Geneva Conventions international, but if it does not, will be charged for them as war criminals and murderers, killed civilians and Syrian military, and vandalized facilities, public and private, and have formed gangs armed terrorist, and thus implement those sanctions against Syria, and is the death penalty, making the Elysee friendly Korsé in a state of confusion, especially since the presidential election has become on the doors, and the Jewish Hungarian, began to sensitive Since his neck now that it has a lot a lot of moral and political scandals .. And financial, which he described one interested to regard the French as Shylock comparable scandals in the story of "The Merchant of Venice."



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