02. 2012年2月28日 10:40:38
: DcxDg6lzRM
EUがSNCを正式承認 シリア問題> (表題は、一番下↓の記事) 米国が何をやってもダマスカスが倒れない理由を、レバノン紙が分析しているが、中でもロシア・中国の拒否権行使を強調している。・・・重要な部分で、読みを間違えた。 لهذه الأسباب تتردد واشنطن ولا تسقُط دمشق By Tarek Tarshishi - Al Joumhouriya Feb 26, 2012 - 9:34:59 AM http://aljoumhouria.com/articles/view/31811/298/%D9%84%D9%87%D8%B0%D9%87%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%A8%20%D8%AA%D8%AA%D8%B1%D8%AF%D8%AF%20%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%B4%D9%86%D8%B7%D9%86%20%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A7%20%D8%AA%D8%B3%D9%82%D9%8F%D8%B7%20%D8%AF%D9%85%D8%B4%D9%82.html http://backupurl.com/g13ygr 対シリア作戦立案者の言い訳を聞いているよう。米国の中東研究のレベルの低さを露呈した。米国・欧州に学ぶものなし。一番大きな勘違いは、シリアの政界と財界の間に距離があり、少し経済制裁すれば割れると思っていた点でしょうね。 Why Damascus remains eerily calm By Bilal Y. Saab - Special to CNN http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/18/why-damascus-remains-eerily-calm/ http://backupurl.com/zj9dny チュニジアでの「シリアの友人会議」の結果を見て、SNCなど反政府活動家は「世界が我々を見捨てた」と落胆。 Syrian activists after Tunisia meeting: The world has abandoned us By msnbc.com news services Feb 25, 2012 - 8:22:40 AM http://www.lebanese-forces.org/regional/Syrian-activists-after-Tunisia-meeting-The-world-has-abandoned-us1005828.shtml http://backupurl.com/mk5kvc SNCで内紛、崩壊寸前。話のレベルが低すぎて、メモする気も起きない。 http://www.aksalser.com/index.php?page=view_news&id=9defa977b461239aa85d39209108888d&ar=119525530 http://www.shukumaku.com/Content.php?id=42468 http://backupurl.com/67jmgd シリア軍が分裂する前に、SNCが分裂した(笑)。 http://www.aksalser.com/index.php?page=view_news&id=7d04f0146aa17ff7bebd67af5a408b02&ar=115157573 ガリユーン議長の任期を3ヶ月延長(少し古い記事) http://www.aksalser.com/index.php?page=view_news&id=5ceb6620862ed59de532a0eb78f71fc2&ar=774043074 米欧は、SNCの分裂が恐くて応援できない(少し古い記事) http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Analysis/2012/Feb-17/163667-syria-oppositions-snc-seeks-backers-but-lacks-leaders.ashx EUが、SNCを正当なシリア人の代表として承認。
・・・このままではSNCが崩壊するから、支援するからもう少しがんばれ、と背中を押した形。SNCを武装させろという記事も、いくつか上がってきている。 普通は裏の世界でやることを、国際法と国内法を無視して、ここまで露骨にテロ支援し出すと、褒めたくても褒めるのが難しい。どこまでやるんでしょうか。一番覚悟しなければならないのは、イスラエルでしょう。 EU ministers recognise Syrian National Council as legitimate representatives 2012.02.27 http://www.thejournal.ie/eu-ministers-recognise-syrian-national-council-as-legitimate-representatives-367277-Feb2012/ THE EUROPEAN UNION'S foreign ministers have formally recognised the Syrian National Council as a legitimate representative of the people, as they agreed a series of new trade sanctions against the Syrian government and some of its ministers. At their summit in Brussels this morning, ministers agreed to freeze the assets of the Syrian central bank within the EU, with similar freezes for the assets of seven members of the government who are associated with the alleged human rights violations. Those seven ministers – who have not been named – will also be subject to a visa ban. The EU has also banned transactions of gold and other precious metals, and cargo flights operated by Syrian carriers. In a joint statement, the ministers said they held "strong concerns for the deteriorating living conditions of the civilian Syrian people in the areas affected by the unrest". The Syrian authorities must immediately alleviate the suffering of the population, respect and protect the wounded and sick, guarantee unhindered access to the medical care without any discrimination or reprisal and refrain from intimidation of those providing medical assistance. The ministers called on Syria to respect the impartiality of humanitarian aid staff who are trying to gain access to the country, and condemned "the illegal attacks against medical staff and installations carrying the symbols of the Red Crescent." They further added that they supported the opposition in its fight to oust Bashar Assad, and that the EU recognised the Syrian National Council as a legitimate representative of the Syrians seeking peaceful democratic change". The EU's foreign affairs chief, Catherine Ashton, said the moves would "put further pressure on those who are responsible for the ruthless campaign of repression in Syria". "The measures target the regime and its ability to conduct the appalling violence against civilians. As long as the repression continues, the EU will keep imposing sanctions." http://hibikan.at.webry.info/201202/article_277.html ハマスは選択を間違えた。ドロ舟に乗るほうを選んだ。愚かなことだ。 |